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Realistic or Modern Looking for an advanced/detailed partner


queen of angst
Hello! I've been on a bit of a hiatus from this website, so I'm without partners and would really enjoy taking on two or three more roleplays. On this thread I'll talk to you about my writing style, interests, requirements, and a few plot ideas that I have. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read!

I have a pretty detailed writing style. I'll give you on average a post that will be around one thousand words, more or less. I strive for no less than six paragraphs and will always give you more if I can. I've seen a few people on here saying they don't want "novel," sized posts, but personally, there is no limit I have when it comes to length. With daily life demanding my attention throughout the week, I'm afraid I won't be able to post all that often, but I'll do my best. I won't know for sure how often I'll be able to post until I actually pick up a few roleplays, but I should be able to get you at least a post per week if not more.

I prefer slice of life roleplays. I don't do fantasy, futuristic, or fandom, so please don't ask me to do those. I'll go with a horror roleplay if the plot is good, but otherwise, I'm looking for only modern roleplays. To keep things interesting I like to have these roleplays include a lot of conflict as well as romance (although, not as the center of the roleplay) and mature topics (not NSFW).
EDIT: I've been craving writing an angel character in a angelxhuman set up if you like fantasy, I've got an idea or two for that. Just ask me about it.

Now, here are a few things that I'm looking for in my partners:

1.) Able to write five paragraphs per post, minimum. I don't wish to write with someone who is forcing themselves up to five paragraphs with each post which is why I say this. I always hope for something more around eight-ish paragraphs on average and more if you can manage.

2.) Have good grammar. Please at least know your spelling and basic grammar. I can understand if English isn't your first language, but for the most part I need to be able to understand what you're saying.

3.) Write an original, realistic character. Please use your own characters and make them realistic. No anime references, perfect characters, powerplay, etc. You know, the usual things. I expect a character sheet too, but I'm very lenient with those.

4.) Will keep communication. If there is something you don't want to see or dislike in the roleplay, please tell me. I want to know what you're interested in and all the ideas you have as well. I don't want to be the only one contributing to the roleplay or end up ignoring problems until they get out of hand.

If you can write to those standards, here are a few ideas that I have that we can use. I'm not too partial to any one of these, so please know that I won't be offended at all if you don't want to use them or wish to make any sort of changes. I'd actually love to hear any ideas you have. Also, if you like more than one of these, we can definitely combine more than one together and add in others as the rp progresses. I think they're all written in a way that they can be used together.


"You don't understand... You don't understand in the slightest sense."

What could drive a stranger to walk through the rain and knock on another stranger's door, begging for help? Are they a runaway or just plain lost? Where they kicked out of home whether it be from being disowned or a lack of money to pay rent? Are they a part of a robbery group, and they were the one to get sent to check out the home before any actual robbing went down? Would this person have trouble leaving or no, and if they do have trouble, is it because of the homeowner or something else? What could they offer the stranger in exchange for having a place to stay? What if the homeowner's intentions weren't exactly good, either?



Character one robs a convenience store. What led them to this? Oh well, it doesn't matter. Not when the only employee in the store (character two) is staring them down with the most determined look telling you to kill them. Do they actually want you to kill them, or is this some sick joke, maybe a survival tactic? Will a bullet actually be shot, or what? If not, what happens when character one walks out without being caught and later returns as an employee to that same store?


"Dumb baby, don't do it again."

Character one is known for their antics, but there always comes a point where things are taken too far. When they meet character two, this becomes one of those times. Character one had realized it too late, and things were then going terribly, terribly wrong. How did this affect character two? Once character one sees the damage they've done, they make it a point to change and make up with character two. Things seemed to be going good, but what happens when this situation arises again in a worse form?


"He's gonna fight the good fight."

Character one is holding a gun to character two's head. How did they get themselves in this situation? What are character one's motivations, and how is character two reacting? Will they plead and beg for their life or fight with their words? What stops character one from pulling the trigger? Did these characters already know each other or was it a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time?


"Sometimes trees provide the best company."

Character one is hiding in the woods from something. They could be simply running from their problems or maybe there's something deeper. Maybe character one is in danger. Why did they choose to hide in the woods out of all places, though? The night is foggy and only a small bonfire keeps them warm. How long have they been here? What happened to make them resort to this? Are they lost? Is character two a stranger just so happening to stubble upon character one, or are they a friend looking for their missing companion? Is character two the one that drove character one to run away in the first place? Will character two be lost as well, and if so, how will they find themselves back to civilization? What obstacles will they face should they be lost? Perhaps a thunderstorm. Would they break into a vacant cabin, and how long will the storm last? Will they wait out the storm only to have tensions between the two grow, or will they become closer in their relationship? Will anxiety get to them, and are one of the characters about to have to deal with a panic attack?


"I know it's hard on you. It's hard to fight through these things."

Our characters meet through a bad situation. This could be through something illegal, the drama of life, or maybe a hospital type setting. They continue to be there for each other even as character one improves and character two continues to worsen. Through their time spent together, character one has fallen in love with character two. How will character one deal with this? Will they eventually give up on character two or continue to accompany them? If they stayed, would they eventually find their downfall as well because of the influence of character two? Will character one stop loving character two, and will character two ever fall for character one? Is there any hope for them at all?


"I should know better than to count on the future. All you can ever believe in is now. This moment, because in a blink everything can change."

Life was looking up for character one, but things suddenly took a turn for the worst. What happened, and how will character one recover? Character two was always a distant friend, but they are now the only person character one can turn to. How much dependency can character two take, and what more troubles will they soon face?


"He's dying because no one took care of him."

Character one isn't doing so well. Actually, they've probably never done overly well for the majority of their life. It's to the point of where they've nearly lost the motivation to try and so any better. However, things change whenever they meet character two. To character one, character two is of the elusive type. They're someone character one strives to be, and so in order to reach that goal, they make it a point to get to know character two. However, as the cliche of a saying goes, things aren't always as they seem. As they see part the surface lever, there is a lot more to character two than character one had ever considered, and now they're past the point of getting out of the mess they've gotten into. What's character two's secret? Will character one fall under the weight of it or fight to stand with them?


"When you let fear control you, you end up in a place that is much worse than what you were trying to avoid."

Something is going on in character one's home. They fear it; they fear it so much to the point that they put up with it just to keep said thing hidden from others. Unfortunately, things don't always go as planned. Character two is suspicious, and will find out what is going on. What happens when character two unintentionally makes things worse for character one once they find this secret held up in character one's household?


"I'm not afraid to die anymore; I've done it already before."

Whether it be the late hour, unfamiliar street, full moon, or the flat out bad weather, something was bound to go wrong this night. Call it a stupid, reckless decision, but character one is out here for a reason. To find someone, something. Justification, to fed curiosity, a friend, whatever may have you. Intuition nags at them, calling on them to turn and run, but again, they're here for a reason and intend to see things through. But it turns out, intuition was right. Things go wrong. Terribly, completely, absolutely wrong. Did character two cause this or are they the one to help character one and why? What motives could they possibly have, and how will this affect later interactions?


"He was from a village called war."

Character one has always been on the more brutal side in the eyes of others. As it goes, once people see something in you enough, some may tend to sway towards what is expected of them. Character one has slowly become more and more of a trouble maker outcast. They reach their breaking point and do something incredibly stupid. Have they hurt another or hurt themselves? Is character two a victim or a savior to character one?
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Interested in five. I've got a skitsophrenic character who I think would be pretty interesting in this setting 
hello! I'm interested in plot one! I must tell you, however, I am working on getting my reply length up. I don't think it will be a problem but this will be my first roleplay with five+ paragraph minimum. my usual replies are about three or four paragraphs but I think I can execute a longer reply just as nicely! I would like to discuss plots further, I do enjoy a good slice of life horror roleplay
I feel like three and six could make for a really cool and emotional roleplay if you are still looking for someone. :)
I love all of these. Any your craving!? Going to bed soon. But I'd love to work something out once I'm done with work tomorrow. (:
10 or 11 sound suuuuuper juicy to me! I'd say I prefer 10, if it's still available, but I can make either work! PM if interested! (I am working on my starter posts to unlock my profile, however I am an experienced and detailed roleplayer)

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