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Looking for a male counterpart!


One Thousand Club

As the title suggests I'm looking for a male werewolf counterpart to play in a 1x1 werewolf x human RP. 

Seems simple enough, right? 

I hope so. 

However, there are rules that I need to have. They are the following:

-BE ACTIVE. I can't stress this enough. It's extremely annoying to me if you aren't. I understand life gets in the way, but please let me know. I hate to be kept waiting 5 days for a reply. It gets boring, ok?

-DON'T leave me hanging. I've had this too many times. I start the RP, get one or no replies and then they just ditch me, leaving me weeks without a reply, saying they'll reply soon. Don't be that person. It aggravates me to no end. It's rude as hell. 

- Be literate and have moderate replies. Now, I'm not asking for 10 paragraphs, but I don't want 3-4 lines either. I would prefer you to be literate for the most part. I understand everybody makes mistakes. I'd also like to ask for at least a paragraph at the very minimum. 

- RP through PM. I like to reply through private message, just because it suits me and it's easier to reply to. 

- I don't double up/do group roleplays. They just aren't my style. But don't be mistaken. I do double up only for the purpose of NPC's to advance the storyline, which brings me into my next point. 

- Advance the storyline with me. I don't want to be the only one advancing the plot. You have to put in some effort as well. However, I don't mind if we discuss the plot before RP'ing, or if we just go with the flow. I'm fine with either. 

- Romance. It's a big YES from me, so I don't mind if we have it straight off the bat or whether you want it to develop. However, it's nicer when developed. That way I can get to know your character. 

- I don't play males. It's easy. It just doesn't suit my style and I dislike it. Like I said, I'm looking for a male role here. 

I don't mind the way the werewolf is. (Lycan, or your typical overgrown wolf) I would prefer it to be more of a two-legged werewolf rather than the twilight wolves though. 

This can be discussed! 

If any of this sounds okay to you then we should be fine. Hit me up with a PM and we can discuss things. I don't bite. ;)  

*EDIT*: please don't be afraid to ask for a sample of my writing! I'm more than happy to provide you with one. Likewise, I may ask you for one also.
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