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Looking for Female Partners

Haru Rivers

Full-time DM
Let me start with an introduction. My name is Haru and I've been roleplaying for about 9 or 10 years now. I usually write at around the level of casual to detailed and am comfortable at those two levels. In 1x1 roleplays I tend to introduce side characters that I will play throughout the roleplay and encourage you to do so as well.

After a year or two break I've been trying to get back into the hobby of doing so, but finding myself limited by my schedule. Most multi-person RPs tend to slip away from me due to my schedule and I often find myself out of the loop in most RPs. This has led me to the conclusion of scratching my itch in the form of 1x1's where I think it would be considerably more difficult to get left behind. My schedule is a tad odd and I would love it if I could find someone who has a similar schedule. Seeing as I work 2nd and 3rd shifts I make my replies in the evening and late into the night.

My interests are pretty broad overall. I welcome you to send me ideas via PM or leave them in the thread. I lean towards Fantasy and Sci-Fi over modern, but by no means does that mean I won't like an idea. The only thing I try to stay away from is Fandom based RPs simply because I don't enjoy playing a preexisting character.

My own ideas and itches in no particular order. PM if you are interested in any of them. Characters I would play will be bolded if applicable. I have names for some and don't for others.

Scorched Earth (Angel x Demon) - Demons won a war on Earth and I would be one of the few remaining Angels left on Earth after the war is over.

Lying in Wait - We would play students at a monster magic academy. The twist would be a mystery involving my character and what he is. The longer it takes for you to figure it out the farther he travels down the path of losing his mind.

Behind Concrete Bars - Two individuals in a rebel group trying to overthrow a dystopian government.

(Princess x Peasant) - Modern dystopian monarchy. This is little more than a vague idea that might not even make sense lol. Would love to work out details for this one over PM.
I'm seriously up for this! If you'd like, I could maybe send you a sample of some of my writing, I've been rping for about five years now, and just recently moved into forum-like sites such as this one! Thank you for the oppertunity!

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