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Looking for Partners (plots inside) (always open)


faerie sightings

Hello fellow roleplayers! I am once again looking for roleplay partners. Mainly because I had some plot ideas that I really wanted to do.

About Me:

My name is Coley, I'm nineteen, and I've been roleplaying for several years.

I suffer from chronic pain and some other illnesses, so I'm online a lot.

If there's anything else you'd like to know, feel free to ask me!


No anime for appearances. I can do written or pictures, but no anime.

Do not reply here if you're not interested in roleplaying. It's pointless.

I am not looking for friendship, but I don't mind to chat ooc either. I do enjoy talking.

Nothing that will get me banned because I really enjoy this website.

I would prefer to play female, but I'm also fine with doubling.

I'm good with doing fxf or mxf for pairings, I'm not including mxm because I don't play males as well.

I don't do horror or gore.

If you have any triggers please let me know so that I can avoid said triggers.

I prefer my roleplays to involve romance, but it's not required by any means.

Don't be an asshole, and don't use slurs.

I would prefer my partners be 18+ due to the fact that I'm 19 and do prefer mature styles.

I love world building and don't care to spend several days building the story together.


You're one of the leaders of a rebellion against the dictator that's running your country. You make it to the head base of the rebellion and find out that the symbol of the rebellion is being housed here. You're excited to meet her, she's always been made out to be strong and fearless. Upon meeting her you realize that she's much more human than she has been made to look. Together you must lead the troops to the final battle. Are any of you really ready for it though?

You're a tour guide in a small country. Your latest tour turns out unexpectedly when the two of you find yourself going through a portal to a mysterious fantasy world. It's no Wonderland though, it's a dark place full of twisted trees and monsters that hunt you. The two of you finally find natives who aren't trying to kill you that explain the prophecy. You're the Chosen Ones and must save this once beautiful land from it's current gloom by defeating the evil warlock who cursed it.
Harry Potter:

You're in year six when things start to change around Hogwarts. People are starting to go missing. The more that happens, the clearer it becomes that something's wrong. When it's revealed that a cult of dark wizards more dangerous than the Death Eaters are going to try and take over the wizard world, no one knows who to trust. As usual, it's up to the students to save the day. Set in the modern world.

You could almost swear that you've seen the new girl before. She swears she has no idea what you could be talking about. Until you confront her with the internet article about the runaway princess from some obscure country going through a civil war. She begs you not to reveal her, and you oblige. Slowly, the two of you grow closer as her country is being destroyed. The hardest part of keeping her secret is helping her blend in with normal people. It'd take a miracle, and you aren't sure you have one up your sleeve.

The world has turned to chaos. It's a barren wasteland. When rumors of a new way to grow food start to spread, you and your companions start out in search of the city that this originated in. Can you survive the journey?

You meet another vampire who seems like the perfect fit for you. That is, until you realize your covens are enemies. Your love affair could lead to an all out war if you don't figure out how to fix this.
Super Heroes:

You've read all the comics, seen all the movies. You've always dreamt of going to a school for gifted youngsters. Then suddenly, you have superpowers. After extensive Googling, you find a letter on your front porch. Addressed to you with no return address. You've been invited to a school for gifted people like yourself. All you have to do is pack a bag and be at the bus stop in two days. What awaits you is an adventure from your wildest dreams.

You have one badge left to get. It's a four day trip to the town. The only problem? You've heard rumors of the gym leader being MIA. You meet a young trainer heading that way, and decide to travel together, you'd both love some company. You're certain this young trainer has a secret. What is it?
Soldier and Spy:

You're running from the people you thought were the good guys. The only person you can trust is the spy you've been working with for the last couple of years. Going undercover isn't easy for you, and neither is the tension between the two of you. The two of you have to figure out a way to bring down the organization with as few casualties as possible. Who else can you trust?
Random Encounter:

You see a girl who's quite obviously been stood up. She's been here almost thirty minutes and has refused to order until her date gets back. When she looks like she's on the verge of tears you race over and sit across from her, declaring traffic was a mess. She looks confused, until you urge her to just go with it.


When someone steals and breaks a witch's magic mirror, a portal opens and monsters are unleashed upon the mortal world. The quest is on to try and save the day. You team up with some of the more capable villagers, before heading out to try and close the portal. The monsters aren't going to make it easy on you.

Fantasy (Again I Know):

Your village is destroyed while you're away. When you return, the few survivors explain what happened. The emperor is looking for the child that was stolen from him years ago. She has great magical powers. You quickly realize that your adopted sister is that child. The two of you set out on a quest to avenge your village. You pick up a couple of allies along the way. Can you make it to the end?


You've been hunting the supernatural your entire life. When you get caught in a trap, you're sure that you're done for. Until another hunter saves you. You decide to team up for a big hunt. But, do you really trust each other?

Gravity Falls:

You've seen every episode of the show Gravity Falls. It's your favorite cartoon. What happens when you end up in a real life Gravity Falls? It's up to you and your new friends to figure out what's going on in this crazy town.


You live in the perfect city. A utopia. Or that's what you've always thought. When you start to realize that something isn't right, you see signs of a rebellion. Once you find them, you realize just how wrong you were about this utopian city.
Disciplinary School:

Your parents can't get you out of this one. The court has seen enough of you, and they're ready for action. You've been sent to a top of the line disciplinary school. It's filled to the brim with troubled kids like you.
Fairy Tale:

You wake up and find yourself in a strange world. A very futuristic world compared to what you're used to. Suddenly, you start to realize that you're no longer in the realm of magic. How did you get here? (Children of fairytale characters brought into the real world by a curse, set in modern times)
Avatar: TLA:

You're the Avatar, but so are they. For the first time in the history of the world, two avatars are born at the exact same time. With war threatening to destroy the world, the two of you are kept apart until you're old enough to take on the world. Disaster strikes, and you end up alone and lost. On your 18th birthday, you find yourself face to face with the other Avatar. Fate brought you together, just in time to save the world.
Dragon Trainers:

At 18 humans are presented with their dragon egg. Slice of life as dragon trainers.
That's all I've got for now. If you have any plots at all, feel free to send them! I'll read over them and see how I feel. I'll add more as I think of them!

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[QUOTE="Quiet Is Violent]I like the dystopian plot a lot!

Awesome! If you want to discuss it we can PM :)
Also intrested in the dystopia plot. Love being able to use all my tactical troop doctrine! Hoowah!
FaithWynters said:
Hello! ^^ I really love your royalty plot. If you'd like, I can PM you about it?
Yes totally! Sounds great :)

JACJAB01 said:
Also intrested in the dystopia plot. Love being able to use all my tactical troop doctrine! Hoowah!
More than happy to discuss with you! If you want to pm me we can talk plot details :)
Ey, I was hoping to rp but I see you don't care much for making friends :( too bad, I like to make friends with my partners xD anyway, if you're interested in RPing with me, let me know :)
I like the fantasy plot! I'm still pretty new to this site, but maybe you could give me a chance to 1x1 with you!

Also I think I may or may not have more of a slight inclination towards the Zombie Apocalypse plot! Maybe you can help me choose if I PM you?
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DontBeTrippin said:
Ey, I was hoping to rp but I see you don't care much for making friends :( too bad, I like to make friends with my partners xD anyway, if you're interested in RPing with me, let me know :)
I'd love to discuss a plot with you. And it's not that I don't want to make friends, it's that I don't want the priority to be being friends.

[QUOTE="Myrrh Scented]I like the fantasy plot! I'm still pretty new to this site, but maybe you could give me a chance to 1x1 with you!
Also I think I may or may not have more of a slight inclination towards the Zombie Apocalypse plot! Maybe you can help me choose if I PM you?

I love either of them, so we can discuss both and decide! Would you like to PM me or would you like me to do it?
QueenColey said:
I'd love to discuss a plot with you. And it's not that I don't want to make friends, it's that I don't want the priority to be being friends.
I love either of them, so we can discuss both and decide! Would you like to PM me or would you like me to do it?
I'm still new to the PM game, so would you mind PMing me?

I would love to rp with you! The Random Encounter plot caught my eye, shall I PM you about it?
If u wanan role play with me. just send me a heads up. I do it all. everything but fxf and mxm. I am very enthusiastic and get really involved.
SUpercute Butterfly.


< reference dog picture.

pick any RP and I'm all over it.

I retrack my statement. It must be an RP where I can be

< That dog. (with ability to talk and walk on hind legs.)
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Hewwo Coley!!! I would love to do the Avatar rp with ya if you aren't too busy with all the other rps (^U^)
Waylah said:
Hewwo Coley!!! I would love to do the Avatar rp with ya if you aren't too busy with all the other rps (^U^)
Not too busy at all, the more rps the merrier. :) PM me and we'll discuss :)

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