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Futuristic Living Weapons


That one weird person that stares at people :/
A cruel organization specializing in genetics, mechanics, making multiple living experiments, some of which use to be human.

Every single one has a purpose, well, except the ones that are just for fun.

Many of these "creations" are completely sentient, and most are fearful of what might come next.

Many of which are created to be living weapons.

Most experiments that are failures are either killed, or used as tests for other experiments (This includes possible lab testing to see how it will affect the experiment they actually want to use it on, or even used to see how well certain experiments can kill)

Each experiment has a certain lock-down procedure, such as rooms, transport, etc.

One of which few other experiments have seen, who is known specifically to have a bad habit to bite, usually aimed at the neck. This one is one of the most locked up experiments...no windows, a tightly locked metal door, and only a small slot to look in(Also normally locked)

You do not have to ask my permission to join.

The only thing you have to do to join is to describe your character(s)

You can be an employee, experiment, or other.

Blood shed and swearing is allowed.

Please no over powered characters.
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(Character 1)


Name:The Raven Child (Or Somber)

Age:8 (According to the files)


Appearance:(Unknown to you, for now. But many describe it as a vicious creature with large black wings, razor sharp, hooked back, teeth that are 3 times as strong as a German Shepherd's, and glowing, ice blue eyes.)

Info:The creature that is heavily locked down and known for aiming teeth around the throat area.

(Character 2)

Class:Experiment (Failure)


Real name:Clarine

Age:(Not specifically known, but appears to be from age 15-17)


Appearance:A girl with a badly scarred face, two screws on both sides of her jaw, white/pale blue glossy eyes, torn silver hair, many gears, wires, and mechanical parts, lower legs replaced with mechanical legs.

Info:A project that went wrong by messing up her brain patterns, causing lack of showing their own emotion, severe schizophrenia, and inability to ever sleep. Is completely blind, but has the ability to shoot a pistol clearly, and effectively. This is do to senses added to them. For an example, if she were to touch a tree, she could feel the whole tree. She has the ability to her the slightest muscle movement, or heartbeat. She has to keep a device(Much like an inhaler, or breathing mask) with her at all time. They have to take a breath through it every hour or her body will start to shut down, usually stating with suffocation.
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Name(Given): Fairplay

Real name: Jaicob

Age: 19, he thinks.

Gender: Male

Appearance:Tall young man with a missing left arm - it was removed after a failed attempt to add transplanted mechanical parts. Has a perfectly round scar on each side of his forehead from electrodes. Blonde with buzz-cut hair, lean with deep eye sockets and an intense stare.

Info: One of the few survivors of a long experimental run of human psionics. In his cell he is kept almost constantly drugged, but in a sober state he is sometimes capable of controlling a persons thoughts enough to get them to do small tasks. Can also read thoughts to a very limited extent.He was brought here at 8 years old and doesn't remember much about the outside world. Life in a cell has made him extremely quiet, but he has never really given up on escaping.
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TheScaryRobotRabbit said:
What do you mean?
There are tabs below the name of the role play. Stuff like this goes in the Character Sign Up tab u see? Go check some other rps and you'll see what I mean
Grimmlock said:
There are tabs below the name of the role play. Stuff like this goes in the Character Sign Up tab u see? Go check some other rps and you'll see what I mean
I really don't understand.

I only got here a day ago and I was merely trying to set up an RP how I new how.
TheScaryRobotRabbit said:
I really don't understand.
I only got here a day ago and I was merely trying to set up an RP how I new how.
Go look at some other rps you'll see that they put their character sheets in the other tabs
RPNation has its own style, and its really better if you learn how to use it (Don't worry, it's not too hard! It gets real easy, like basic Math! All outta memory.)

Besides, it's much more organized, and what's better than organization!? (NOTHING)
SirFlabberghaspy said:
RPNation has its own style, and its really better if you learn how to use it (Don't worry, it's not too hard! It gets real easy, like basic Math! All outta memory.)
Besides, it's much more organized, and what's better than organization!? (NOTHING)

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