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Fantasy Looking for RP partners in this unique world!


Undertale Trash
Hello fellow roleplayers!!!! I'm Julia but you can just call me Pastel!~ Whatever works! So I am new to this site but I do have a few years of paragraph roleplay!

I didn't know where to start so I'm going to go ahead and start up my own roleplay! I can do both first and third person roleplay so we will just decide which style we will use before we start.

Imagine a world set sometime in the future where mankind was nearly wiped out from some sort of event simply known as the "Singularity". Mankind is setback technologically to the point of having iron tools but there are scattered factories around the world that for the most part lie dormant. The three most common factories are those that create nanobots, robots for manual labor, and implants. Tribes of humans base their civilizations around the factories that are also near a water source. Wars between tribes is rare since humanity as a whole is in a common belief that they are here to carry on the legacy of their lost ancestors in a sort of honor system. The other reason would be the many threats that cover the earth such as the more dominant mutations of past humans that turned into fierce feral creatures known as Thralls. These creatures greatly outnumber and dominate the human race forcing humans to be in a constant state of survival.

The events of this roleplay will take place nearly two hundred years since the Singularity so there won't be any characters that remember what happened before it or have lived it. The most intelligent AI (which are super rare) even have no memory of what happened. Regular creatures such as deer, rabbits, bears, and others are now mutated in ways that either make them dangerous to humans or fast enough to escape predators. Despite everything, the world is actually very clean with fresh air rid of pollution and lush wildlife that has plenty of room to grow in with the lack of human intervention. Massive cities are left empty with skyscrapers still standing and filled with plant life and made home by the Thralls and other creatures. The sea levels have increased in this world along with being more fresh and clear making water a very abundant source.

The roleplay will start with a girl by the name of Pastel (original, I know c; She has colored hair shush). She lives in a medium sized tribe called Nanech (pronounced like Naneck) which is directly next to the Great Salt Lake in Utah. The factory that the tribe is based around in a nanobot producing one which creates implants for humans that give them control of their own self replicating nanobots! None of the tribes understand how any of these factories work and with the nanobots, they just assume is a magical ability passed down from their ancestors. No human even realizes that the robot producing factories use actual science and not just magic. Pastel is the daughter of the tribe leader, Shrapnel Kasai.

To anyone who would want to join this RP, you don't have to be from this tribe! Unless you totally want nanobot powers which result in basic telekinesis, rapid healing, and other random abilities that is created because of a glitch in the system. Nothing OP please <3. The other two major factories that tribes base off of are the ones that create implants and robot companions. Those with implants get better sight, reflexes, speed, and strength. Robot companion factories meanwhile allow your character to have a custom made robot pet that will guard you and can overall do more than a human with a full set of implants but that leaves your character to being just a normal human. For someone to have multiple of each of the factory bonuses is extremely rare and looked down on as resources are rare. Typically, for someone to have something from a factory, they have to of been quite a big deal in the tribe to get them. Also, it is totally okay if you want to create your own idea of a factory/business that could have existed along with the bonus you get! Again, avoid being OP though.

If you join this RP, please post at least once daily! (If something serious is happening, then its okay to miss some <3) Oh and for an idea of what we will RP about, it will be simply living in this world! What we do is up to us!!! Want to be evil and start a bandit clan? Go ahead and try! Want to go hunting either monsters or just for food? Go ahead! Want to have a romantic relationship? Go ahead! Just nothing past kisses and cuddles tho ;3; Keep it PG-13 please!

Thanks loves <3 <3 <3

This turned into a group RP so message me if you would like to join!!! Thanks <3
P.S. here is the link if you wanna check out what we have already!
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