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OOC Little Talks

Whoops! Guess I ain't got it, then. ;) Will look over it later and give feedback then, gots stuff to do at the moment.

I'm done with the movie project and will be resuming my normal posting/working routine. I'm sorry it's taken this long. I honestly thought I'd get it by now.

You think maybe I should give up on the system, scrap what I got so far and just continue the game? :/ Having second thoughts about everything in my life these days *whine*
Glad you'll be getting back to your usual routine!

And no, don't scrap it! Unless you really, really want to, of course, but it doesn't sound like you do. You've put a lot of work into it already, and don't think it isn't appreciated!
I'm used to putting insane amounts of effort into the wrong things. So much in fact, that I've grown partially immune to that feeling of loss when you scrap something. So that's not a concern for me.

I was asking my players because you are the ones who will be using the system and the ones on such a long pause over its making :/ *woof*
I made some updates to the Archives. I know it is not much, but I feel like something is better than nothing and I don't want anyone to start feeling like this game is going down *howl*

It looks like I won't be making a map of Alicante after all, even though I was working hard on one - it is just so much work over something that we'll use for a single chapter and then move on. Even I, someone accustomed to vast amounts of work for nothing, can't justify that. So expect only a detailed entry for the capital in the Atlas book and no actual map. Sorry! >.<
As long as we don't have extended fighting in the streets (the sort that may need a battlemap), I'm sure the description will be all we need (^.^)
In that case I will issue localized area maps, like I'm doing for most things in the game *woof*

I went on and added Alicante as well, editing my last post in the Archives ;)
The northwestern part of Alicante is mostly inhabited by the noble, rich, both, or those who hold an otherwise important role in the city. This is the city's older slightly older part and as such gives an impression of order, peace, and culture in contrast to the more lively Southeast Alicante.
You have "older" in there twice. ( :) )

Priority Announcement

As per details released in the official PM,

this roleplay is hereby put on indefinite hold.

It may continue in the near future or it might be scrapped forever.

I apologize to all of my players and thank them for playing so far.

Expect a second announcement in a few months which will decide the fate of Amaranth.

Your Storyteller


Priority Announcement

In accordance with pending details through both public and private channels,

this roleplay is hereby restored and will be resuming IC soon

I will begin work at once to finish the remaining elements of W.A.R.S. and then prepare a new chapter for launch.

Meanwhile I would like for all my players to pledge their continued interest here in the OOC by reporting in and optionally voicing any thoughts or concerns you may have.

Thank you.

Your Storyteller

tags: @Grey @Kaerri @Petal @SephirothSage
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Wow! This wolf is glad to see everyone is still here :) *woof*

Well, mostly everyone. You may have noticed I didn't tag Zatheron (aka A'kal) and Calgori.

Zatheron is most likely never coming back. I waited for him with high hopes but he is neither showing up nor answering my hails. Looks like he went AWOL for some reason :/ I will continue to play his character, A'kal, as an NPC for the remaining duration of the game. If he should suddenly return I will gladly relinquish control but I do not expect this to happen.

Our dear resident doctor, on the other hand, well... I have had numerous serious talks with him and allowed him time and peace to reflect but after careful consideration I regret to report that Calgori has decided to remove himself from this RP. Unfortunately I lack the skill to pilot his rather unique creation and the last thing I want to do is butcher Henvei into unbelievable pieces while getting angry at myself for not being able to get it right. So I am left no choice but to take the same measure I did with Contrition's Eltheron. Henvei Relkor van Daltzen will be considered MIA after never returning from his separate side quest in the wilderness near Dunn. Since the Chosen finished their affairs in the city and are now forced to pursue Xenthriss and save Dina, they are left with no choice but to leave without Henvei.

So much for now. In other news I have made significant progress with W.A.R.S. so the game really will be resuming before long. It's amazing. It's like I'm a new wolf now and the obstacles that blocked my way before prove nothing more than bumps in the road ;) *rawrrr*

p.s. Petal is now officially the last surviving member of Amaranth's six original players, which just makes her all the more special just when you thought she couldn't get any more

p.p.s. It makes me GLaD you came back.
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I find this thanking for coming back and thanking for reconsidering confusing because I never did leave this rp or dropped any hints of wanting to do so.
Because not all players will come back after a long hiatus such as this, and because it's rather unusual to have an original player still around in so long-running a game. Take a look around at some of the other games here! There's some that don't make it past the first month before players start dropping out. There's some that don't make it past the first month at all, because of lost players. That Amaranth has been around so long and is still active is wondrous; that we still have one of the first players is even more so.
@Petal - there you have it :) Kaerri explained this better than I was going to. I just can't believe you didn't comment on the post post scriptum joke. You of all people should get it ;)

@Kaerri, dear, thank you so much <3 *woof*

Now, I know what all of you are thinking - that we have my unrelenting, passionate dedication as a Storyteller to thank for everything - but I assure you that I couldn't have done it without my players. You guys are the best. I am going to make sure every single one of you gets a special something during this next chapter ;) *rawrrr*
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Le list, updated *woof*

Existing stuff that's being upgraded:

- Elemental Magic Handbook (previously known as Elemental Magic Spellbook)

- Necromancy Handbook (previously known as Necrotongue Handbook, meant for Valtieri)

- Creationism Handbook (previously known as Miracles Spellbook, meant for Maggie)

- The Archives

New stuff that's being added:

- New player character, Wolfy*

- Runecrafting Handbook (meant for Wolfy)

- Illusion Handbook (meant for Battojutsu)

- Wolf's Amaranth Reloaded System (W.A.R.S.)

*Some names have been changed.
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Kaerri said:
Can we use the new Google fonts for our post headers?
I was going to have the post headers redesigned anyway. Since we got the macro update it is very easy to put even complicated coding at the start of your each post.

I would like it to be universal, though. Including font. Everyone interested is encouraged to submit a font name and we'll try to decide together on something we all like. If we cannot, I suppose I could let the font be the sole personalized element *woof*
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I picked that one out for Maggie while scrolling through the list in search of a font for another character. What does everyone else think of it? The font name is Quicksand.
I was hoping for something more Amaranthy, but in the end I think I'll allow the name & title of each character to use a different font. I suppose it can only add to the feel and uniqueness *woof*
Sorry about being a wee bit distracted for a bit! I have a job now, and real life in general sorta.. swarmed me as I've just been getting used to it. Still 'ere tho.

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