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Multiple Settings Looking for someone to talk to and help me get on my feet


Hello! My name is Streetie, and I am completely new to this site! When it comes to RP, I know the tools of the trade but only virtually. I have never engaged in text-only RP, but was also willing to try it. Closest thing I can relate to text-only is prob World of Warcraft RP. Using /e and stuff was prob the closest I can really get! If you want to help me get this training moving or just want to give me advice, DM me or comment below, I’d really appreciate it <3
Cool! Any way I can like, contact you? I like commenting but real time help is just better for me? If not commenting/replying also works (°▽°)
Hey! I’ve been role playing for a couple years now and if you like I can give you some help? I have discord, or we can pm on here ^•^

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