• If your recruitment thread involves completely going off site with your partner(s) then it belongs in the Off-Site Ad Area.
  • This area of the site is governed by the official Recruitment rules. Whether you are looking for players or looking for a roleplay, we recommend you read them and familiarize your self with them. Read the Recruitment Rules Here.

Looking for 1x1 Partner





✧about me✧




Hey I’m Liz, a cute 16 year old girl who incidentally cusses too much and has a hard time expressing herself.

☺some shit about me☺

  • I’m in sports and other extra curricular activities so don’t expect me to have all the time in the world to be on here.

  • My timezone is CST and I usually go to sleep around 9pm on weekdays.

  • I started roleplaying 6 years ago, but but just recently got back into it last year.

  • I seriously suck ass at finishing my character sheets, so most are forever wips, but I love writing them AND it really is mandatory for your character to have one if we’re to rp.

  • I’m AWFUL at organization, as you can see with these damn bullet points, so please please pleeease excuse my mess.

  • I like chatting in OOC so hit me up, I’d love to make friends with you~ (I do tend to whine a lot though so I apologize for anytime I do in the future)

  • I was trying to be blunt while writing all this, but trust me I’ll be a lot nicer when I’m actually talking to you ^^’

✎my roleplay style✎

  • My reply lengths vary depending on the day and my muse. If I really can’t come up with a good reply I will ask to wait until a later day to respond. (1-2 paragraphs is the least amount I’ll put out)

  • If we do long replies I’ll need more time to write them.

  • I usually use Asian face claims but I have others as well.

  • I don’t want too much smut because it gets boring, and I’m also using a school computer.

  • I reeaally prefer not to roleplay straight ships in all honestly.

  • I love romance a lot, but also comedy and fantasy. (I’ll try anything)

  • World building sounds fun, I’ve actually tried it before but I never went through with it.

  • Only fandom I would really consider roleplaying is Avatar the Last Airbender, but with OCs only.

  • I prefer to not rp in pms.

  • I don’t really like the idea of doubling, unless we could come up with a really good plot and reason for it. (I don’t mind using NPCs though)

✰my shitty rules✰

  • No fucking one liners I can’t stress how much this irks me.

  • You have to make a character sheet.

  • If we start talking about rping you need to send me an example of your roleplaying style.

  • If you’re bored or don’t like how I write, let me now. I’d rather you do that than be miserable roleplaying with me.

  • And in return if I’m bored or don’t like your writing, I’m gonna tell you.


* means I have a plot for it

bold means I'd like to play that role

/// means craving

ceo x employee

ghost x human

knight captain x prince/ss *///

prince x servant ///

jewel merchant x thief *

detective x client *

college students

time traveler x someone from the past

single father/mother x single father/mother ///

cute patissier x bad boy/girl customer *

polyamorous relationship

pirate x commoner/captive ///

drunk bad boy/girl college student x drunk nerdy boy/girl college student *


angel x human

demon x human ///

jock x peer tutor ///

spaceboy x classmate *

robot x human ///

gang leader x stripper *///

mercenary x employer


‘You found me hanging by my fingertips from your window and I don’t want to tell you I was trying to rob you but I don’t know how else to explain this and I don’t want to go to jail and also you’re kind of cute we should make out when I’m not clinging onto your window ledge for my life’

‘I met you last night when you were drunkenly patting my dog in my backyard at 3am and when I asked you what the hell you were doing you slurred something about dogs being great and then you threw up on my feet and then fifteen minutes later you were passed out on my couch so that’s why you’re here right now also what the hell is your name and why were you patting a dog in a stranger’s backyard in the middle of the night’

Letter Roleplay- instead of roleplaying normally, each post is a letter one character sends to the other narrating events from their perspective.

Muse A is a superhero and Muse B is the villain, but they're roommates and they keep making excuses to each other about why they are out all the time, and they stitch each other up after battles but neither has any idea that the other is their nemesis and they keep on having to lie to each other about why they’re always covered in scratches and bruises.

Extra: they could be attracted to each other or dating.

‘I kissed you to distract you while I stole your wallet’

‘We’re riding on the same train together when it suddenly stops in the middle of nowhere.’

Muse A and Muse B have always been rivals in sports throughout junior high and high school, and once they graduate they almost hope not to see each other again, but when they go to meet their college roommate, they find out that it’s their childhood rival. Will they still hate each other? Become friends? Or even fall in love?

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