Lost Mine of Phandelver

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The crowd begins to disperse a bit, heading for their homes, each a little more relieved that the Redbrands are no longer going to bother them. But the woman Fuska and Vutha noticed listening secretly at the inn earlier watches intently as Sildar leads Iarno / Glasstaff into the townmaster's hall, and then watches you take some of the bugbears' belongings. After a moment she saunters up to the lot of you and smiles sweetly.

"I finally got a chance to see you all in action. Impressive, though you probably should have finished off the wizard. Still, I'm a fan of your work." She holds out her hand. "My name's Halia Thornton. I run the Miner's Exchange. I also try to keep the town from falling apart under the watch of that fat lout Harbin, waste of space that he is. Is it true you went up to the manor? Find anything interesting up there? I'd be willing to give some gold for anything of note you're willing to part with."
Calal visibly shrinks back from Ioanin, ducking so he is as behind Meri as he can get. "he is too loud" he grumbles, studying his new staff for a moment before turning to look at the woman. "my name is calal. It is nice to meet you." He mutters, still from behind Meri.
Seeing Droop cowering, Merimar walked over. As she got closer, she could see the wounds covering him. 'I don't think we caused these - some of them look days old.' thought the cleric to herself. Kneeling down, Merimar put one hand on his shoulder. "There, there," Merimar said as she thought about what prayer to use. "The Shining One will heal you," she said. The hand she'd put on Droop's shoulder glowed like the sun for a moment before fading back to mint green, Droop noticeably looking a lot less beaten about.

Letting Calal get behind her, Merimar looked around, 'Need to see Daran. If the Redbrands were attacking the inn, they might have attacked his orchard already.' Hearing Calal introduce himself, Merimar secured her crossbow to her bag by the small strap on the side of it. "I'm Merimar, it's nice to meet you Ms Thornton." said Merimar as she felt Droop clinging to her leg and sobbing. Patting Droop on the head in what she hoped was a reassuring way, Merimar figured he could stay with them for the time being. 'A little kindness goes a long way, right Sis?' thought Merimar to herself, looking up at the sky as she relaxed after the battle.
While the sounds around her continued, Vutha didn't pay it much mind, instead focusing to work on her latest weapon, yet another javelin. It would go to join the other -- representing lives she'd taken on her path. Past lessons murmuring in her mind -- "Keep what you kill, let no death go to waste." The lizardfolk nodded to herself, scales covered in blood as she worked, eventually finishing, her gaze tired and worn out from the day, the rise and fall of adrenaline leaving her weary.

Leaning on the newly crafted javelin she stood to watch the villagers wander off, her gaze tiredly moving towards the questionable woman Fuska had pointed out to her a few times already. Her lips raised in a frown, "Spellslinger needs to be alive to speak." Vutha gave a low rumble, "How well did you keep the town if Redbrands allowed to infest so easily."

The lizardfolk started to turn towards the barn the group had slept in before, "Metal discs mean little to me ... search the manor as you like. I desire rest."
Fuska stands with his arms crossed looking at Halia from behind the rest of the party, also covered in gore from the battle and the clean up. He snorts derisively at her words of protection. “Not a good job it seems,” in response to Vutha. He then shrugs slightly as he uncrosses his arms. “Eh. At least I don’t have to kill you now. Thought you might be redbrand spy.” Fuska then nods in agreement with Vutha again. “Aye, rest is good. Don’t care about manor. But do you buy used weapons?”
Halia looks from Vutha to Fuska and frowns. "Very well then." She turns to walk away. "I don't buy weapons. I buy valuable things. Maybe Linene wants your trash." She walks away, shouldering past the butcher, who walks up with a fat pig on a lead.

"Never properly introduce m'self. I'm Roy. Met a few of ya already. Some of ya seem ta like yer pork, so consider this one a gift. Profits will be a bit fatter without them Redbrands stealing from me. Thanks. And I'm ready ta fight when yer ready to teach." He hands the pig off the Meri, raising an eyebrow at the goblin at her leg, and walks away.
Merimar just awkwardly received the lead from Roy, giving him a smile as he glanced down at Droop. Looking from Droop to the pig, Merimar felt an uncomfortable twinge in her chest. Knowing what would become of the pig otherwise, she turned to Droop.

"Say, Droop, how would you like a new friend?" asked the cleric, wondering about what to name their prize porker. 'Mmm, perhaps Professor Ploppers?'
Merimar passed Droop the lead for the pig with a smile, an idea forming in her mind. "Say, I've got a friend I need to check on, anyone fancy coming to the orchard with me?"
Walking along towards the orchard with Calal and Droop following, their pig trotting slowly behind them, Merimar was glad to see the orchard hadn't been burnt as the inn had been. 'Though that does make me wonder where Daran was,' thought the cleric as she headed towards the house and knocked on Daran's door.
Knocking on the door, you're surprised to hear Daran's voice from a dark corner of the porch rather than inside the house. He leans back in his chair, barely visible in the dark aside from the soft glow from inside his pipe.

"Hello, Merimar. Came running when I smelled the smoke and caught the end of the fight. You and your friends work fast." He points at the goblin tagging along with you. "What's with the goblin?"

He inhales from the pipe, long and deep, and blows a cloud of smoke into the warm, night air. "Guess you're here for the reward already. I think I can find something worth your while."
Merimar patted Droop on the shoulder, "Oh, this is a new friend named Droop. He ran into some trouble with the Redbrands so we rescued him." Tapping Calal on the shoulder as well, the cleric added, "And this is my good friend Calal."

Seeing how tense Daran was, Merimar said, "Not quite, we, well I don't know if you heard but there was a town meeting and we spoke up. Got a little worried when I didn't see you there and the inn was set on fire by the Redbrands so I came over to check if you were alright."
Daran holds out his arms and pretends to look them over with a small smirk. "Seem to be ok. Nice to meet you Calal. Droop. I suppose I've heard of stranger things than rescuing a goblin. Any way, I'll just be a minute."

He stands and enters his house, closing the door behind him. A few minutes later he emerges with a cloak over one arm, a length of rope looped over his shoulder an a vial of liquid.

"Ahem, all right then. The potion will give you resistance to being poisoned. The rope will rise on it's own, attach and detach on command, and knot itself. Pretty handy. And the cloak, well, it's mostly for show."
Merimar looked in awe as Daran described each of the items he was giving to them. She remembered he'd promised a reward, but she'd been sincere that the only reason they'd gone to see him so soon was to check on him. She was surprised at how many items Daran was giving them, and it sounded as if the rope would be a huge boon. Merimar was intrigued by the look of the cloak.

"Thank you very much Mr Edermath," said Merimar, remembering her manners. Glancing to Droop and his pig, Merimar couldn't avoid not smiling for a moment. 'We can't do this. Droop said he doesn't like fighting and no matter what our intentions - fights seem to find us. I'd love nothing more than to protect him, maybe teach him about The Shining One. But - maybe the best way to protect him is to find someone else to care for him.'

"Um, Mr Edermath," Merimar began, unsure how best to say it, "How would you like some help around your orchard?"
Daran raises an eyebrow at Merimar.

"Some help here? I got something else particularly suited to your talents if you're looking for work. There's rumors of undead up near Old Owl Well. Could make trouble in town eventually." He scratches his chin thoughtfully and takes a long drag from his pipe. "I can't pay for orchard help with much besides maybe a bed and some meals. Don't make much more than I need to get along off this place, though I suppose with some help we could turn a profit. Adventuring life growing old, Merimar?"
Merimar smiled, "Actually, Mister Edermath, I was thinking maybe Droop might be able to help around the orchard." Realising that the rumours might be something to add to their ever expanding list of things to do, Merimar's smile only increased. "More undead? Would need to ask the others but, wouldn't be our first time dealing with them."

With a look to Droop, Merimar smiled, "What'd you think Droop?"
Droop squeezes Meri's leg tighter and peers around it at Daran, but says nothing.

"The goblin? How do I know he's not gonna knife me in my sleep? No offense there, little guy, but I've met very few goblins that weren't interested in shuffling me off this mortal coil. So what's your story?"

Droop swallows hard and leans out a little bit, talking barely above a whisper. "Droop never knifed anyone. Others try to make me. They hurt me," he says, looking down at his feet.
Daran leans back in his chair and takes a long look at the goblin. Then he sighs. "Follow me."

Walking around the side of the house, rows of trees stand in ranks like an army in the moonlight. Just adjacent from his back door is a small barn. Daran slides the heavy door open to reveal a cider press standing against one wall, with various tools hanging next to it, and on the opposite wall sits a row of barrels, stacked three high. The rows of barrels ends almost imperceptibly just before the wall, and as you approach you see there's a gap leading to a small room with a straw bed, small stool and a table with a lantern on it.

"Don't ask me why I have a bed out here," Daran says, lighting the lantern. "You can sleep here Droop, for now at least. The nights are plenty warm so you should be comfortable. If we trust each other after a couple weeks, I'll see about fixing you a room in the house. That work for you?" Daran seems to be asking Merimar more than Droop, who also looks to Meri for an answer, an uncertain expression on his face.
Following Daran as he led the way into the barn, Merimar looked around. "That sounds perfect." said Merimar, though seeing the look on Droop's face was melting her heart. Kneeling down so she was eye level with Droop, Merimar said, "It's okay. Mister Edermath was one of the few people willing to help against the Redbrands from the beginning. He sent out notices about what they were doing and they got all the way to Neverwinter. You'll be safe here Droop." Merimar realised she was on the verge of tears but held them back, "And, when we're back in town, I'll come and visit you, see how you're getting along."
Droop nods and hops up on the bed, feet dangling above the floor. He looks around the space, wearing a slight frown. Daran just watches for a moment.

"You hungry?" Daran asks Droop, whose eyes light up and stomach audibly growls. "I've got some stew leftover from dinner. Come on and I'll warm it up for you." Droop scurries out of the room ahead of Daran, who falls in beside Meri. "I know a little something about nonviolence. Come back after you deal with those undead and I'll tell you the rest of the story about that half-orc friend of mine." He opens the back door for Droop, who pauses to give a small wave to Merimar and Calal before hopping inside, not unlike an excited puppy. "Be careful out there," Daran says before disappearing inside the house.
Merimar watches Droop go and waves to him, glad to see he's happy and trusting that Daran would keep him safe. 'I guess I'll just tie Professor Ploppers to the porch. Droop can find him tomorrow.' thought Merimar as she went and tied the pig to the porch with a tight knot. Kneeling down, Merimar stroked the pig's head and rubbed behind its ears, 'There, you'll be alright with them.' thought Merimar as she stood up and walked to Calal.

"I- it was the right thing to do." said Merimar as she walked alongside Calal, wondering about the cloak they'd received from Daran, "Don't you think, Calal?"
Calal dips his head in agreement, running a hand through his hair. "he will be happy. And...safe? People should be safe." He mutters softly, glancing over at the things the man had given them. "What does your new cloak do?"
Merimar was glad to hear Calal agree with her. Keeping Droop safe was why she'd suggested to Daran about having him as a farmhand on impulse. "You're right, people should be safe." Merimar gave him a smile, "And you helped make them safe tonight Calal, you did really good." As she continued, Merimar said, "You know, it's cause I wanted to keep the wolves safe that I suggested we adopt them in the first place." Merimar dipped her hand in her coin purse and pulled out the money for a new pig, "Here, I said I'd pay for the next one. I just - when I walked the last one on my own, it gave me this heart rending look, it looked so happy to be trotting through town. And I knew where it was going. I'm not stupid, I know the wolves are omnivores and that when we eat beef stew it did not grow on a plant. Just, it's dumb but seeing the way Droop smiled as I handed him that lead, made me think that was the right choice too."

At the question about her cloak, Merimar shrugged, "I don't know, it feels nice to have and it looks nice, but I haven't had a proper look at it or anything. Why? Would you like it, Calal?" Merimar asked as they reached the fence bordering the farm.
Calal shrugs, rubbing awkwardly at his wrists. "I don't, um, if you don't mind I don't really want it. It's a little...I don't really...I think maybe I like color, ma'am. Colorful things, that is." He glances down at his own generally plain clothes with a sort of grimace. "I have never really had the opportunity, since I have been out in the world, to...you know, chose what I wear I've had the same clothes for a long time. But I think I..." He shrugs, twisting his head away and curling in slightly. "it's so very bright out here ma'am, not dark like down there. Sometimes too bright. But there's so much...it's very nice out here. and I just...I don't really think I want it I'm sorry."
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