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OOC Little Talks

[QUOTE="Wolf Rawrrr]As I said, you can look and see what the others are packing. I also need to know what he wears plus weapons. This is mostly general stuff. I don't have a list or anything. Statistics I will add, and as for the rune, sure, he's been adventuring for long enough to have a couple runed items. Whatever makes sense.

Wolf, I know what you said (I read everything you send); I am asking for my fellow players for their opinions. =) I may have gamed with most of these folks, but this is the first time I've ever been in a team with this particular group. By asking honest questions, I both open the door to conversation and help to build a (further) relationship with them. Plus, I get to enjoy their thoughts and perspectives in your game of Amaranth.

How am I supposed to get that perspective just by looking at their character sheets again? See what I mean, good Wolf? =)

Thanks for your perspective. =)
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Oh! And have a delightful time, Grey!! =)

Honor and fun,

Dann =)
I can relate to not thinking straight - I'm back to working 6 days/week! Wheeeeeeeeeee! =)
What's @Kaerri's excuse, though? She's the one who is being waited on at the moment. She got a busy schedule too? *woof*
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In a word - YES. This is probably why she's not posting this herself. =)
Wow. I guess you are really busy when you can't even type it yourself! :o I hope the both of you find some respite soon. Since you are usually more active, this seems like a recent development. I know what that's like. The only reason why I managed not to go days inactive at times was because I wait in the car as much as I drive around so I can afford to post from my phone. Someone with a different work setting may not even get that.

Guess I picked a bad time to launch Chapter VI, eh? Half the players are too busy and the other half probably something similar, since they are not answering either. I won't pester anyone then. But I do hope we get things moving, no matter how slowly, with the start of next week *woof*

It's a promising chapter. I promise ;) *rawrrr*
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Thanks, Wolf! I don't mean to "speak for Kaerri" or anything. We're just deep in Real Life here (everything's pretty good as usual; just busy!). We'll get our act together here as soon as Real Life allows. =)

Is there something Sephiroth Sage or Petal could be interacting with given that good Grey's away for the time being? Just a thought.
Yes, sorry, been dealing with Real Life stuff lately. I'll get Maggie's post up today though. :)
Jack is still relatively new to this, though he played a couple games before. They both died unfortunately. Weeks from launch. Meh. Patience, Jack. If you are so bored, consider the Link to the Past game mode *woof*

@Dannigan Petal has quite a bit to interact with. Did you not read her part of the intro? It is in tabs for the sake of organization, not because I want to keep things hidden. You are all invited to read all parts of the RP, unless you want to only know what your character knows. Sage and Grey are free to post an intro on their own. The only people really prevented from posting are you and Jack, to be honest. And not for much longer ;)

@Kaerri aww Maggie looks so cute in my mind <3 If she pulls off that look on Raziel the next time they speak, she might as well ask for the Amaranth itself and get it :D
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Wolf Rawrrr] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/9058-kaerri/ said:
@Kaerri[/URL] aww Maggie looks so cute in my mind <3 If she pulls off that look on Raziel the next time they speak, she might as well ask for the Amaranth itself and get it :D
Noted! (^.^)
I read it. I was speaking in general, not knowing when Kaerri would be able to post, but also not wanting the game to be held up any further.

In the other RP's I'm involved in, there is nothing stopping a player from just, say, posting a character's private thoughts about a situation (if only for the other players to read, kind of like a "Here is how my character is feeling deep inside" post). Such posts take no action, but they often say a lot. That's what I was getting at. =)
Dannigan said:
In the other RP's I'm involved in, there is nothing stopping a player from just, say, posting a character's private thoughts about a situation (if only for the other players to read, kind of like a "Here is how my character is feeling deep inside" post). Such posts take no action, but they often say a lot. That's what I was getting at. =)
Yes, I know. I don't mind it either, but this situation is exceptional because we are talking about brand new characters that have not yet been introduced to the game at all. That's the only reason for the hold back.

I don't see any reason to hang around in the temple though. The only person that might have had motivation to do that, Maggie, seems eager to leave lol. So I was just aiming to let everyone make an intro post coming out of the portal and then change the scene to where the Chosen will retreat for the night to scheme and dine. At the same time, Auri and Asher will be able to post their entries. So a few more days IRL (^-^)
I got home at 1AM this morning and I am burnt out from four days running games. I will get a post in before tomorrow night.
Welcome back, Grey! Wow, 4 days straight of solid gaming? I'd be burned out too...
@SephirothSage I have added the shards of Nodachi to your inventory. Thanks for the reminder. Are there any other generic items that Battojutsu picked up before leaving Dunn? Remember that everyone had time to make preparations. I'd be happy to add whatever it is to his inventory *woof*
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SephirothSage said:
Nothing of the top of my head.
Hm. Well, I guess I'll go ahead and add some random junk such as rations, bedroll, rope etc. you know.

And btw @SephirothSage and @Grey both of your character headers are out of format. Are you using the macros to post them like I suggested? Font size should be 7 for character name and 5 for the title *woof*

pls its poking mah eyez out wuf
Go here: https://www.rpnation.com/post-macros/

Once there click on Create New Macro, choose a name for it (like Amaranth Char or something you want) and in the actual post enter this:

[center][b][size=7]Battojutsu Honda[/size][/b]
[url='https://www.rpnation.com/threads/battojutsu-honda.53153/'][size=5]Demonslayer of the West[/size][/url][/center]


And save it. Then when you go posting IC, under the posting box you can see Choose a macro option. Hit that, select your previously made macro from the list and it will be automatically inserted. Then you just delete the little "x" and write your text from there ;)

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