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Looking for a long term partner.


Typical Tragic Teacher
Looking for a long term partner who doesn't mind me easing into a roleplay. It's been a bit of time since I engaged in text roleplay, but I do have years of experience for reference. Hopefully my rust stains aren't noticeable.

About Me

I am a teacher so I have consistent hours and often have breaks that are weeks (or more) long. Most of the time I can promise to either give long detailed posts or at least notification of writer's block or lack of time (like during finals.) Multiple characters/subplots aren't overly hard for me to maintain, if needed. I have very few (if any) limits, but I do prefer to operate in PMs. My preference includes fantasy/medieval themes, but I could be talked into modern with the correct partner and plot. 

About You

I expect the following in a partner:

  • Consistency

    Multiple paragraphs per post is a requirement. There really isn't much of a reason to have one liners over and over again. 1x1 roleplay is essentially a co-write. If I wished to write a story alone, I'd do so.


  • Let me know if there are issues with writer's block or time availability (see below.) Even if you are becoming bored with the roleplay, we can throw a wrench into it and make it interesting again. I'm always open to workshopping a scene or world. 

[*]Attention to detail

  • Grammar falls under this category. Please make sure to try to pay attention to your grammar and thought processes. The paragraph run-on is unappealing when every post has one. I understand the occasional slip (trust me, I'll do many over time) but I will proofread my own things in hopes that you will as well. 

[*]Time allocation/management (activity)

  • I understand that roleplay is secondary (as all hobbies are) to life. I have my own life, family, obligations, and responsibilities, but I desire a partner who can spare time to be active or at least is willing to communicate when they are unable to be active or are no longer interested in continuing with me. 

Rereading this I worry that I come off rigid, but I feel it is easier to put all my expectations out there in hopes of finding quality over quantity.

If you got through all of this, reply to this post with your favorite color and then your response. 

Thank you,


Hey dude, I'm a teacher too. Winter break is the besttttt. I'd be down to plot something with you (: 
Hi Rav! 

I don't really have a favorite color. However, I do have a favorite type of roleplay. Are you interested in mxm romance integrated into a larger genre/plot of our choosing? 

I only just jumped back into the foray of roleplaying a few months ago; it had been years since, although collectively I've roleplayed for 10+ years. I am very understanding of any rust that may need buffing off =v= and fyi, my replies can get inconsistent because I do have a lot going on right now, but I am trying very hard to make time for writing, at the very least once a week for roleplay replies. I will communicate if I am having trouble meeting that goal.


Hello! I'm starting to get back into Rping and would really love to share some ideas and plots with you!

That is...if you're still looking?!

: )

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