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Lost In The Dark (DrTrollinski & razorstar)

August 13th, 2015, Los Angeles, California.

Richard sat there sipping on his whiskey - He'd since moved into a tiny little apartment in a rather low-down area of Los Angeles - He lived in the center of two families - One had three kids, all under the age of seven, and the other had only one boy - He was nine. Richard was thankful that his bedroom was on the same side as the quiet family, but even then, he could still here the kids from next door running around and screaming their heads off. It wasn't fun, let's say that, but what was there to do? Not much, really. He had to just sort of deal with it.

When he finally managed to throw up all of the whiskey he'd drunk, he'd figured that it was time for bed. He stumbled to his bedroom and collapsed face down onto it - He reached over and sloppily flicked the radio on beside his bed, and that was that. He was in the peace and quiet in that sense, because he couldn't hear the kids next door screaming and shouting like they usually were at this time. What was it? Around ten, eleven o'clock? Kids that age should have been in bed, but it was the summer, so who cared? Evidently the parents didn't.

The other family that lived next door were American - Californian, actually, born and raised. The man of the family recently came into a better job and they were planning to move out on the following year, which was a shame, because they treated Richard well no matter how drunk he got. The kid liked him, too, for some odd reason. Still, people are crazy, aren't they?

It was all a blur to Richard, what was on the radio.

'.. In tonight's news, several reports of incidents from what have been described as 'enraged attackers' have left several people hospitalized as a result. The attacks, thus far, have all been neutralized by police forces, and the situation has been deemed as under control - The most recent incident occurred in Los Angeles, California, inside a nightclub - A woman ran out screaming that she'd been attacked by a drunken male inside - She had a large bite taken out of her upper arm, but is currently being treated in a local hospital.'

Who cares? Richard didn't. He was drifting off to the sound of the sweet news woman's voice - It was like he was four years old again, having his mother sing him a lullaby to get him to sleep. He passed out. But believe me, he was going to be in for a shock when he found out what was going on in the middle of the night - The nightclub was the start. How many people are in nightclubs, eh? A lot. That's a lot of bites.

That's a lot of the undead.
Daniel sat on the couch, his legs tucked under him as he glared at the crossword puzzle in his hand. The room around him was dark, lit only by a few vanilla scented candles scattered around him that made just enough light for him to see the words on the page, but not bright enough to hurt his eyes. His habit of never turning on the lights and only rarely leaving his apartment meant that, during the summer months, he only occasionally was out in the sunlight. His eyes suffered for this, becoming incredibly sensitive to light. Not that he minded much. As long as he could handle to fluorescent lights of class when summer break ended, he was fine.

Danny hummed softly as he bit lightly at the end of his pen, narrowing his eyes a bit. A six letter word for cannibal? Danny turned down the soft music that he had playing on his radio, even the gentle sounds of classical music that he listened to during his almost nightly ritual becoming too distracting from that task at hand. He scribbled lightly on the edge of the paper before suddenly grinning.







He thought it was a bit of a stretch, but zombies did eat other humans, and it easily connected with the word BARRACUDA (Eight letter word that has to do with both fish and a rock song. It had been the easiest one for him to solve).

The quiet music on the TV was interrupted by the familiar alarms that came with an urgent report. Green eyes glanced up at the screen and he glared at it for a moment, not even bothering to read the words on the screen. It was just a practice run anyways, right? He shook his head before looking back at his paper. Danny was almost done, and once he was he'd watch some TV until Cyrus walked from the kitchen into the living room and started yowling until Danny took him into the bedroom and let the little gray cat sleep on the bed. It was the same thing that happened every night, no matter what was going on or how much work Danny had. A guy needed some time to wind down after a long day of work.

Richard awoke to the sound of someone pounding on his apartment door. He didn't like the sound of that - as he got out of bed he felt his head spinning and he was almost certain that he was going to vomit again, but thankfully that didn't happen. He'd been asleep for quite some time now, and to be honest, it was an absolute miracle that he'd woken up from that. He stumbled out of his bedroom and looked through the peephole in the main door - It was the man of the family next door. His name was Joe. His son's name was Adrian - Richard had always loved that name.

Without hesitation, he pulled the door open and looked at the seemingly panicked man that was stood there. He could hear Adrian crying from where he was, and he could only assume one thing - Adrian was sick. "Hey, Joe..." Richard groaned, rubbing his forehead. "Need to take the Tylenol to the little guy again?" He asked softly. Joe quickly shook his head and took a few glances down the hallway on either side. The noisy neighbors were asleep.

Or were they?

"We heard screams, Richard." He gulped. "Adrian's really upset. Do you mind if we come in? I mean, we know that you have a gun with you, and..." He looked at him and his speech became more reluctantly. "I didn't mean it like..."

"I know." Richard said, rubbing his forehead again. "Go get the kid and ya' wife - the kid can crash on the couch if he wants to. I doubt I'll sleep again tonight, anyway. I never do if I wake up in the middle of it." He said, slowly stumbling back into the little apartment and collapsing down onto the couch. He watched Joe walk away and heard the very muffled conversation going on between the family. Soon enough, Joe walked back in with his wife, Amelia, and Adrian. Adrian was in tears, and he looked pretty shaken up.

He didn't understand why they wanted to come in here because of a scream, but he didn't care - they were the only friends that he had left, so he couldn't just push them aside or they'd be left with... Well. Nothing, really - He'd be left with nothing, either, so he had no choice in the matter. They just had to sit back and wait for this whole thing to calm itself down. It's not like it was anything serious, right?
Some Ungodly Hour Of The Morning

The soft ticking of the cliche cat clock in the kitchen was the only sound in the small rambler, and it could be heard in all five rooms. That ticking had lulled Danny to sleep more times than he could count, but it was only just starting to work its magic as he began to feel drowsy. He had curled into a tight ball, wrapped so thoroughly in blankets that if someone walked into the room they would be unable to see him. The insomniac always curled up when he went to sleep, call it a habit. But, it did help him get as many hours of sleep as possible, even when that number rarely rose about five.

Danny had been just about to fall over the edge of sleep when a sharp, panicked and definitely feline screech cut through the air. He was instantly on the floor, thrashing as he tried to free himself from his blanket cocoon. "Cyrus! Here!" He called out, still struggling to get loose. The cat usually came at a sprint when called, but the sound of tiny paws thudding on the hardwood was strangely absent.

Finally free of his warm and cozy prison, Danny took off at a sprint towards where the sound had come from. He quickly found the source of all the commotion.

There, pressed against his window, was woman. She didn't seem normal, but Danny couldn't put his finger on why. The only time anyone really came to his house was when they were drunk out of their minds and wandered far enough away from L.A. to find a quiet neighborhood. But, she was definitely not drunk. The only thing she did was lean against the window and gnaw on it, which put both Danny and his cat on edge. The cat was suddenly swept up in careful, warm, loving, and very scared arms. Maybe...maybe she would leave. Danny thought as he pulled the blinds closed, glad his windows were made out of bulletproof glass. He had only discovered that after someone tried to rob him, and he had quickly called his realtor to ask who had own his home before him.

Mobsters left great houses behind.
One Hour Later

Adrian was fast asleep against Richard's side while his parents were moving some of the things from their apartment into Richard's one instead. Not anything major, just some coffee cups, food, blankets, pillows - Since Adrian had fallen asleep they'd heard a lot more screaming, and that was worrying. They heard people screaming for help, and all they could do was call 911 and get told about the high velocity of calls that were coming in about the same reasons - People screaming. A lot of them. That's the only details they got, but there was one operator that said 'Did you witness any attacks of a ferocious nature from or against any people?'

That was worrying.

"Thank you for looking after him, Richard." Joe smiled down at him. Richard was hardly sober but he was just going to have to try and deal with this for now, because it wasn't an option to just pass out. "I've got a blanket here for him, and a pillow." He said, gently shaking the bundle of soft items under his left arm. "Do you mind watching him for just a little while longer? I need to go and check on the other neighbors to make sure they're okay." He said.

"Sure, sure, just be careful." He said, taking the blanket and pillow from him. He carefully laid Adrian down on the couch and tucked the pillow under his head, followed by covering him over with the blanket. He stood up and went to the window to peer out on what was going on down below - It wasn't looking good so far. There were screams, cars speeding away from the apartment complexes, people running - Richard didn't know what the fuck was going on, but he didn't like it.

Joe had gone out of the apartment room and tried to talk to the neighbors, but soon enough, he heard a lot of shouting and a few pairs of feet storming off down the hallway. Okay, that wasn't good, was it? Soon enough, as he expected, he saw the family come out onto the street and rush to their car, but something else took place alongside that - One of the people he'd been seen shambling up the street made a lurch for the man of the family - the thing had been hidden behind the car, and the first thing it did was sink its teeth into his forearm and pull away a large chunk of flesh. He could hear the man screaming through the glass, and his face was just flashed with a look of shock - Sure, he hated how much noise the ignorant fucker and his offspring made during the day, but...

Holy shit. He never wanted that to happen.

It took a swift punch to the head to get the person's jaw off of his arm, and within a minute, the family were in the car (with the kids screaming their heads off) and speeding down the street, the biting person shambling right after them. Joe was right back inside as soon as he saw the person bite him - there was no way he was risking it.

Things were only getting worse.

Still no police.

But there was still hope...

Directly After That

Danny held his cat and a kitchen knife in his hand, stalking around his house as he closed and locked every window and pulled down the blinds. He had no idea what was going on, but when he called 911, no one even answered. The woman was still there, except there were more people against his windows than there had been earlier. He could hear quiet moans and groans every time he walked past a window, and the very vocal kitten in his hand had fallen completely silent since being held onto. Strangely, the people weren't waiting near the doors. Only the windows, where they could still watch him even if he closed the blinds. Those things didn't seem too intelligent.

Danny sighed deeply as he mentally called them 'Those Things' again. He kept catching himself doing that. They weren't things, they were people. Undead, zombified, and hungry people, but people none the less. Okay, maybe they were a tiny bit less than human. But, they had once been human, right? Didn't they deserve some kind of respect?

They did, but they had lost that respect when Danny saw one with it's mouth latched to the window like an algae eating fish as it licked the glass. Zombies definitely were not very smart.

(Sorry for lack of length, I'm getting rushed rn)
Twenty Minutes Later

".. I can't believe they just left like that." Joe murmured gently to the others. Adrian was still fast asleep, and Richard was still on the verge of passing out right beside him, but he didn't cave in just yet. He couldn't do that, there was just no way he could, you know what I mean? He had to hang on - He knew Joe wouldn't use a gun, and he was probably the only one here who was strong enough to handle the kick of a Desert Eagle. Now that he thought about it, he really kind of wanted to switch it up for something more compact and more easily to handle, but there was nothing out there that could stop a fifty cal round. It went straight through armor - If you were lucky enough to survive the shot, you weren't going to survive for much longer.

"Forget about it." Richard mumbled. "It could be worse... Let's put on the TV." He said, reaching over to the remote on the table and quickly flicking it on - He didn't have cable, only free-view, so the first one was his most common one. The news channel.

'-on the situation that occurred earlier on this evening. The governor of California has declared a state of emergency and advise all residents to stay in their homes until further notice. The situation that is currently ongoing has been deemed as highly dangerous and is quickly spreading across the nation - It was first believed to be riots of some kind, but a most recent victim has stated her attacker showed very 'animal-like and cannibalistic' features. We urge you to stay inside, and as a reminder, the current situation does NOT authorize the use of unlicensed firearms.'

Richard turned the TV off again. He looked at Joe and sighed, followed by looking over at Adrian. "If things get any worse... We'll need to leave." He said.

"What? It just said to stay inside."

"You believe everything they tell you on TV?" He snapped back at him. "They told us to stay inside as a comfort trick - They want us right where we are so that we're one less problem to deal with. If things come here, the last thing we're doing is waiting around for the chaos to come to us." He sighed a little and rubbed his forehead with his right hand. "We just need to get out of here, okay? We'll take... We'll take your car. Range Rover, right?" He asked.

"Yeah, it is." He nodded in reply.

"Then that's the plan... We wait it out, wait for anything, and if things get bad, we make a break for it while we've got the chance." He nodded a few more times and carefully pulled the blanket up over Adrian a little more, just to keep him warm and cozy. He was so young, he didn't deserve any of this chaos that was going on around him.

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