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Looking for someone to challenge me.


Watering my seaweed.

OctoGarden here,again! Let me just give you a bit of history. I've been off and on role playing for about 9 years now. I started on Yahoo Messenger just doing fly by night role plays with poorly constructed characters. Then I moved up to my first role play forum at Roleplay Gateway. It was great for the first couple years, I met a lot of people with similar interests and skill that reflected my own. Now, here I am at Rpnation. I've always been kind of stuck in romance type role plays, or all of my plots turn into romance at the end. I really want someone to help me break my mold, get out of this typical routine role play stuff that I've been doing for the past 9 years.

I've posted in the forum before that I'm easy. It's true, as long as I'm giving the plot in detail or I'm allowed research, I can take a setting, area, or plot and run with it. Alas, my writing skills are what I would consider mediocre. I want to be a better writer/role player. Please heeeeellllpppp!

Here are a few types of role play that I've been interested in trying:

Human struggle ( Drugs/alcohol)

Serial killers ( Maybe I play a serial killer and the other player is a cop)

Bounty Hunting

Hello! I would be interested in a Supernatural role play but I had a couple questions. How often do you post, how much do you post, and do you like to play males or females?
I TRY to make it a point to get on at least once a day. I've been able to do that this last week, and even more than once a day. I'd say I post often, 3-4 times if,like I said, I can.

I find that here lately I am able to write atleast 4 paragraphs at a time, more if I have a lot of information to go off of. It's easy for me to play both genders. Since I've been using Rp nation, I tend to be using a lot more male characters.

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