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Looking for experienced partners! [Last Updated 8/20/14]


like, totally.


Just for starters, raise your hand to the computer screen, and pretend you are getting a high five from me. You just opened one of my threads, and that immediately deems you as awesome in my book. Thank you for, at the very least, showing the consideration to my ideas. If you honestly are wanting to do a one-on-one, please read the following paragraphs. It's worth your time, I promise.


Well, thank you very much for asking. My name's Makena, but mostly people call me Daeya or Dae on here. I identify as any of the previously mentioned names, and prefer to keep it that way. However, if you're feeling extremely friendly, you can make your own nickname for me. I don't bite. I live in Austin, Texas, probably the most hipster town, excuse me, city- in the entire world. The enormous writing community here inspired me to get off of my lazy butt, and sit myself in front of a computer screen for hours on end and simply; write. I have been familiar with roleplay for several years- however have only become a serious writer myself in the previous 7 months. In that glorious time period, I've formed, refined, and touched up the skill until when I reread it, I don't cringe from horror and spend an extra thirty minutes re-writing it.


After my several months of reading and writing roleplay, I can firmly distinguish my tastes from another. Some genres that I do enjoy to participate in include; Dystopia | False Utopia, Sci-Fi, Horror, Modernized, Slight Romance, and Fantasy. Notice that I mentioned slight romance. I don't read smut, I don't do smut, and I will never, ever participate in it. As well, it's against the RpNation rules~ and I don't want a mod nagging at me to keep it clean. The type of partner I am looking for should be kind of like this- I want someone that is active and can actually contribute to the plot ideas. People that simply just go- 'Okay, it's perfect, I love it.' annoy me to high heaven. I spend a lot of time developing and thinking about these, and it would be so helpful if you could add something, ask a question about an element, or just show something other than interest. I want someone that is human ( yes, i mean no aliens ), meaning that they actually will talk to me about the roleplay, and can make small ( or large ) conversation with me! Boring people = bored me = roleplay quality decreases. Understand? It isn't exactly rocket science to show a little friendliness.

Post length: a big deal and not a big deal. Usually, I post multiple paragraphs; WITH the exception of when I'm traveling or in public places. These paragraphs consist of actual actions, not just filler descriptions and talk. Oh! Dialogue- I prefer for it to be colored and separated from the actual writing- it makes it easier for me to find references when I am writing my posts. I would like from you- at least 3 paragraphs in a post. As well, be frequent! If you could post every 3 days as a minimum, I would be delighted. If you need to poof for longer than that- please let me know or I will start spamming your inbox.

I prefer to play the female gender. I, myself, am a female and feel that I can best understand my character if it is female. However, that does not mean that I CANNOT play the male gender, I just prefer not to. If you have a severe problem with me being female, let me know and I'll do a gender switch.


Heights.. spiders.. wait, wrong topic! If you have to leave, let me know- no matter how disappointing it may be to part presences. People that just drop off the face of the earth are- urgh! Just.. don't do it, okay? Smut. No sex, no sexual references, nothing beyond the kissing scenes. From there- fade to black or timeskip. Like I mentioned before; even though the mods are very friendly and polite, I don't want one nagging me to stop being dirty-minded four-year olds. One-liners and I have a terrible history, and I wish to brutally murder them and watch the blood slowly seep out into the ground from their fatal wounds. I hate them that much, enough said. Posts with unnecessary details | too many details. When this ( occasionally ) happens, it seems like you're just trying to cover up the fact that you literally have nothing to say in response.


Finally, the paragraphs that you have ( hopefully ) read the previous sections to get to! My plots that took quite some time to develop. At the moment, there are only two, but as people PM or comment, I will add more based off of popular demand or suggestions. Keep in mind- that I am willing to do anything that you like, including pairings. Just keep it clean and I'd love to help develop anything. But for now, here are my original ideas.

These are in the genre:
Modernized | Realistic | Slight Romance | MxF



Just a week before you plan to leave the country on a vacation- a mysterious card about the size of a book cover appears amid the magazine subscriptions and mail that arrives every day in your mailbox. Flipping to the front- it only reads a date, time, and location: December 12th, 11:00 pm, 2014- 2134 North Shore Avenue. Later that evening, you would find yourself on the dark doorstep of that small apartment- no idea what is inside. Once the door opens, you immediately black out. After what seems of a blink of unconsciousness, you find yourself awake yet again, only this time you are in an entirely different place than you last remember, and blindfolded. Carefully, you remove the black silk cloth from your eyes, to find yourself in a small apartment room with only a bed and another person inside there. This person, or rather woman, seems to be omniscient in the situation, but will seclude any information she knows with you and will only answer yes or no questions. How will you get out of here, and what will you do next? The decision is yours.

[ I would play the woman, and you have the choice of being a male or female. PM or comment if you are interested ]

If you would like information on the second plot- please put it into a pm and I will gladly disclose it there.​
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Why hi there! I guess since I've taken interest in this post, and out of respect to the information you've provided I should introduce myself to.

I'm SkyGinge (as you will have gathered by reading my name box :P ), often abriviated to Sky. I live somewhere probably a lot less exciting than Austin (which strangely enough I do know of, but only through my love of F1 xD ), but none the less have been roleplaying for several years, learning the ropes and eventually creating several successful RPs.

Anyhow, your requirements for detail levels and the amount of information stacked up here fit perfectly with what I have in mind for an RPing partner. I've actually only ever 1x1 RPed once before, and that didn't turn out too good because essentially I was carrying the story with tons of paragraphs, and my partner was just sitting back and not doing a lot (the idea itself also wasn't ideal since our characters were seperate for quite a bit). But I'm looking to try again, and you seem like the ideal candidate to do so with. I'm also interested in the same genres as you and the idea you've presented.

Sadly, I can't really bring much to the table in terms of ideas right now, but I am happy to go with your idea and, provided I have enough information to work with, can hopefully adapt and move things in interesting directions for you. One thing to note though is that I am British, and as such we have quite different time zones that might make things a little more complicated.

So yeah, I am an interested dood! Before anything else though, what is this enigmatic second idea? D:
SkyGinge said:
Why hi there! I guess since I've taken interest in this post, and out of respect to the information you've provided I should introduce myself to.
I'm SkyGinge (as you will have gathered by reading my name box :P ), often abriviated to Sky. I live somewhere probably a lot less exciting than Austin (which strangely enough I do know of, but only through my love of F1 xD ), but none the less have been roleplaying for several years, learning the ropes and eventually creating several successful RPs.

Anyhow, your requirements for detail levels and the amount of information stacked up here fit perfectly with what I have in mind for an RPing partner. I've actually only ever 1x1 RPed once before, and that didn't turn out too good because essentially I was carrying the story with tons of paragraphs, and my partner was just sitting back and not doing a lot (the idea itself also wasn't ideal since our characters were seperate for quite a bit). But I'm looking to try again, and you seem like the ideal candidate to do so with. I'm also interested in the same genres as you and the idea you've presented.

Sadly, I can't really bring much to the table in terms of ideas right now, but I am happy to go with your idea and, provided I have enough information to work with, can hopefully adapt and move things in interesting directions for you. One thing to note though is that I am British, and as such we have quite different time zones that might make things a little more complicated.

So yeah, I am an interested dood! Before anything else though, what is this enigmatic second idea? D:
It's coming later this evening! Are you willing to wait?
I can wait, yes :') Although dependant on how late, I may already have headed off for beddy-bies and thus won't see it until the morning xD
SkyGinge said:
I can wait, yes :') Although dependant on how late, I may already have headed off for beddy-bies and thus won't see it until the morning xD
Well, then I'll get done with it soon! It has slightly more romance and themes ( drugs, etc ), though.
SkyGinge said:
Sounds good to me - I can cope with romance and drugs! (though not IRL ;P)
Hah, that's good. If you have any ideas personally or want to request a genre- don't hesitate to ask. I'm planning on making more than two.
Any of the genres you mentioned are good for me, as long as there's enough of an interesting world/idea with good themes I'm happy with it. :)
Hi, Makena. I am also not a fan of heights! And I may argue that San Francisco may be the more hipster. =/

I'm interested in the plot you have up there, but I would definitely need more details. I've been aiming to do something towards horror for a while and the plot seems like it's leaning towards it. But if that's not what you have in mind, then don't mind me. I'm just trying to look for some partners to help make me a better writer and kill time. Either way, let me know. Thanks!
ChanpuruDragon said:
Hi, Makena. I am also not a fan of heights! And I may argue that San Francisco may be the more hipster. =/
I'm interested in the plot you have up there, but I would definitely need more details. I've been aiming to do something towards horror for a while and the plot seems like it's leaning towards it. But if that's not what you have in mind, then don't mind me. I'm just trying to look for some partners to help make me a better writer and kill time. Either way, let me know. Thanks!
Haha. I was recently in San Fran, actually! My, it is hipster, but when you have people walking around at six in the morning carrying a kitten in one hand and our local coffee shop's latte in the other, I think we would win!

I'm glad you like the idea mentioned above- and I would love to answer any questions or give details to you. I was quite vague in the synopsis, so if you could PM me with a list of your questions and comments, that would be much obliged.
I too would also like details, so maybe it would be easier for you and more beneficial if you could just elaborate a little further here on the thread? :) Would save you from answering the same questions twice, at least. For me personally I'd just like a little bit more of an idea as to where things are heading from that starting point :)
SkyGinge said:
I too would also like details, so maybe it would be easier for you and more beneficial if you could just elaborate a little further here on the thread? :) Would save you from answering the same questions twice, at least. For me personally I'd just like a little bit more of an idea as to where things are heading from that starting point :)
I would love to answer some questions here. As for where things would go- I was planning for your character to wake up, ( described above ) and see mine, at first thinking she was the one whom knocked out the other. Instead, she had been out into the same situation your character would have been in- but had been observing for quite some time and had a heightened knowledge. If your character decides to ask questions, she can only answer yes or no. The people that put them there found out that she had known something, and made her swear that she couldn't disclose any information. So, if you don't ask questions, your character would proceed to look around the apartment room for possible exits.
I would absolutely love to role-play with you! All my current role-plays seem to be dead at the moment, so I've been looking for new ones. Plus, you seem like an extremely competent writer, which is fantastic. I've been getting back into writing actual books lately, as well as just making my posts on here longer or more detailed.

My writing competency may have been killed, flung against a wall, and stepped on, but I'm finally getting back into my old rhythm ^.^

Are you willing to do FxF? If not, that's completely fine, so don't feel you have to. I've mostly been roleplaying FxF recently -as It's my favourite type- but I generally ask whether the other person is okay with it first (:
KaiaWolf said:
I would absolutely love to role-play with you! All my current role-plays seem to be dead at the moment, so I've been looking for new ones. Plus, you seem like an extremely competent writer, which is fantastic. I've been getting back into writing actual books lately, as well as just making my posts on here longer or more detailed.
My writing competency may have been killed, flung against a wall, and stepped on, but I'm finally getting back into my old rhythm ^.^

Are you willing to do FxF? If not, that's completely fine, so don't feel you have to. I've mostly been roleplaying FxF recently -as It's my favourite type- but I generally ask whether the other person is okay with it first (:
FxF Is okay, but as long as we can come up with a good plot. Do you have any in mind, would you like to brainstorm?
I agree completely about the plot. If it doesn't have a plot, the role-play dies within a day.

And I don't really have any set ideas… Anything you're really interested in at the moment? My tastes are pretty wide, but I draw the line at horror. Just thought I should mention ^.^
KaiaWolf said:
I agree completely about the plot. If it doesn't have a plot, the role-play dies within a day.
And I don't really have any set ideas… Anything you're really interested in at the moment? My tastes are pretty wide, but I draw the line at horror. Just thought I should mention ^.^
I'm feeling like supernatural, but I don't have a specific plot in mind..
Whoop! Very sorry, but we'll have to brainstorm later. I have just been notified that I must go out with family at this time, but I'll be back in around an hour or so.

Darn people dragging me out of my room to be social X3 
In the mean time, I'll be thinking of ideas!
Hello Makena, as you have probably noticed, my name has been anonymously hanging over your thread in the "watch list" for a while now, so I find it only proper to introduce myself after days of lurking. I am a rather chocolate-crazed Nerd Fighter from Minnesota who takes utmost offense when one speaks openly of "Minnesota nice". Stereotypes annoy me immensely, particularly when they are not true (which is always). This is not to say that I dislike "nice" people, or "nice" looking things, because I don't. I just find that there are too many definitions that exist for that particular word to make any general statement. As you can probably tell, I am also inclined to ramble at great lengths, so if I ever begin to bother you, simply raise a virtual hand and state, "Shut up". And I will. Most likely (not).

Your requirements for long, detailed posts was what attracted me the most, along with your lengthy descriptions of what you are looking for. I feel like too many role plays die out because no plot was constructed before-hand, and no one feels the need to challenge themselves and write well thought out posts. I agree with everything that you have stated above, and would love to create a role play with you. Conveniently, I prefer playing as male characters, so, unless you wanted to swap genders, I am perfectly happy with that situation.

I actually do have a broad plot idea that we can warp and change if you wish to become involved. Said idea includes serial killings, time-travel, and a particularly nasty coffee shop. If you are interested, simply tell me and I will write you a brief summary of the plot. :)

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