[Lords of Creation] The Ubiquitous OOC Thread

Not exactly. Using two swords essentially increases the number of attacks you can put into a flurry, so a pair of Rate 2 swords would let you make 4 attacks, a rate 2 and a rate 3 would allow 5 attacks, etc.

But while you can fight with twin swords like that, the flurry penalties remain the same, so 6 attacks will result in -6 for the first, -7 for the second, -8 for the third and so on. Penalties like that are pretty steep, even for a Solar.

You can offset the penalties by using charms (which could eliminate most or all of the penalty depending on essence-usage), or specialising in twin weapons (although that'll only negate up to -3 in penalties).

If you're lucky enough to learn the Celestial Fire Dragon style, those penalties are vastly reduced, so the example above, instead of -6, -7, -8... would be -1, -2, -3... But you'd have to be a Dragon-Blooded to have much chance of learning that. :)

You can probably tell, Exalted (well, the ST system in general) wasn't really designed with dual-wielding as a priority.
What language would Kain be speaking in? And what is the general language of use around here? I just realized I was figuring it was seatongue, but I don't believe Kain speaks that so... Am I in the dark in a room full of people speaking low realm?

...and for that matter what language is Aero using?
...That's an excellent question. If you'd like, I can have Revya mutter something in Old Realm about kain/the other dudes while walking past Kana, so we can at least set up that they have a language in common. Trying to get things moving a bit here with revya/kain leaving the bar, but not trying to ignore you or make it hard to join up. >_>
Either way. I think we can make it work without, though it would certainly be easier that way. I just want to figure out what language everyone is using around here so I know what my character actually understands.
Blacklion said:
Hurm. Do all Solar get the Old Realm talk upon their Exaltation?
Not that I know of. Dev and I both learned it from our manses, anyways. Feantari, edited a bit to give you something to work with if you want to use it, your call.
Blacklion said:
Hurm. Do all Solar get the Old Realm talk upon their Exaltation?
I don't believe so. The book entry says you need to have Lore 1 to even be able to take it as a language.
Fudge that son, we talk Brooklyn up in this cuuuuuz.

No seriously, Aero only uses Low Realm. I mean, eventually he'll learn old Realm but for now, there might be a language barrier between him and Kana till they learn a language they both understand.
Blacklion said:
Fudge that son, we talk Brooklyn up in this cuuuuuz.
No seriously, Aero only uses Low Realm. I mean, eventually he'll learn old Realm but for now, there might be a language barrier between him and Kana till they learn a language they both understand.
I think we should use Old Icelandic for HISTORICAL ACCURACY LOL.

And hey, a little language barrier never hurt anyone. We'll probably end up needing to learn each others' languages, though, just for simplicity. Isn't Riverspeak or something pretty common in the West?
What I was going on with making the character is seatongue is a west sort of thing and riverspeak is a merchant sort of thing. (could have misinterpreted)

Kana certainly isn't opposed to learning low realm either, but she hasn't really encountered large numbers of native speakers or had to use it for anything yet.
Frankly I wouldn't be opposed to us all ending up learning each others' languages, they'll probably pick up a fair bit talking to each other, and Seatongue is probably spoken commonly enough that they'll all end up learning it whether or not they want to. 'Course, when we eventually go to the south/east/north/whatever, Old Realm will be more common so probably by then it'd be good if Kana knew it.
Whoops, I forgot about the language barrier...

Riverspeak = East.

Round the West Seatongue is the most common. Low Realm is fairly common as a sort of "trade tongue" seeing as the Realm is a massive business partner. You could count the people in Azure who know Old Realm on both hands, including you guys, and that's only because there's a university there. :)

I find it useful if you're speaking in the non-standard language, to encase your quote in <> symbols.

So assuming Seatongue is the norm,

"Hello" = seatongue

<"Hello"> = other language.
So, I'm just going to guess that they were speaking Low Realm as sort of the 'common' language, which might also explain why the bar patrons butchered it (besides the stereotype of thugs being incoherent and unable to speak the language properly without mangling every sound). Seatongue will definitely be a priority to learn, though, since not everyone will even know it that well, and we'll end up running into a lot of unsavory people who speak it more or less exclusively I'm sure. 'Grats, Kana, I think you qualify as the group's official translator for us damn foreigners.
Fair enough. Assume Low Realm unless otherwise stated or encased in brackets of some kind.

Poor Kain. That'll teach you to start a game at limit break.
So, could I retroactively change riverspeak to low realm? The intent was that I had learned the trade language via blacksmith apprenticeship. (would also help some party stuff >.> <.<)
Oh, and it would help me get to know the character names a lot better if you guys could put them at the top of your posts as a kind of title. I'm a bit slow with getting used to names, especially when using the completely anonymous (or so the nice man in the trenchcoat said) internetz. Anything to help me catch up with you is appreciated :)
Because I was just asked about combat...

I'll usually ask for a join battle roll. If a player wishes to instigate something (surprise attack, for example) they can declare their join battle roll and action alongside their main post.

I usually let players go before NPCs when they tie on a tick. In combat:

*Post a brief description of what you intend to do (eg. "Dark hair streaming in the wind, Sarky pirouetted neatly on one heel, flipped his grip on his Malfean dagger, and plunged it point first into Hello Kitty's blackened heart" (activating [insert charm here] for x motes, spending a willpower for [auto success or channel virtue))

*Make your roll(s)

*Work out damage (I'll post details of an opponent's dodge/parry DV and armour soak up somewhere for you,

*Declare what tick you get to take your next action

*If I think you warrant stunt dice, I'll let you know via PM or this thread, you can add them in yourselves.

Any further questions, ask here.
My bad, I was in a hurry to leave, can I add that and use my excellencies too? I totally meant to, just I had two woman on my back about going that very second and I had to rush the post or feel terrible wrath.
Sure, blame the women. :)

Best thing is probably to re-roll, factor in everything you want to, and edit your post to show the new results.

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