Looking for a 1x1 roleplayer? :3


One Time Luck
Hello, darlings~

so, I'm new here, and I probably will join some of the larger roleplays here, but first I'd want to see how 1x1 roleplays work here~

I'd love to do a fan rp from:

-Death Note (the crush of my character would be Mello, but it can be changed~ ;3)

-Black Butler (here the crus of my character would be the Undertaker, but it also can be changed~)

-Game of Thrones (hmm... the crush would be Viserys~)

-the Lord of the Rings (here there could be an OC crush, if not... probably Legolas x'D don't get me wrong here, I only really liked Legolas once I read the books~)

-the Pirates of the Caribbean (probably an OC crush~)

-Amnesia (you can see this as both the horror game or the otome game, in the horror it'd be OC crush, in the otome game it would be Ukyo~ (I hope I spelled it right u////u'))

-Fairy Tail (here the crush would be Freed, yes, you can say I'm crazy~)

-Sweeney Todd (OC crush~)

-Harry Potter (Fred or George~ >D)

-the Interview with the Vampire (Lestat~)

-Elfenlied (OC crush~)

-the Avengers~ (OC crush~)

-Batman (OC crush~)

-Slenderman (if it's possible x3, OF COURSE and OC crush x'D and... I'm going back to the games again~)

-Misao (OC crush~)

-Mad father (if it's possible xD OC crush~)

-Guild Wars II (OC crush~)

-Scream (OC crush, or Randy x'D~)

others? message me~! :D

(I also do original roleplays :3)

if we get along well, and find something good to rp about, I'll give you a mail and we can then rp by mail, if you want to~
(( [MENTION=4604]BrokenLove25[/MENTION] I may be interested. I can't recieve PM's but if you still want someone to 1x1 with you can post on my profile and we can talk that way. The only thing I ask is for something more than a 1-liner RP. Nothing worse than someone who can't make a decent post, lol :3 ))
@Nikki Rodgers, cool :D then what would you like to rp from the list, dear? :3

@KaitWink, okay, I shall post something on your profile, then, dear, later we can maybe start the rp through mail? :3 (and I can write a decent paragraph as long as I'm given enough to write about from the previous post the other rper's given me, if you know what I mean xD so like... if I get a short paragraph I often write a short paragraph, too, if I get a long paragraph I also write a long paragraph,... unless the person's always repeating things to make it look longer u////u)

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