Other little things you catch yourself doing ?


Junior Member
sometimes when I'm nervous I'll catch myself ripping some kind of paper material, or gripping my shirt, sometimes even bite my nails

what are some little things that you have caught yourself doing that you've noticed ?
I always have a habit of chewing on straws when I get a hold of them, either that or I tend to snap or tap my fingers.
Drumming my legs/feet on the floor, especially when I'm nervous. Sometimes I don't even notice it till it becomes loud enough to catch someone else's attention.
I catch myself biting my lips a lot or saying "honestly" a lot. Biting my nails used to be a BIG nervous tick, but for some reason don't do that anymore.
I bite my lip or scratch at the polish on my nails when I'm nervous or bored.
I tap my foot and bite my lip a lot, but most of all I find myself cracking my knuckles, even just doing the motion as they don’t always crack.
I catch myself being very closed off and distant. I sort of shut down and build walls instead of just trying to be nice to people.
If I get too focused I drool, I pick up on accents and suddenly start speaking in them, I rub my hands when I'm nervous, and when I'm excited I get my words mixed up like they were thrown in a blender of different languages.
listening to music (i like EDM (electronic dance music)) and then imaging a world where either good or bad goes on, but its at the same temp and beat and bass drop of the song. Kinda hard to explain really. But it happens whenever im really enjoying the song. What's wrong with it, catches me off task and if the song is fast pace, well im the one getting hit or whatever, so i can feel the legit pain go throughout my body. its really weird.
Sometimes if I'm outside and somebody is running next to me, even though I had planned to just walk, I'll try to outrun them.
If I'm sitting I shake my leg

I've ruined headphones by chewing on the chord, I've broken the chain link strap of my purse by pulling on it, I'll play with my sleeves

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