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Fantasy Looking For RP Partner/s


A walking disaster
Hey! I'm looking for long term RP partners! For the sake of keeping this post relatively easy to read, I'll get straight to the point. I only play females, so if you’re looking for a male, sorry but you’re in the wrong place. If it is an RP with romance or relationships, I’m happy to do FxM or FxF, but like I just stated, I only feel comfortable playing female characters. I'm very open to a plot, genre, situation or pairing of any kind, and am very flexible, so if you have any ideas please don’t hesitate to message me!

What I will give my RP partner:

-at least 1-3 paragraph responses (although I'm always happy to go even longer and more in depth, as i can be a detailed writer)

-consistent replies (everyone gets busy sometimes, but I will reply AT LEAST once a day, just be aware of potential time zone differences)

-detailed and literate writing

-flexibility (I'm more than happy to adapt any plot or character of mine to better suit the needs/want of my partner. That being said I'm certainly not a pushover, and definitely have my limits and boundaries)

What I expect back:

-literate responses, a bare minimum of 1-2 paragraphs please! (I can live with a few errors, but bad grammar or responses that don't make any sense drive me mad! Also, if I'm going to put a lot of work into my writing, I would expect the same from you, so please no 2 sentence or less replies)

-consistency (I completely understand that we all have lives and outside priorities, but at least have the courtesy of letting me know if you won't be able to reply for a while, instead of just stopping the conversation)

-this isn't so much an expectation, but I do enjoy it when someone takes charge a bit, or already has ideas. I'm very open to anything, so if neither of us can decide on anything or are stuck in the "I don't mind, it's up to you" zone, it can get a bit tedious... That being said, don't be a dick, I have limitations and want to have an input just as much as the next person.

Below is a list of some of the parings and plot ideas I’m interested in at the moment, though know that I am certainly not limited/constrained to just these, if you have any ideas feel free to message me! (bolded will be the character I'm interested in portraying).

Genres/Plots I’m interested in (but not limited to):

-survivors of an apocalypse (zombie or other)



-sci fi

-fantasy (depends on the plot though)

-I'm also happy to do fandom/fan universes (as long as I'm familiar with them)

Pairings I’m interested in (but not limited to):

-supernatural or mythical being x human (although I’m open to the human being turned)

-supernatural x other kind of supernatural

-enemy x enemy

-unrequited or complicated love (of any kind, because you gotta love that angst factor)

-bad boy/girl x good girl

-royal x commoner (happy to play either)

-new student x outcast

-gangster/mob boss x normal/ good girl

-assassin x target (open to playing assassin)

-love/hate relationship

-saviour x saved (although i most certainly won’t be your average damsel in distress, more like a capable and stubborn yet incredibly unfortunate and clumsy individual who always gets in bad situations)

Generally I play more of a Sub/good girl kind of role, though I'm happy to change it up or adapt. Also, I will not be not your typical damsel in distress, I will be slightly bratty, fiery, stubborn and perhaps even a little childish behind my initial pleasantries (I certainly won't be pushed around, or give into your every need). Nor will i need constant saving or protection, as I'm quite independent and capable (although perhaps a little clumsy and not as physically strong as mentally).

I am open to any other character/pairing/genre/setting/plot ideas!

Please PM me if you’re interested, want to get to know me, or have any questions or ideas!
Hey there! I believe I may have a fantasy character or two that could work well with 'supernatural being x human' set up, private message me and we can see if our ideas click.

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