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Meet Xanriel

Below you will find variations of Xanriel depending on the genre of play. Please feel free to provide any feedback, and if you're interested in playing, let me know!
Name: Xanriel
Nicknames: Xan or Riel
Age: 27
Height: 5'7"
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Blue / Brown
Status: Free
Occupation: Server (The Pavilion)

  • What Xanriel would not have given to grow up the son of a Merchant, or even a farmer, instead of that of a Lord. Their manor, for one was situated high on the hill overlooking the town below, and no other buildings were permitted to be built fifty yards of the outside wall of their manor. This was for the security of the Lord’s family and home, but it also made an intangible barrier others did not willingly cross without good reason.

    People within the village avoided strolling up that pathway without good cause, and even when Xanriel had been young, and sought to make friends with the other children in town, once they realized he lived in the manor, those friendships withered up like roots in the harsh summer sun. There were some that would travel the road into the manor though. Other nobles, and well to do merchants. The children they brought with them though were not of the same bread as those in the village.

    They were often spoiled, formal, and always seemed to be looking for a way to use others to raise their station, even if it was just in the sight of a servant. Scheming to put things to their advantage when none truly was needed. It was when he was sixteen when two visiting families had gotten the better of him. Successfully making him look the bumbling idiot when serving tea. One tripped him, and hot tea ruined the robes of another. Both berated him before their parents, and his.

    His parents were forced to apologize, and it was then that he knew…this life was not what he wanted, not one he would likely survive. He didn’t have the heart for it. So it was in the evenings he began to make his plans. He loved his parents, and he knew the shame his actions would cause him, but he could not do it. He spent weeks planning, and finally, one evening, he’d made good his escape.

    He took coin his father had given him for an allowance. He’d save and saved, enough to be able to bribe his way onto a merchant caravan heading west. Though he thought he’d had enough, he’d been truly mistaken. It turned out that there was much he had not considered. A place to sleep, food, and the work to be done on an over month long trip was not inexpensive. But when the woman who was leading the caravan found out he could write? Well, she had uses for that. He was given a seat along the lead wagon, and he wrote her letters for her.

    Confirmed her numbers when they stopped to make sales, and in general served as a clerk and secretary. It was when they came to one of the largest cities he’d ever seen, the caravan off loaded the supplies of the east, and was set to load back up and turn around. It was then the woman gave him advice. Seek out the Pavilion, there was always work to be had there. He would not miss it.

    She’d spoken the truth, it was one of the largest buildings in the town, and situated in it’s heart. It was larger than his father’s manor. He had worried he might not be able to find work, but a place like the Pavilion had need of all sorts. Plus…he had a look they could use.


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