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Living With The Rebel (Private)

"We're here."

Kai pulled a headphone out of his ear, turning his brown eyes towards his father. The man kept his gaze on the road. "Don't leave any of your crap in here, you hear me?" the man snapped. The male didn't say a word to his father as he hopped out of the car. He grabbed his bags from the trunk of the car, then he walked towards the house in front of him. He heard his father drive off.

He let out a quiet sigh, staring up at the house. It looked like an ordinary house to him.
At least it's better than that crappy house we live in, he thought to himself. He shifted the bags' straps to his other shoulder as he started towards the door. He brushed his dyed bangs aside as he rang the doorbell. As he waited patiently, he glanced at his reflection in the window. Alright, time to find out if these people are going to be as ridiculous as my parents.

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