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Fantasy Lost World RP


Picked Clean
A new world surrounds them everywhere. Almost nothing seems familiar, the flora, wildlife and even the land and sea itself. This is a mysterious place that no-one seemingly remembers how they got to; in fact most seem to remember close to nothing but the simplest of things. All that is certain is that they are here now, facing something they didn't even know existed in a true struggle to survive. (More info in the Overview tab)
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Shunubi lay still on his back upon the grey sanded beach, the sand being tangled quite heavily on the back and sides of his silver hair. He had been staring at the deep purple sky, accompanied only by a single red moon which hadn't seemed to move, for hours at a time since his mysterious arrival.

The lilac waters edged over the tips of his finger, but quickly retracting again; supposedly warning him of the incoming waters, but he still hadn't moved. Nothing had moved. He should have been engulfed by the incoming tide quite a while ago, but still here he is, untouched and surrounded by this lasting twilight. With a single deep breath, Shunubi finally released a portion of his thoughts from the bizarre time spent here relaxing "Wh...Why?"
Sapphire walked upon the sand, the moon glistening on her dark skin, a slight purse on her lips. She couldn't understand how and why she was on this, what seems, to be an island. she couldn't remember, no matter how hard she tried, she scratched her curly short hair, biting her cheek. She didn't like this feeling, this helpless feeling, she had sung to the sea, but there was no song in return, she was doomed, well that's what she initially thought. She slapped her cheeks, trying to bring hope and for her to see the positive side. She decided to call out for someone, to try again, to see if there was someone else.

"HELLO! ANY ONE OUT THERE" she yelled with all her might, she was a siren, but her voice was not that strong, as her age affected her abilities.
Shunubi raised his neck slowly from the dark sandy shore, as his ears perked slightly from what he thought was another voice. Supporting himself with one hand, the other raised towards his chin as his light green eyes scanned the misty shore around him; as if they could see far in this constant darkness. Was that a voice? It seems I might not be the only one stranded here... or perhaps it was an illusion, the mind creating a sense of comfort from the absence of a familiar noise after so long. Might I really be loosing my mind already? Slowly placing himself against one of the nearby rocks, he props himself into a relaxed position, and tilting his neck towards the blackened sky with a short sigh. "Maybe... worth one try."
She whined as there was no reply, was she truly all alone? She couldn't swim her way back home, again because of her age. She kicked up sand as she continued her walk, the wind whipping against her bare skin, she shivered it was awfully cold. She decided that it was best to sleep till sunrise, but before she attempted anything, she spotted a head among a groups of rocks, and a pair of legs. She stilled and for some reason held her breath in. She couldn't see there full body, she could barely see them at all due to the dark.

Is that truly another person? or is it a hallucination? what if there dead?! or worse a crazy maniac!?

She never thought of those possibilities till now, but she decided to be brave and suck it up.

"HEY! You! On the rocks!" She called, but made sure if this was a bad decision she would be able to make a run for it.
Sakura could hear a voice yelling. She ran towards it along the beach and could barely see when she tripped over the body of someone Laying among the rocks. "Ow!!" She muttered as she skinned her knees on the rocks. @RedRosesrp @Grimclaw
Sapphire stilled, as the mysterious newcomer appeared, and as it seems tripped over the possibly dead/maniac/nice person. She ran over to them, seeing as the person wasn't much of a danger as she originally thought. As she stood in front of them she could get a clear view of there faces, the person on the rocks was actually a boy, whom to sapphire seemed harmless. and the young girl was well, a tine young girl.

sapphire held her hand out to the girl, signifying she'd help her up, and had the biggest grin on her face, she was relieved she found people. She'd go insane if it was just her.

"I'm glad I found you two! man I was worried, I don't want to die alone you know?" she spoke, her voice eccentric and words quick.
RedRosesrp said:
Sapphire stilled, as the mysterious newcomer appeared, and as it seems tripped over the possibly dead/maniac/nice person. She ran over to them, seeing as the person wasn't much of a danger as she originally thought. As she stood in front of them she could get a clear view of there faces, the person on the rocks was actually a boy, whom to sapphire seemed harmless. and the young girl was well, a tine young girl.
sapphire held her hand out to the girl, signifying she'd help her up, and had the biggest grin on her face, she was relieved she found people. She'd go insane if it was just her.

"I'm glad I found you two! man I was worried, I don't want to die alone you know?" she spoke, her voice eccentric and words quick.
Sakura took her hand and let her help her stand up. When she was up, she brushed herself off and started to inspect her wings. "My name is Sakura. It's nice to meet both of you. Oh no! My feather is bent..." Sakura was obviously distraught over the condition of her two oversized raven wings.
Sapphire blinked slightly, now noticing the wings, due to the dark it was hard to see. She's not a human? Sapphire was a siren, part of the mermaid family, but also was half human, as her skin held no scales, so she lived amongst humans most of the time, seeing another supernatural, well it was exciting! She grinned, having the urge to touch her wings, though resisted.

"I'm sapphire, but call me sapph, ya know! You have some beautiful wings! Are you a crow? a bird? Ah! I don't mean to be rude, I should be asking if your alright?" Her question all jumbled up, she tried to contain her excitement but her words flowed out.

she side glanced at the boy, is he also a supernatural?
Sakura looked at the girl, "Nice to meet you, Sapphire. And I am a shifter. I can take the shape of a raven but due to some weird quirk of my family, I keep my wings when in human form. And, to answer your last question, I am fine. But also very confused." The shifter girl spreads her wings to slightly show off. Her wing span is about 14 feet total.
Shunubi looked over to the voice, simply staring in a hesitant and partially confused demeanor; his lips partially open, his arms placed softly against the rocks behind him and his eyes still as they blinked in her direction. Another person? Perhaps it wasn't a illusion after all... or perhaps my mind has already decided to conjure up false company to prevent me from going mad. Intriguing... but I should play along if it is becoming that desperate. How to reply to an illusio- eh? Suddenly someone had tripped over him, and this time he felt the force as the winged lady made contact with his legs. Yep, that hurt. I don't think I'm deranged enough yet to imagine pain yet, if that's the case I- wings? Hm, I guess this is becoming more of an illusion again. Though... I can't argue with the illusions choice of looks. Shunubi slowly pulls out his note book, staring quietly at the two in conversation with a still stare before giving a light breath of nervousness "Hello."

@RedRosesrp @Nylana
Sapphire smiled at the girl, amazed of her race, a shifter? never seen one before! She then turned to the boy, who uttered a small hello. She inspected him, closely, he really did seem harmless, due to her being a siren she was always cautious of men, they were her prey after all. He had a notebook on him, Is he taking notes?

She gave a large grin and held out her hand to him, greeting him. As it seems people are scarce here, I should do my best to make friends.

"Glasses boy! Hello! Names sapph! If you didn't hear it already! Whatcha writing? uh no I mean-May I ask how ya'll got here?" her words, once again came out faster then she could process, she gave a uneasy smile, Maybe I'm talking to much? I feel like I'm talking to much. I'm asking to many dumb questions, this isn't how you make friends.
Shunubi lightly glances up from his page, looking curiously towards the extended hand. She certainly seems open. Odd for a complete stranger, but yet again it's only my own imagination after all, I think. Returning the pencil back towards his shirt pocket, he extends a finger in silence, attempting to poke the open hand while returning a single word "Amnesia."

@RedRosesrp @Nylana
She blinked rapidly, his odd gesture filled her with confusion, she slowly retracted her hand. How long was he on this island? He seems likes hes lost it! Oh god maybe he is a physco killer. To late to run now though, plus I'm bad at running, mostly anything with physical labor.

She sucked in her breath and took in his reply, amnesia? How would she get amnesia? Scenarios of her being hit by numerous things ran into her mind. This was very confusing, but exciting at the same time.

"ok, ok glasses boy! If we got amnesia, what we gonna do, ya know? I haven't traveled much as its dark, but have you? You seem to have a couple screw loose, you human? I mean are you somehow, possibly not human" she spoke waving her hands around, she wasn't sure what to ask, or how to ask. She was usually with humans, so concealing her identity and fish like ears was a daily routine.
RedRosesrp said:
Sapphire smiled at the girl, amazed of her race, a shifter? never seen one before! She then turned to the boy, who uttered a small hello. She inspected him, closely, he really did seem harmless, due to her being a siren she was always cautious of men, they were her prey after all. He had a notebook on him, Is he taking notes?
She gave a large grin and held out her hand to him, greeting him. As it seems people are scarce here, I should do my best to make friends.

"Glasses boy! Hello! Names sapph! If you didn't hear it already! Whatcha writing? uh no I mean-May I ask how ya'll got here?" her words, once again came out faster then she could process, she gave a uneasy smile, Maybe I'm talking to much? I feel like I'm talking to much. I'm asking to many dumb questions, this isn't how you make friends.
Grimclaw said:
Shunubi lightly glances up from his page, looking curiously towards the extended hand. She certainly seems open. Odd for a complete stranger, but yet again it's only my own imagination after all, I think. Returning the pencil back towards his shirt pocket, he extends a finger in silence, attempting to poke the open hand while returning a single word "Amnesia."
@RedRosesrp @Nylana
Sakura smiles down at the boy and offers her own hand. "My name is Sakura. What's yours?" She said in a sweet voice. The feathers of her black wings were once again arranged perfectly. She looked at Sapphire once again. "What are you?" Sakura asked with curiosity in her voice.
Leo was on top of an palm tree while reading a book seeing the shapeshifter, the siren, and the human. Leo slowly get's up closing his book and jumped on down to the sandy beach which he suddenly jump in front of the shapeshifter and the human "Whoa I should be careful next time" He said while stretching and looks at everyone with an plain face "Hello" He said while smiling at everyone

@Nylana @RedRosesrp @Grimclaw
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"oh i'm a siren!" she then jumped up slightly at the arrival of the new... human? What the hell? where did he come from? he a monkey or something?

She became tense, he seemed odd but in a sense they all did. Terrifying.

"Where did you come from?!" She asked surprised, this place is getting creepier and creepier.
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Shunubi rubs the end of his finger quickly with his thumb, staring at it for a slight moment. I felt something at the least, perhaps I'm not going as mad as I thought; yet. After a few moments of watching Sapph flail about he looks to reply "uh... o-" Suddenly interrupted by the new company of the shape shifter; he looks curiously towards her, having his eyes inspect the shape of her body with a blinking stare. "Human." Quickly reaching for his note book once again, he begins to have his pencil brought to use; though slowly peeking a gaze towards the new comer. A guy? My mind sure is playing strange tricks at this rate. Everything feels so real, but things like this... how could it be?

@RedRosesrp @Nylana @Pyka the Pikachu
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Leo glanced at the siren "From that palm tree from a few feet away from you" He said while pointing at the palm tree then looks and inspects everyone "Wow such interesting people I met today" He said in a joyful tone then he open his book and sit's on a rock and resume reading "So how's everyone doing?" He asked while he keeps reading his book, not looking at everyone.

@Grimclaw @RedRosesrp @Nylana
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Sakura blinks slowly at the new arrival, "Hi. Im Sakura. Who are you?" She looked at the boy with glasses and gently pulls him up to where he is standing. She looks around slowly. In the distance, she sees the beginnings of a forest or jungle area. Motioning to the trees, she looks at her new companions. "How about we go that way and try to find a town or something? We can't just sit around here out in the open." @RedRosesrp @Pyka the Pikachu @Grimclaw
Leo glanced at the shapeshifter "There's a town the way your pointing about 5 miles away from here, you can stay there at the inn there once you arrived" He said while he keeps reading and yawns

@Grimclaw @RedRosesrp @Nylana
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Sapphire was shocked at how the monkey boy reacted so calm, she was screaming internally, Her father was probably worried sick! Or maybe they all know something she didn't, she refrained from the thought. The monkey boy surprised when he spoke of a town, a town on an island. i haven't spotted smoke, or smelled food, how odd.

"This isn't good! Is it really a good idea to go? they could eat flesh off humans, I aint gonna die so young, ya know? Monkey boy you best be tellin the truth" Sapphire spoke feeling uneasy.
Shunubi continues to diligently have his pencil run across the surface of the page, keeping silent towards the new arrival. He seems so... cheery, for a place as wild as this. Perhaps he's from here. Though it could be mind tricks again. I wonder if I can fin- Suddenly the pull from the shifter takes him by surprise, raising him to his feet with a quick look of surprise on his face; and a light blush of embarrassment. She's strong, and probably the first girl to touch me with it being a slap. Heh, maybe these illusions aren't so bad.

@RedRosesrp @Nylana @Pyka the Pikachu
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Sakura nodded at the newest arrival, "Well, than lead us there. What is your name? And, Sapph we need to get out of the open ok? I think a storm is rolling in."
Sapphire nodded hesitantly and breathed in, shes right! gotta keep it together! Sapphire secretly wished a storm would come, to be on land and in water, it truly was bliss to her.

"your right raven girl! Okie dokie Monkey boy lead us!" she spoke with a new found pride, though still felt uneasy about the whole thing.

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