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Realistic or Modern Lives Clash


Junior Member
If I like your post, it means you're accepted ^_^



Sexual Orientation:

Crush/significant other:

History/Family Life:



Anything else you'd like to add:
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Hayden Fuller


January 14, 1997

Sexual Orientation:


Crush/significant other:

Taren Michael Jones

History/Family Life:

Hayden acted very differently from the rest of his family. They were all demure and rule following and quiet. Hayden was never like that. He was loud and rambunctious and he loved to cause trouble. But around the age of 8, he found what it was he truly loved, which was making music. He loved to sing and when he heard someone in the park playing guitar, he knew he wanted to make it big as a star. So he started practicing. His parents allowed his guitar lessons because they kept him out of trouble. But when they found out he wanted to pursue a dream singing and writing music, they tried putting an end to it. And so, his relationship with his parents, which was already on the rocks, became even more strained and his trouble making ways reared up again. He got a job so he could pay for lessons himself and he started sneaking out at night to go perform at parties and such. Hayden detested his home life, especially when his parents started completely ignoring him entirely and devoting all their time to his perfect brother. As soon as he turned 18, he packed a suitcase, grabbed his guitar, and booked it to California.


Hayden is loud and proud. He's always speaking his mind about any and every subject. He never backs down from a challenge, even if it means getting involved in an actual fight. He always protects people he thinks are in need and he can be very kind to someone if he feels they need help. He's very passionate, especially about his music. Once he gets into one of his serious moods, it's hard to convince him to put his guitar down and do something else. He loves to laugh and make other people laugh and he's always making sarcastic quips and dribbles about various situations. He can be described as a huge dreamer. He sees big possibilities in the future, and he's willing to work hard to get there.



Anything else you'd like to add:
He's written a few original songs and is always looking for inspiration in his life, in people he meets, and in the things that happen around him.
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  • Name: Shane Westfall
  • Nickname?: West (or Westfall), as she is more known by her last name.
  • Age: 20
  • Birthday: April 8th
  • Sexuality: Homosexual
  • Personality: Shane is typically laid back. She has the appearance of your typical bad boy, with the personality of a someone completely opposite. Unfortunately, she's mostly known for her unwillingness to be in a stable relationship. She is known for being irrational and hard-headed, but usually kind to most people. She never holds her tongue, which gets her into a lot of trouble. She's a sucker for a pretty face and extremely flirtatious. She gives off a 'mysteriously friendly' vibe, but it makes her very popular with the ladies along side the fact she looks, acts, and sounds almost exactly like a male. Upon meeting her, you could never tell. You will often catch her running on the empty track field during evenings/nights and when she's done running, she'll head to the gym.
  • History: Not much can be said about Shane. She is an only child who lives with a quite successful Drag Queen for a father. When her mother found out about her fathers habits, she didn't think she could handle it and left. Since then, Shane has been overly attached to her heterosexual, but feminine, cross-dressing father. She tells him all of her secrets and although she doesn't ever speak of him, she wouldn't be able to go on without him. She holds no grudge against her mother, as this experience taught her to be more open minded.
  • Crush/significant other: Shane has never been seen with the same girl twice because "Shane doesn't do relationships."
  • Other:

    - Shane has both of her nipples pierced.

    - She secretly dresses more girly when she is alone.

    - She has naturally wavy hair.

    - She owns her own car (Toyota Yaris NCP93R).

    - She works part-time as a bartender at an LGBT bar.

    - She is actually quite the nerd.



Elizabeth Beaumont



Friday, August 2, 1996

Sexual Orientation:


Crush/Significant Other:



History/Family Life:

Being abandoned at a young age by her parents, Elizabeth was forced to live with her widowed Aunt Molly on her mothers side. Failing the eighth grade and being forced to repeat, she came to the conclusion that she would never be good enough for anyone in this world. I mean, her parents didn't even want her, right? Being an avid smoker, Aunt Molly did not particularly enjoy Elizabeth being in the same house with her, and she forced her to stay outdoors most of the time unless she quit. Of course she didn't, and has been counting the days until she can finally get out and enjoy the rest of her life.. alone.


Her tough exterior and skin on the outside helps hide her soft heart inside. Though she is a compulsive liar, it's to hide her biggest fear: rejection. Quirky at times, Elizabeth is a very loyal friend and partner, and she won't give up or lose hope in you. If you're lucky enough to spark an interest in her, be prepared for either a lifelong friend, or many attempts at flirting and a good amount of ridiculous jokes. Though she may seem uptight and a downright bitch, she's just protecting herself from another addition to her already lifetime amount of heartbreak and hurt.


Anything else you'd like to add:

- Her nickname is "Zanna".

- She likes to keep her sexuality a secret.

- She's very sexual.

- Her middle name is "Marie".

(P.S. FIR rocks xD )​


Julia Kingston


July 10th

Sexual Orientation:


Crush/significant other:

open--pm me

History/Family Life:

She was an only child of a well off family. Her parents were too nice too soon. They didn't force her to do anything and she became arrogant. She grew feisty and this caused problems when she grew older. She was smart, but was the classic case of "didn't apply herself". She liked doing whatever she wanted, and when they forced her to do what they thought was best for her, she obviously rebelled. She didn't have trouble talking or yelling back, and used her parents to her advantage. Despite her behavior, she did care for her parents even though they could be annoying at times. She used to be quiet and put up a facade for her friends, while remaining loud and obnoxious at home. She was pretty popular at school and her grades always remained at A's and B's despite all the fooling around she did. Her love life has been pretty dull, with three relationships that were pretty short and very rocky.


She is sarcastic, witty, feisty. She can be timid or shy when faced with a really extroverted person, but usually is pretty friendly and tries to remain open. She can be blunt and obnoxious, with an incredibly spiteful streak that causes her to remain rebellious. She does what she wants unapologetically and hates it when people judge her for what she wants to be. She can be flirty, but hasn't really indulged in romance or relationships ever. Her previous relationships had been rocky and she isn't too open to having another one upfront. She is the type to remain reserved and restrained until you approach her, then she will become more open. She is clever and intelligent, though rarely uses this to her advantage. She's very well read and very knowledgeable in many topics, but doesn't usually reveal this. She's the type to go with the flow and doesn't mind living life. She's also vain and thinks she is fairly attractive, but oddly has a low self esteem and a high level of jealousy. She can be selfish and greedy, which leads her to be manipulative and scheming. She has an excellent poker face and can be quite an actress when she needs to be.



Anything else you'd like to add:

  • Works at the local bookstore, where she spends all of her time reading the books
  • Goes to the local bar for fun
  • Plays guitar and drums
  • Owns a motorcyle
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Name: Felix Walter Ettore

Birthday: May 12th

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Crush/significant other: N/A (PM if you'd like to fill this slot :P )

History/Family Life:

Felix has five older sisters who are the princesses of the house. His father died when he was young, making him the only male in the household. He and his mother have never gotten along, as she clearly favors her daughters over her son and doesn't really know how to relate to him. She became the stereotypical "hover mom" who rarely let him out of the house. He gets along fairly well with his sisters, though they tend to be a little over dramatic and... girly. Felix got a job when he was 15 and has saved every penny to move out as soon as he turns 18.


Felix is impulsive and eager, always wanting to find his next adventure. He's the guy who's constantly cracking lame jokes and ignores everyone groaning at them. The upside of this is that he is rarely upset or offended, but the downside is that he finds it hard to take things seriously. He's uncomfortable with showing his feelings or expressing himself, preferring make everything into a joke. Overall, he's a nice guy with excessive energy and a constant smile.


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Deven Adam Bullin


July 7th

Sexual Orientation



(PM meh)

History/Family Life

Deven has 2 sisters and only has 1 brother in a 2 story house. His parents were married, but weren't happy together. So his mother moved away and took only one of his sisters. Deven's dad wasn't a bad one but he didn't know how to take care of kids, I guess you can say. His sister basically replaced their mother and began helping her dad while Deven and his brother had more than enough time to grow up. Deven's brother finally moved out by the age of 17 and Deven himself wasn't far behind. He asked his friend if he could be a roommate, his friend agreeing. Deven moved in with his friend and they've been roomies since then.








Laid back





Lyrix Melody Lloyd


May 6, 1996

Sexual Orientation:


Crush/significant other:

(PM me to fill roll as crush or significant other :P )

History/Family Life:

Lyrix grew up in an abusive home. It all started when Lyrix was and her mother had a miscarage. The whole family was upset, other than her because she didn't understand what was going on. Her older brother was her only protector, but when he moved out when she was 14 the abuse got worse. She felt betrayed by him leaving her behind, and felt that he no longer cared for her. When she turned 15 she told her parents what she felt and that only made things worse. They started abusing her mentally and physically. After 3 months of this, she needed to release the pain somehow. So, she turned to the only thing her 15 year old ind could think of. She had turned to self harm. She has been doing it for almost three years now, but it only a month clean. The scars are still visible on her arms, but she doesn't try to hide them any more. She isn't afraid of her scars, she doesn't think of them as just pain, she thinks of it as her story.


Lyrix is a quiet and reserved girl. The second a fight is talked about, she flinches. She loves to write, and has been writing for the month that she has been clean. She also draws, but they aren't your average cutie, happy drawings. She sings and is an all around music person, as long as it isn't rap.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-12_13-47-32.jpeg.7e223b2d06ce0271b01c5c1b3b48c365.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61751" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-12_13-47-32.jpeg.7e223b2d06ce0271b01c5c1b3b48c365.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Lyrix has pale skin, and a petite frame. Her height isn't very tall seeing she stands at 5'6" and weights 120.5lbs. Her hair is a natural raven black that is a little bit curlly towards the bottom. Her hair goes down to her mid-back, but its usually kept in a ponytail. Her eyes are shapped like a cats, with blue,green colored eyes.

Anything else you'd like to add:

Her main music is punk-rock.




Taren Michael Jones


June 24, 1996

Sexual Orientation:


Significant Other:

Hayden Fuller

History/Family Life:

Taren was neglected of attention being the middle child of 6 kids. He did everything he could to resieve attention even as a toddler. By time he reached 8th grade he had began being rebelious to recieve attention. He discovered 4 months after that had happened he had a crush on a new guy. He was rather confused. He began spending as much time as possible with the male. He grew into a state of depression once the guy moved in their Sophomore year. He decided to tell his parents about his new found sexuality and they were 100% against it. This caused Taren to go deeper into depression, and he talked to few people, practically shutting himself out from the world other than the few friends he has.


Taren isn't a very open person, but doesn't mean he won't speak up when it's needed. Because of his past he tries to keep his sexuality from everyone other than the friends he truly trusts. He plays guitar to release his emotions. He acts very flirty to males he likes in his friend group, and if he has a crush all of his friends know it.



Taren has tan skin, and an athletic build and slight muscles. He stands at a good height of 6'0" and weights 145lbs. He has chocolate brown hair that is about "average" length for a male. His eyes are sort of round, with piercing blue colored eyes.



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Marcus Reynolds


15th September 1996 (18)

Sexual Orientation:


Crush/significant other:

Open - PM me




203 pounds

History/Family Life:

Marcus was the only child of a single mother. Dad bailed on him when he was 5 years old, good riddance too because from what he remembers, the man was a bastard. Mum had a high school education so work was hard to find, they were a poor family. Life was normal and pretty good enough though money was tough, he was doing good in school and he and his mum were healthy. So you could say life was going smoothly, but that soon came to a halt. Marcus' mum got killed by a drunk driver when he was 15, it broke his heart and he had to live with his grandparents. He became quiet and emotionless. Before the accident he used to have a smile on his face all the time, always seemed happy and was always out and about with friends. Over the three years. with his grandparent's help, he came to terms with his mother's death and slowly his personality came back. It will always be a sore subject and he does have bad days, but his life has moved on. Thankfully, he made it through high school. He was popular and one of the best players on the soccer team and he had pretty cool friends, but now that he left high school all his friends have left to continue their own lives and now he can't wait to see what life has in store for him.


He's a kind person with a loving heart, but you will only get his kindness if he thinks you deserve it. He lives life as if it's the most precious thing in the world and is willing to try anything at least once. He doesn't back down on a challenge, unless it's a really stupid one, and he doesn't take shit from anyone. Even though he doesn't seem like he has a care in the world and is pretty laid back, he's very emotional and has a lot of breakdowns when he worries bout the people close to/around him.

Anything else you'd like to add: - Has his tongue pierced.

- Doesn't like cheese.

- Has a tattoo on his chest, over his heart, saying "Mum."

- Listens to Taylor Swift openly.

- He's very good at art and sells his work online.

- Drives a black "1969 Camaro SS."


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Aloe Parker


16th of March, 1996 (19 years old)

Sexual Orientation:



Will develop later

History/Family Life:

He had a normal life until the age of around 14, that's when

his dad beat him, from that wild experience, he now has a scar

on his hip, he ran way and moved in with his friend Joey...

But then 3 months after he was kicked out after a disagreement

about having friends over, and now, he found this place and

lives here.


He looks rough and tough, but once you get used to know him

he's very sensitive and soft, but most of the time he won't

hesitate to crush a lit cigarette on your forehead, he can

also be VERY quiet, but only when he gets used to you

he'll be as loud as a pack of monkeys all screaming at



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/tumblr_mxcw3q9Jl11rdbyhno1_500.jpg.9f30921db573d8a4353bc53aa17ccc1c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61989" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/tumblr_mxcw3q9Jl11rdbyhno1_500.jpg.9f30921db573d8a4353bc53aa17ccc1c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Anything Else You'd Like To Add:

- He smokes



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(I was wondering if i could have a twin sister for my character?)

Name: Zenith Evete Avery Pierce

NickName: Zen or Pierce

Birthday: August 2nd, 1996 (Age nineteen)

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Crush/significant other: He has no crushes. nor a significant other, but he's looking for someone.

History/Family Life: Zenith grew up in a very cold family. His parents weren't ever around, and when they were around, words were short and cold. Around the age of sixteen, he realized he had a decent face and a nice enough body and decided to go for modeling. It came with moving around a lot, so he wouldn't be stuck home alone all the time. Now headed for California, he's ready to have his own life and not be around people who criticize his life and his job. Zenith also doesn't work for normal modeling companies, he works with body modification specific modeling companies.

Personality: He's kind of a hyper active person, and likes to move around a lot, he's also incredibly sexual and has a habit of flirting and teasing when he's around people. People, because he's attracted to all genders and has no preference. He loves working with people, being around people. He loves making others laugh and laughing with other people. I like to develop throughout the roleplay.

Height: He's five foot nine

Weight: One hundred seventy pounds

Piercings: Monroe, spider bites, hips, belly button, both his nipples are pierced and one other piercing.


Tattoos: None at the moment.

Anything else you'd like to add:

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