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Looking for Love....I mean Roleplay


Watering my seaweed.
Hey there!

I'm looking for a few partners for a few different types of roleplays! I'm a very easy going person and I'm not too picky when it comes to roleplay, but that being said I DO have a few things that I wan't to be made clear.

1) Grammar is important, but it doesn't need to be perfect, lord knows I'm not perfect. I need to understand what you are trying to say. 

2) Your character is not omnipresent....not are they omniscient. If you are suppose to know something about my character or what they are thinking then you will know, or will find out in due time. 

3) I like characters with flaws.It's what makes them seem a bit more realistic. ( Not that you can't have a badass or supernatural character...)

4) If you aren't having fun, I want to know!

5) We are both the writers of this story, so contribute!

Alrighty! So into the meat and potatoes. 

The pairings that I'd be interested in.





AlienxGovernment agent 


Samuraixcivilian( Whatever occupation)






Etc....I mean there are tons. But these are the ones I've been wanting to do.

Now for actual stories and plots that I've been working on. 

Sometime ago, I'd say about 100 to 200 years ago, the world natural resources began to dwindle. Because of society's greed, the Earth wasn't able to keep up with the demand. Temperatures started rising, storms became more violent, which caused the fall of a few major cities. With all of the environmental chaos, illness and famine was mixed into the concoction. The worlds governments were at a loss of what to do. But eventually they came up with the idea to move society underground. It took years to build and bring to life, but civilization was moved underground, which is where they would spend the next 200 years or so. ( give or take). With all this time, the Earth was able to get herself back onto the right track, but mankind is not out of the woods yet, and with that amount of time things are a lot different. There are new religions, and cultures, and traditions that have been born since the movement underground.

 The surface, while it is habitual for people now, it's still a desert wasteland with sky rocketing temperatures and very little water and greenery.( Of course) Half of society moved back to the surface, the other half stayed underground. 

Don't be fooled by civilizations rebuild though, people are still dying at a faster rate than they can be born. The governments actions simply slowed down the process. 

The Authority

I did copy-cat this from Rage....but I thought it was a good idea for a new government so I put my own spin on it. 

So, the Authority likes to think of itself as the one true government/police/army

They are the ones in control of this whole show. Because in the wasteland there are bandits, and famine wars etc. Someone needed to step in and protect what people are left and to enact order in an otherwise chaotic world. 

Or so people thought.

The Authority gets to do what they want, when they want and no one can tell them otherwise. Figure head Marco Salvitor likes to think of himself at the leader of the world, but really the Authorities head scientist/researcher Gabriel Povloc is in charge. 

Without Marco's knowledge, or anyone but his teams knowledge, Gabriel came up with a solution to their soldiers short comings, and their need for a constant draft. Robotic replacements. Gabriel found only one problem with these replacements, they didn't fight like a mindful soldier would. Taking orders, but also coming up with ways around orders to complete tasks and to keep their team alive, the robots were just becoming a costly mistake. That's when remote controlled ( Or mind controlled) robots were though of. They would be controlled by soldiers from an outside facility with the use of neurotransmitters. ( That's where I kind of stole bits from Avatar) The robots look and feel like regular humans ( they are modeled after their soldier self) but they have no belly buttons, their hair or nails don't grow and they don't have a smell. 


As I said before, it's different than what we know it as today. It's all about survival and the re-populace of the human race. People have to scavenge for food, water and materials. 

Society has been broken into two different groups. The surface dwellers, and the Subterranean dwellers. Both with different religion and culture. While it's common for the two to trade and visit each other, they don't have a very good relationship with each other. 

Plot: Character A is a soldier who's robotic body and real body have been offline for around 2 years. They awake to find themselves in the middle of the desert when Character B's scavenger ( or a group from their village) finds them and brings them back home. They have no idea that the stranger is apart of the authorities dogs, and neither does the stranger. Through the roleplay they slowly regain their memory and the truth about themselves and the authority. 


PART 2 of previous spoiler

This part focuses on the Subterranean populace

Back when the world was still normal- the government started a secret operation to preserve the important people of their time in cryogenic pods to ensure the worlds secrets would live on into the future, however long that would be. There were 10,and 20 secret service agents to act as body guards. As time went on and wars and civil wars reshaped the underground, the pods were lost and separated from one another. The people of the subterranean got this notion ( after finding one of the pods some time later) That these frozen people were gods who were trapped in human bodies and needed to be set free upon their awakening. So they started to worship the pods and they held ceremonies in their honor.  Whenever a pod would open and the person inside would awake, the religious officials would hold a large festival and ceremony to set the god free from their earthly bodies, and would kill the pod dweller. 

The Subterranean people have a lifestyle very similar to old world tribes and romani, and they are very obvious in appearance, pale skin, pale eyes and white hair. The Authority has no control or say in what happens in the subterranean society. To them the authority is the surface dwellers problem. 

Story to fit:  Character A wakes from their pod and is surprised by how much the world has changed since their sleep. Character B Is either a Subterranean who goes against the teachings to help the 'God' or they are  a former poddy who managed to escape from another tribe and go into hiding by traveling the underground. They help the new poddy and they both come up with the idea of going to the surface to escape. 


Character A goes underground for ( I'll let you choose the reason) And they come upon the pod and confirm that the rumors of the subterranean's ridiculous religion is true. For whatever reason Character A takes it upon themselves to save Character B ( The poddy) After they awaken a day later. Character A brings them to the surface  and teaches them about the world, until the authority get wind that one of the poddy's had awoken and starts to hunt them down. 


This one is more of a character that I've been wanting to use. 

In feudal Japan,there were groups of monks called the Yamabushi. They lived on mountains and trained to be fighters and warriors in order to gain insight into the spiritual and supernatural world. One group of the Yamabushi built a temple on the side of  Mt Akaishi and have been training monks for the last 50 years. This is where our unlikely hero comes into play!

While on a spiritual pilgrimage Junjii runs into character B who had gotten lost on the mountain side in search of their relative(Or..?). Junjii out of good faith agrees to help them find their way off the mountain, but the pair run into some demon troubles along the way and Junjii is forced to show his half demon side to the stranger. This sparks an interesting string of events that puts Junjii's pilgrimage on halt in the search of answers about himself, the unlikely friendship of character B. 

To be honest I just threw this plot together because I've been dying to use Junjii. 


I hope to hear from you soon! 

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Hello there :)  

I am quite interested in the last plot you had created(and I see that you are very excited about it)

I would be happy to roleplay it with you, feel free to PM me and I will get back to you ASAP!
Idk if you're still searching but yooo I'm up for the plot with Junji in it. It's nice to see some old-fashion Asian mythology RPs again.
Wow! I hadn't realized how many people have responded since I last looked. I will take the time out to message each one of you. :)  
Id be down for a teacher x student roleplay if you wish ^^

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