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Looking for 1x1 RP for Fandoms!


New Member
Hello Everyone!

I'm looking for someone who can reply often, several times a day through various means. I'm not looking for huge paragraphs though they are nice; One liners, small paragraphs or even multiple are fine. I generally attempt to match what is given to me.

I've been in RP for a good 12 years now, I currently have two partners but I am looking for more. I only ask for decent grammar and an open mind. I RP just about everything so limits aren't really existent for me. As of right now I'm MxM, myself as the bottom, I haven't done FxM in a long time but would be willing to try again. Please be 18+

Bold is who I would RP (If going Fandom no OC)


My Fandoms that are currently in RP:

Kingdom Hearts (Sora/Anyone Male)

Rise of The Guardians (Jack/Aster or Jack/Pitch/Kozmotis)

Junjou Romantica (Misaki/Anyone Male)

Kuroshitsuji (Ciel/Anyone Male)

Fandom's that can be considered:

Inuyasha (Kagome/ Anyone but Inuyasha)

Bleach (Orihime/ Anyone but Ichigo)

Harry Potter (Hermione/ Anyone but Ron)

Avatar the Last Airbender (Katara/Zuko)

Ouran Highschool Host Club (Haruhi/ Anyone but Tamaki )

Labyrinth (Jareth/Sarah)

Phantom of the Opera (Erik/Christine)

Legend (Lily/Darkness)

Strange Magic (Marianne/Bog)

Fandom would be my preference they can even be OOC. If you have a great OC/OC idea try to persuade me and I'll think about it :D

We can even do crossovers if that's your thing too just let me know what you'd like to crossover with and if I haven't seen it I'll look into watching it so we can do a cross over of that. I enjoy Fantasy, Sci-fi, Mystery, Romance, Paranormal and Horror <3.

I hope to hear from you guys soon, this looks like an awesome community!


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SmittenKitten said:
I may be interested in rping with you! I have done fandom, but I am a bit better at original xD
I'd love to do a fandom with you. Do you have one in mind? My Original meter is at max right now as that's what everyone wants.
I'll totally RP with you. :) The two on your list that caught my eye is ROTG and OHSHC. Do you like to RP in PMs, or do you prefer to do it on a forum?
Keks591 said:
I'll totally RP with you. :) The two on your list that caught my eye is ROTG and OHSHC. Do you like to RP in PMs, or do you prefer to do it on a forum?
Thanks for replying to me! I prefer to do RP via Skype but PM here is fine as well :D I'll send you a message
I'll be glad to rpleplay with you, if you're still looking for people! The ones that most caught my eye are ROTG and Harry Potter :)
Marta said:
I'll be glad to rpleplay with you, if you're still looking for people! The ones that most caught my eye are ROTG and Harry Potter :)
Thank you for the interest, I'll send you a PM
I would love to RP Harry Potter with you, if you're interested. I still have my 24 hours thing going on so if you could message me?( :) )
[QUOTE="Yuuki Kuran]I have a werewolf x human idea or we could do PotO

PoTO would be awesome >> Who says we can't mix it with the werewolf idea? lol

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