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Realistic or Modern Lonely and Afraid

How could this man, this young man act like such a child? How could someone else, put some much fear into someone else?
Shaking her head, she rubbed her arm lightly. “No..” she wasn’t exactly sure what else to say. Furrowing her brow, she looked directly at him, he had pretty eyes if nothing else. He looked as broken as she felt, “thank you.” He honestly didn’t even deserve a thank you, but for now; today he owed at least one. Biting into her lip she watched him, what would happen now? Was she safe to leave? Or was she supposed to stay? Her stomach cluttered full of hope, and then slowly was refilled with a sense of dread.
Emmet shook his head, he didn't deserve a thank-you. It was his fault that she was stuck here. "Are you hungry?" he asked her as he slowly opened his bedroom door and peered outside. No sign of his father, good. "You can't leave. If you leave, he'll kill me." Emmet whispered and stepped out into the hallway. If he let her go, he'd be in huge trouble. Maybe he doesn't let her escape. Maybe she just manages to escape on her own somehow. He'd still be in a lot of trouble though if his father found out. "You need to stay, you'll talk if you leave and it won't end well okay?" Emmet explained, looking at her seriously. He knew she wanted to leave but he wasn't going to let her go. Maybe his father was right about not trusting her to stay quiet.
She wasn’t exactly sure what to say, her stomach wasn’t rumbling. She wanted to leave, needed to leave. “No. Im-I’ll just go sit in the bedroom.” Closing the small bedroom door, her brain began to wonder, while he was in the kitchen could she?
Could she run through the back door!?
Holding her breathe, she waited. Waited until she heard his feet move closer and closer away from the door. Wait, where were they!? Were they even in the same state, or the same town? Oh god, her hands shook with anxiety as she held her breathe, closing her eyes she moved from the bed to the door. Listening, waiting to hear him off in his own small world and her ready to escape.
Okay then, well he was pretty hungry after being scared like that. His heart was still pounding in his chest, he missed his mother. His mother wouldn't be so cruel. If his mother was still around maybe he wouldn't be in such a mess. He was alone in the world, he only had his father but he didn't even think of him as his father any more. What kind of father beats and drugs his kid for raising his voice? Emmet's father, that's the kind. He walked into the small kitchen and started to prepare himself some food, nothing big since he already felt sick to his stomach. His father would be back, he knew it. His father wasn't going to just give up so easily. Not after what just happened. The scary thing though was that Emmet wasn't sure if he'd come alone or with friends.
Run! Elaine’s brain screamed, her feet moved faster than her mind. Pushing the door open, she almost tripped over her own feet. The silver door knob against her clammy fingers, almost made her turn back around.
Throwing the door open, she ran. The cold air, hit her lungs like a knife as she ran. Where was she going? How long would it be, before he realized the door was left wide open?
He was making some stew when the phone rang, causing his heart to drop to his stomach. It was probably his father. "Just don't answer it, you're not here right now. You're sleeping." Emmet said to himself. The phone kept ringing and he kept on ignoring it. He had enough surprises for one day, he just wanted to enjoy some food and then check on the girl. She said she wasn't hungry but she hadn't eaten all day, clearly some food would do her good. When the stew was ready, he shut off the stove and served it into two bowls then set the bowls down on the table. He quietly made his way over to his room then to hers but realized she wasn't in either one. Oh no...he quickly ran to the back door and realized it was wide open. Emmet cursed under his breath and stepped outside, where could she have gone? How long had she been gone exactly? Why hadn't he heard her?
Her heart hurt, as she ran. Did she take her medicine when she was home?
Maybe? She couldn’t actually remember. Maybe she did need food in her body after all, she could feel her blood sugar dropping.
She wasn’t sure, if it was the cold air sleeping into her bones, with the wind whipping around her, despair from being lost or her low blood sugar because of her diabetes.
She didn’t actually remember, tripping of falling very hard into the road.
What if she had gone to the police already? "No, she couldn't be that fast." he said to himself. It was freezing outside, he quickly walked back inside and pulled on a long warm coat before stepping outside and locking the door behind him. Keys in his pocket, he started walking down a path, his eyes scanned the area as he walked past. So far, he didn't see her anywhere and he was starting to worry that maybe she had actually gotten away. His father would soon find out and he would be a dead man or he'd be put in jail by his own father. After a while of walking, he thought he saw something on the floor up ahead. A bulge, was it an animal or was it her? Getting closer, he saw it was her. "Miss?!" he called out in a panic and ran to her side. Emmet knelt down then and checked for a pulse, she was alive even though it felt very weak. He had to get her back and help her. Picking her up in his arms, he quickly started walking back towards his house and when he got there, he quickly unlocked and opened the door then stepped inside and quickly lay her down on the couch. Running back to the back door, he closed it and locked it then ran back to his room and opened his closet. He pulled out a blanket and ran back to the living room, draping the warm blue blanket over her cold body. Hopefully she would be okay.
She thought, she was having a nightmare. Nope, this was actual real life. She had tried to run away and her own body had betrayed her. Her hands shook,and she woke up to a nose bleed. Her body was betraying her once again. Her voice came out out harsher than she actually expected. “D-do you have any candy? Or j-just plain sugar?” She wasn’t even sure where the guy was, her brain was now starting to hurt.
God her blood sugar hadn’t been this low, she wasn’t sure what to cry about more. Her running away and being sent back or just almost dying. She’d need her medicines she’d have to go home and get that, then stay home.
"S-sugar?" Emmet repeated and quickly walked to the kitchen and came back with a napkin for her nose bleed. He handed that to her and then ran back to the kitchen and opened a drawer and pulled out a couple jolly ranchers then walked back to the living room and held them out for her. "Here. I have more but I wasn't sure how much you would want." he explained and looked at the bowls of stew on the kitchen table. "Are you sure you're not hungry miss?" Emmet asked her. Why was she bleeding? Had she gotten hurt? Maybe.
God, how dumb was he?
Her body was shutting down and turning into mush and he was worried about her starving. Yes, her body was starving but not for stew from a dead squirrel or whatever the poor dude had caught.
“Sugar.” She repeated at him, as she used her teeth to tear open the jolly rancher, she actually hated them on a normal day. The tart bitterness of the hard candy hit her tongue as she closed her eyes. She’d obviously need more than one but, she’d have to stomach just that.
Closing her eyes, she let out a large sigh, not even noticing she’d held it in for that long. Once her eyes could focus and her hands didn’t shake as much, she looked for him. “It’s elaine, my names elaine. And I have diabetes.”
Emmet listened to her and rolled his eyes, he was trying to be nice but he didn't have to be. When she told him her name and that she had Diabetes, he looked back at her and walked to the refrigerator then grabbed a soda and then opened the drawer, grabbing more candies. He walked back to the living room and held the candies and soda out for her. "Oh...I see. W-well hello Elaine. Umm..you didn't have any meds with you when I first brought you here." he explained. He didn't have anything for that either. Well, except for sugar. If she had meds, she probably had left them at home which was very bad because how was she going to get them?
Nodding at him, she opened the can of soda. “Ah yeah, most people don’t carry insulin around with them. Even though I did have a friend that did in elementary school.” Shrugging softly she stayed still, the aluminum can feeling cold between her fingers.
Pushing a long piece of hair from her face, she felt exhausted. No sugar, took a lot out of, at least her body. “Your name is Emmet isn’t it?” He didn’t have to actually answer, the name was scrolled on the wall in the bathroom. The small purple handwriting belonged to a child, and she just assumed it was his. “I like that name, it’s one that sounds like you’d age gracefully.”
Emmet sat down on a chair he had then brought over from the kitchen table to watch over her. "W-well...maybe you should have carried that with you then. I mean, it seems like the smart thing to do. Don't you think?" he asked her quietly. At least she was drinking the soda, hopefully it would help her feel better. Emmet was about to speak again when she told him if 'Emmet' was his name. He blinked, surprised that she knew it even though he had never told her. "Yes...yes it is." he answered and tilted his head to the side, curious to know how she had figured it out. "How did you know?" he asked and chuckled softly but managed to give her a small nervous smile. "Thank-you." he answered softly. Age gracefully? Well that's something he had never been told before.
Well she wasn’t expecting to get kidnapped was she!? Nodding at him, she considered it “Your right, maybe I’ll have to do that next time.” God would she ever get a next time. Her mouth went dry, at the thought of dying here, in a strange place. “It’s on the bathroom wall, closest to the base board, I thought maybe you wrote it there as a child. I used to write my name on everything, my parents hated it. Biting her lip, she felt odd telling him a small fact about herself, something he didn’t even need to know or wouldn’t remember.
Wow, it was still there after all these years? He had forgotten all about it. "Y-yes...that was me. I had forgotten about that." he admitted, a ghost of a smile on his face. Why was he even talking to her? Why was she even talking to him? She must be desperate or planning something if she's talking to him. That's what he believed anyway. What other reason would there be for her to talk to the person he kidnapped her? He wondered if her family was worried about her at all and if there were missing posters of her all over the city for people to see. Had her parents called the police and filed a report? He sure hoped not. "I'm guessing your medicine is at your house?" he commented.
“Ah yeah, usually at the house.” Rubbing her eyes lightly she looked at him, she felt her eyes start to drop slowly. Haa, had she ate too much sugar? Wouldn’t that be just obnoxiously ironic. Rubbing her eyes softly she stood up. “I’m just gunna-gunna go lay down.”
Her body hurt, she wasn’t sure if it was her own body or her brain telling her to relax. She had put up a fight right? A weak fight, with nothing to actually show for it, because she was still stuck here.
Well that was just perfect, not only was she broke as all hell, but she was sick and to make matters worse her medicine was back at her place. This day just got better and better. He didn't say anything, he didn't care what she did but he wasn't sure just giving her loads of sugar was going to be the answer. She needed her medicine but there was no way to get to it. He could send someone for them, but if she lived with someone then they might start asking questions. Questions he didn't want to have to answer. Cursing in his head, he stood up and walked to the kitchen, bringing his chair with him. What was he going to do now? How long would she survive on just soda and candies? Maybe...no, that would be too risky.
“Woah.” She told herself softly as the floor started to began to move as she moved her feet slowly across the floor.
Her whole body felt absolutely heavy, she needed to get that crappy bed.
She also wanted to go home, but that seemed to be too far out of reach.
Laying down, on ththe floor because making it to the bed would have been too easy, she fell asleep. Her body, becoming heavy with contentment.
"H-hey what if-" Emmet stopped mid sentence when he saw her laying on the floor. "Mi- Elaine?" he said quietly and nudged her with his foot. She didn't move. He knelt down then and poked her again, still nothing. She was breathing though, he felt her hot breath hit the palm of his hand as he held it over her nose. Okay so she was fine, just tired. Poor thing, loss of sugar must really mess up some people. "I'm sorry. You shouldn't be here, but you're stuck here now. You won't die though, not that I know of anyway." Emmet carefully picked her up and lay her on her bed, draping the blanket over her body to keep her warm. It was pretty cold out, maybe starting a fire at the fireplace would be a good idea to keep warm inside. Emmet closed the door then and locked it then walked to the kitchen to heat up his food and eat it in silence. At least his father had left them alone for the time being.
She was t exactly sure what time it was, when she did wake. She could hear the low rumbles of a tv, off in the far distance.
Sitting up, her hair fell around her in a large pile as she blinked her blue eyes adjusting to the darkness.
Getting up, slowly she checked the doorhand. Locked!?
She was locked inside again like an caged animal!?
She began bang, against the door loudly. Her fists echoing against the hard wood, in the small room.
The tall male was now sitting on the couch, watching tv after having washed the dishes and cleaned the house. The girl had not woken up yet, he guessed she was really tired then. That's when he heard her banging on the door and he slowly rose to his feet and walked over to her room door then knocked back. "Hey, Hey relax!" he whined. "What if my Da was here? You don't want to grab his attention. Now relax, I'll open the door." he commented and unlocked her door before turning the knob and slowly opening the door. "Good evening. Nice to see you're still alive. Sleep well?" he asked and chuckled.
“So hi kidnap me, think I’m the wrong girl, leave my medicine that keeps me alive at my apartment and then have the balls to lock me away like a prisoner? This is fair because?” She knew she was being an ass, knew it wasn’t very nice. But he locked her in a small room like a child, when she was more than certain she was at least a few months older than this man. “Sorry.” She mumbled before sitting on the couch bringing her knees up to her own chest.
Emmet blinked, surprised at her sudden outburst. "Uhhh huh..." he answered slowly as he watched her walk to the couch and take a seat. "Sure, make yourself comfortable." he said sarcastically. "Look...Elaine. I know you're upset, heck, I'd be pissed off too if I were you. However, I was not the one that left my meds at home. I mean, c'mon. If you have a health issue shouldn't you always be prepared?" he asked and gently pat her shoulder when she apologized. "It's okay. None if this is fair, I know. I wish I could let you walk out that front door."
“Don’t touch me.” She pulled away from him, who liked being touched by a complete stranger, especially not her. Especially not her damn kidnapper, so she was going to die here.
Die because some man didn’t have the guts to face his father. Wasn’t that just absolutely brilliant. Staring at the tv, she pulled herself even into a smaller ball, her eyes growing heavy again. Was it Borden pushing her to sleep, or fear of actually dying?

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