Opinion Looking for Partner advice


Pro-Escapist of Reality
What is most eye catching with looking for Partner threads? I usually do romance RP, and I have seen threads before when I was not ready for a new RP in that fandom but seemingly when I make a post asking for the same thing no one is interested? So what is most appealing/you're looking for/ in a looking for Partner thread?
In my experience, finding the right partner for a fandom RP is a combination of patience, persistence, timing, and luck. Your pool of potential partners is going to be smaller because you're looking for people who not only know the same fandoms as you do but are also interested in your take on the material or willing to play the specific characters you're interested in. So if you don't get interest right away, it might just be because there's simply nobody interested around right now.

The presentation of a search thread still has a role, though. I find I'm more likely to PM someone for more info if their search thread is relatively detailed, listing their general writing style and preferences, what they're not willing to RP, as well as some miscellaneous information (age range, general availability, frequency and length of posts, etc). I'm not really big on BBCode or fancy presentation, so that doesn't really play into my likelihood of contacting someone, but I understand some people definitely value that. If the information is well organized and easy to read, that certainly helps.

I took a quick peek at some of your threads, and I don't know if it'd help you have any more success in searching, but it might not hurt to consolidate all the fandoms you're looking for into one thread. That way any potential partner has a variety of fandoms to choose from and they don't have to read multiple threads just to see what you're looking for.
Oh my gosh, you are so cool! You actually took a lot of time into this and this was really, really helpful! I appreciate it, it makes me feel a lot better and I will definitely take all of this into consideration. Thanks so much!!
Awww, no problem! I've been doing fandom RP for years and I usually get really into lesser known stuff so this is basically what I've learned from experience. I'm just one RPer, and everyone's experience definitely varies, but I still hope this helps out a little.
So I went and followed your advice, and it really helped and worked SO much. You made this so much easier for me, thank you

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