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Realistic or Modern Looking for RP Partner


One Time Luck
Hello fellow writers,

As stated in my introduction I’m searching for roleplay partners after a [ frankly needed ] break from the RP community. I hope what I write will be of interest to some of you and I am very excited for you all to respond!
Below I will explain some guidelines, my likes and dislikes and other general information you might like to know before you make the commitment to write with me.

- I’ve been in the community for many years, since I was 11 I believe and honestly, I’ve come a long way, haha. My style has changed over the years from asterisks, to dashes, and finally settled into the way I write now — as though I’m writing a book. Detailed and lengthy, 3rd POV etc. [ Though I should note, that over the years I’ve come to learn that I’m much better at portraying the female role so I only roleplay as such and I only roleplay F/M romantically, so sorry if this is a deal breaker!! ]

- Please be literate, not just grammar and such, but detail is always nice! Like I mentioned, I happen to write long at times but I don’t always expect you to give me paragraphs upon paragraphs! Just something I can reply to.
-Be okay with multiple genres! Like anyone, I love some romance but I also happen to love Drama, Action, Fantasy, god I love them all so don’t be afraid to suggest something outside of the box we don’t have to stick to ‘typical’ plot lines.
-Please be respectful. I do happen to get busy so replies will not always be constant and I can only hope you will understand. I will understand if you will get busy as well, 100% just let me know and I’ll try my best to let you know when I won’t be reachable.
- Don’t. Hold. Your. Muse. Back. We’re here for fun, are we not? (:

[ side note: I’m in EST time, just so you know ]

-Occasional cliché plots
- Plot twists

My fandoms are very limited but I have to say I love Criminal Minds.

- I actually have very few dislikes. So much so I can’t even name any but if anything comes up I’ll mention it to you guys!

So there it is! Everything you might need to know to decide if you’d like to roleplay with me or not.
If you do happen to have any other questions, just let me know!!
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I'm not new to roleplaying, just to this website and I'm really looking for some good roleplaying partners. We seem to have a lot of the same interests as far as what we are looking for. Is there a plot maybe that you had in mind you wanted to try out?
I'm new to roleplaying. I've honestly never role played at all before, but you've got to start somewhere, right? I'm interested in all of the genres you mentioned so I don't mind. This will give me some experience so I don't unintentionally annoy someone by not roleplaying correctly XD
I'm not new to roleplaying, just to this website and I'm really looking for some good roleplaying partners. We seem to have a lot of the same interests as far as what we are looking for. Is there a plot maybe that you had in mind you wanted to try out?

Yes actually! I’ve got a number of plots we could discuss - I’ll send you a PM shortly.
I'm new to roleplaying. I've honestly never role played at all before, but you've got to start somewhere, right? I'm interested in all of the genres you mentioned so I don't mind. This will give me some experience so I don't unintentionally annoy someone by not roleplaying correctly XD

I’m not opposed to helping you gain some experience in roleplaying, I’ll try my best to help out! I’ll send you a private message.

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