List of Spells (under construction)


Status Troll
List of Spells & other Magical Things

The following is a compilation of magic spells and techniques used by our heroes thus far. This list is ongoing, and will be added to as new magic is discovered throughout this project.


Cast to open doors, windows, and other entryways.

Amphibious Metamorphis

Cast to transform oneself or an adversary into a frog.

Murinae Metamorphis

Cast to transform oneself or an adversary into a mouse.


Cast to produce and wield a flame.


Cast to shrink oneself or an adversary.


Cast to make oneself or an adversary taller.


Cast to produce and wield ice from the air. Can only be used in humid/wet conditions.


Cast to bring pain relief.


Cast for invisibility.


Cast to ignite one's aura. The user's aura manifests into flames emitting from the skin. The color of the flames depend on the caster's aura. An advanced technique; it requires a significant amount of energy that is rapidly depleted. Usually a last resort defense against close combat.

Cure Wounds

Cast to heal minor wounds.

Mist Step

Cast to turn the body into fog. Movement while in gas form is fully controllable.


Cast to heal moderate wounds.

Great Heal

Cast to heal fatal wounds. Can affect more than one person.

Sacred Flames

Cast to conjure holy flames.

Spare from Death

Cast to spare a dying individual from death. If not treated, the Spared will fall unconscious instead.


Cast to spy on a person known by name to the caster. Requires a viewing medium, like a crystal ball.


Cast to possess an individual creature. Issue a one-word command, and the creature will be forced to follow it. (Does not work if the command is directly life-threatening.)

Wall of Flames

Cast to conjure a massive wall of magical fire.

Shield of Faith

Cast to surround the user or a creature of choice with a magical shield.

True Resurrection

Cast via ritual to bring back the soul of a dead person back into a body with free will, memory and skill intact. Requires a deceased body, the deceased to have been dead for less than 100 years, as well as consenting to being brought back to life. Can only be cast once a week.


Cast to conjure a massive storm of heat and flames.


Cast to severely damage a foe withba necrotic force.


Cast to revive a fallen creature from death. Can only be used on those that have been dead for less than a minute. Not a ritual.

Remove Curse

Cast to remove a debilitating curse.

Guiding Bolt

Cast to hurl a bolt of holy light. If it hits, inflicts radiant damage and coats the victim in a bright aura.

Tasha's Hideous Laughter

Cast to force a creature into a violent laughing fit.


Cast to take a brief glimpse into the future.


Cast to influence the next action of another creature. The command is limited to a single sentence.

Legend Lore

Cast to learn the history of any inanimate object currently being touched.

Vicious Mockery

Cast by hurling an insult laced with magic at a single foe. If offense is taken, harms the foe and muddles their mind for a brief moment.

Fey Fire

Cast to coat a single enemy in an aura which makes them stick out.


Cast to prevent another creature from speaking.


Cast to make yourself or another creature invisible to the naked eye.

Lesser Illusion

Cast to disguise yourself as an inanimate object, or throw one's voice.

Greater Illusion

Cast to create an illusion with many more freedoms than Lesser Illusion.

Phantasmal Killer

Cast to create a terrifying image which can harm a creature. The moment the creature realizes the terrifying image is an illusion, the spell ends.

Acid Splash

Cast to hurl a stream of acid.


Cast to trigger an earthquake in the immediate area.

Irresistible Dance

Cast to force a creature to perform a dance. Until the dance can be dispelled, the dancer cannot take any other action besides dancing.


Cast to manipulate reality to better suit you. If the magnitude of the wish is too great for reality to handle without serious changes, the wisher will suffer necrosis and muscle atrophy for a time.

Time Stop

Cast to stop time for what the caster perceives to be 12 seconds or more. Living beings cannot be touched, moved, or harmed while time is stopped, or else the spell will end.


The Broomstick

The Staff

The Wand

The Holy Symbol

The Lute
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