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Realistic or Modern Life_Energy's 1 x 1 partner search - Realistic and Modern themes/starters


Bust :(
Hi, everyone!

I may be new here, but I'm not new to roleplaying. I've been roleplaying since the long forgotten days of G+ and when that shut down, I quit for a long time. I lost all my starters over the years and I'll have to rewrite them from scratch. I managed to write one that I'm going to post. As I write more, I'll edit this thread to add them and bump according to the rules.

I love having multiple roleplay partners for the same story. The more, the merrier. It's exciting to see where the story goes! Everyone is different and the same roleplay can end up taking multiple different paths.

I have experience writing and replying to roleplays in both first and third person, but I lean more toward third person, present tense (I like to live in the moment). However, I can match what my partners prefer as I've written in every form and tense imaginable. I'm not one for fandom or fantasy roleplays. They just aren't my thing. I like realistic, real world, and modern types of roleplay scenarios.

As for roleplay responses, I could reply with a novella every time, but typically, my replies consist of two to three paragraphs and sometimes more if dialogue is involved. Since I'm descriptive in my replies, I expect my partner to put forth that same amount of effort. There are exceptions to that rule, however, given on what may be happening in the story.

I love the unexpected in roleplays. Cause drama! Make noise! Create unique pasts and histories for the characters you play! I love the replies that make me pause and give a quizzical expression to myself before I respond because generally, the words just flow.

My style of writing roleplay openers is probably old and outdated. If that's the case, I apologize, as it's the only way I remember. My partner would control the <Your name> character's dialogue and actions from every RP starter below. Onto the first!

RP Starter #1 (OC) - Former childhood friends reunite when Hyzen moves back to his hometown, but it's an unexpected reunion.

Hyzen always dreamed of returning to his hometown. He and his family left Almeria when he was six years old. It wasn't his fault, though. His father was in the military, so his family moved all over the country and even took residence in foreign countries on military bases. When Hyzen left, he left a dear childhood friend behind, <Your name>.

Now a senior, Hyzen and his mother have returned back to Almeria for the first time in nearly 12 years. They have a nice little ranch in the country but nothing like they used to live in. Hyzen will enroll in Almeria High for his last year of school.

Hyzen's first day doesn't go as planned. His thick glasses make him an unexpected target; a trend he thought died out many years ago. Hyzen gets shoulder checked in the hallway, rammed up against lockers, and even gets his books knocked out of his hands. He makes a few friends, but not in the popular group. For the first time in his life, Hyzen wants to take a stand like his father always told him to do. The problem is... he doesn't know how to defend himself.

Hyzen finds a local MMA gym that has an open night for beginners. After dinner, he surprises his mother by saying he's going out. "I'll be back before 10," he says. The gym isn't far, and after a worried look from his mother, Hyzen heads out.

Hyzen stands outside Almeria Gym & Athletics and stares through the window. He can hear grunts, the thud of kicks hitting bags, and even people hitting a mat, all from outside. His eyes move to a sign taped to the front door:

Open class tonight! Come for free lessons if you want to learn the art of the fist!

With a deep breath, Hyzen heads inside.

The gym is bigger than it looks. There are many rings shaped like octagons intermixed with standard-square rings. People spar in the rings and others train on their own or do workouts. Hyzen feels out of place here; like he may burst into flames if he's here too long. He swallows his pride and joins a group of others sitting on the floor near the back ring.

An older man with a beard peers down at everyone from inside the ring. "Welcome!" he bellows.

A few people clap their hands but it is less than enthusiastic. "Woo!" someone yells.

"My name is Mr. Charles, and this is my gym. Tonight is an open night, free of charge. You're all here to learn self-defense. We will show you the basics and what it means to protect yourself against others." He turns and looks at someone standing on the floor on the other side of the ring. "<Your name>!"

<Your name> steps up and ducks under the ropes and enters. The name sounds familiar to Hyzen, but he can't quite place it. "Yes, sir!" <Your name> says.

Someone next to Hazen mutters, "Oh, God is that really <Your name>?"

"The local legend," another person adds.

"Perfect!" Mr. Charles says, clapping his hands. "<Your name> is our best fighter. She's state high school champion the past three years when she was a freshman, sophomore, and junior."

"And hopefully a fourth title for my senior year," <Your name> says. <Your name> walks over to the edge of the ring and stands near Mr. Charles, when she stops dead in her tracks. She puts both of her hands on the rope and leans over it, focusing on one person in particular. "Zen? Is that you?"

Everyone looks around, and it takes Hyzen a second before he realizes she's talking to him. He points to himself. "Me? My name's Hyzen."

Mr. Charles's mouth drops open, as this is the first time <Your name> has ever acknowledged someone in the crowd, even on countless free nights. He looks and points at Hyzen. "Hyzen! Get in the ring!"

Hyzen shakes his head. "I'd rather not. I just want to watch," he answers.

<Your name> looks frustrated. "Get in the ring!"

"Okay, okay..." he agrees. Reluctantly, Hyzen gets up and gets into the ring, ducking under the ropes with his father's words echoing in his head. The view is different when inside the ring. He looks down and notices that Mr. Charles and <Your name> are barefoot. "Wait, do I need to take my shoes off?"

Mr. Charles laughs, along with some others. "Yes, get those shoes out of my ring!"

Hyzen gulps and takes his shoes off and tosses them out. He meanders back over, maybe a bit too slow, and stands in front of <Your name>, locking eyes with her.

"You don't remember me?" <Your name> asks.

Hyzen scratches the back of his head and stares at her. "Um... no?"

<Your name> looks disappointed and hurt. She and Mr. Charles nod at each other as if exchanging thoughts telepathically. Her look turns from disappointment into a smirk as Mr. Charles says, "Hyzen, let's try a real match. You against <Your name>."

"What?!" Hyzen yells. "That's dumb. I can't... I don't even know-"

"Are you scared?" <Your name> interrupts.

"Hell yeah, I'm scared!"

"Of me?"

Hyzen folds his arms over his chest. "State champion, right?" He throws his hands up. "Look, I don't want to get hurt. I get shoved around enough at school."

"You'll be fine..." <Your name> says with a smile, then her words turn to a whisper. "...If you eventually remember me."

Hyzen steps forward. "I heard that!"

"Enough talk!" Mr. Charles says. He claps his hand to signal a bell.

"When I put you in a hold, just tap out quick," she explains.

Hyzen takes a step back. "I don't even know what that means..."

"I'll show you. Here I come."

Hyzen's eyes go wide as <Your name> approaches, fervor in every step.

RP Starter #2 (OC) - A slow-burn romance with a blind girl and an athlete

There's a new student at Almeria High. It's pretty late in the year, nearing the start of summer but new students join pretty commonly during the year. <Your name> is a bit of a mystery, as she tends to keep to herself, doesn't approach anyone, and always wears headphones. Maybe listening to music, a podcast, or something else.

<Your name> walks around the school pretty well, but sometimes runs into people. Hyzen isn't sure if that's on purpose or not, but some other students get frustrated at her. Some call her names. Some brush it off. Some just don't care and want to get on with their day. Yet the way she maneuvers and moves about, even walking, strikes Hyzen with intrigue. He's shocked no one has caught onto yet, but Hyzen has.

Hyzen enjoys playing soccer in the park, especially after school. He doesn't play on a school team or anything like that and likes playing sports for fun, not competition. One day after school, he spots the new student, <Your name>, walking along the paths of the soccer fields. He doesn't really pay her much mind. The ball flies toward Hyzen and he shoots for a goal. He's way off mark and unfortunately for him, the ball flies and smacks <Your Name> directly on the head and knocks her over.

"What the hell!" she yells loudly.

Hyzen hears her even across the field. He runs over to her and appears to be the only one concerned about her safety. As he gets closer to her, he asks, "Hey, how could you not see the ball flying toward you..." Hyzen falls and trips over a pole-like object that lies in the grass near <Your Name>. "What the..." He rubs his side and picks up the object and examines it. "What is this?" He looks over at <Your Name> who wears sunglasses.

<Your Name> gets up and seems annoyed and pissed off. "Give me back my white cane, please!" She holds out her hand.

Hyzen stands up and walks over to her. "White cane... wait, are you blind?!"
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hi! i'm interested :] i'm not new to roleplaying either but the last time i roleplayed was about 5 years ago when i did one liners. BUT fear not because i've become (in my opinion?) decent at writing over the years and i'm trying to do something similar to what you're doing now
Bump - wrote another RP starter:

Starter (Original Content):

Hyzen is a star athlete at Almeria High School. He's a senior, in with the popular crowds, and just turned 18. A very social butterfly, he has the most goals scored for the school varsity soccer team. Multiple universities have offered scholarship after scholarship in the vain attempt he'll play for their school. With a great family, friends, and teammates, his life is pretty great. There's just one thorn in his side... <Your OC>.

<Your OC> is an all-state wrestler and she only has her eyes on one boy in the entire school: Hyzen. There was a cute little game for a while where she would ask him out and he'd say no. But that game got old after a few weeks and <Your OC> resorted to her talents: wrestling.

It started innocently enough. <Your OC> would come up behind Hyzen and put him in a headlock and ask him out again. He'd say no, among other colorful words and of course she'd release him before he passed out. Sometimes he could defend the headlock before it happens, other times, not so much. But like the original asking out game and getting rejected, this also got old. <Your OC> decided to up her game and resorted to more powerful techniques, submissions, and pins.

To date, Hyzen had been put in countless holds and pins. He's not keeping track, but <Your OC> sure is. In the hallways, on the track field, in the grass, in classrooms, and more. Hyzen has been placed in a banana split, been suplexed in every variation, including the Japanese ocean cyclone suplex, caught in her kinniku buster, arm barred, scissored and more that <Your OC> just made up to torture him. She even makes up techniques and names. To get the torture to stop... all he has to do is be her boyfriend. Easy enough, right...?

Now, Hyzen's reputation is in jeopardy. His popularity dropping all because of this one girl that plagues him and won't leave him alone. He's humiliated. Embarrassed. Ridiculed. Around every corner, she's there. At the end of every hallway, she's staring. In a crowded room, there's her face, smirking, grinning. She will make him her boyfriend, even if it means making him call her his girlfriend.
Bump for another added starter:

Enemies to lovers (slow burn)

The doctor and his sister's killer (you)

It's been three years since Hyzen Alanis' (My OC) sister was killed in an underground fight. Felicity died in the ring while fighting an opponent that scarred the MMA community forever. Her opponent, (Your OC), killed her and rumor has it, the more pain she inflicted, up to and including death, the more money (Your OC) received. This was never proven, but (Your OC) started living a lavish and luxury lifestyle.

Over the years, Hyzen had to delete his social media. (Your OC)'s followers started cyberbullying him, threatening him with violence and that he needs to be dead like his sister. The threats got worse and worse and then he got doxxed. He had to move apartments having just signed a lease and lost a lot of money. Someone with medical student loans can't afford these things. Now, he's forced to live in a dangerous part of town.

Hyzen himself isn't much of a fighter. He wears glasses, just graduated from medical school and now has the designation of doctor despite him only being an intern. Despite using his hands to heal rather than fight, he loved watching his sister in the ring. Felicity was good, too. Hyzen attended every fight, every training, like clockwork, cheering his sister on. Everything was great, until she ran into (Your OC) in the ring. Felicity never walked out of that ring and died with (Your OC) standing over her.

Hyzen's first day as a doctor and his internship goes as planned. Busy. Little to no sleep. He got his internship at Preston University Hospital, also where he got his medical degree. A 36-hour shift of pure torture with patients being dumb and nurses all over his case for writing orders wrong.

"Dr. Alanis!" a paramedic yells.

Hyzen spins around to see paramedics wheeling in two different stretchers through the automatic ER doors. He runs over, recognizing the paramedic. "What do we got, Steve?" he asks, helping the paramedics while in the stretcher to the Trauma 2 room.

Hyzen, the nurses, and the paramedics get the patient moved onto the table and they get to work. The paramedics leave, helping the others wheel the second stretcher into Trauma 1. Whoever this guy is... it's going to be hard to recognize him now. His face is smashed in. He at least has a broken arm, some broken ribs, and bruises on a large portion of his body; similar to a burn victim has burns all over the skin. "Did... fists do this?" Hyzen asks.

The room door slams open. "Dr. Alanis! We need you in Trauma 1," a nurse yells.

Hyzen bolts out of the room and swings open the doors of Trauma 1. "Let me guess, basically the same injuries? Beat up?"

"Looks that way," a nurse says.

Hyzen and his team stabilize them and call for consults, especially ortho for the broken bones and dislocations. He walks out of the room and stands in the lobby, writing something down on the charts on his hand and writing orders.

"Did you see what I did?" a chilling voice asks (Your OC).

Hyzen drops his charts right there on the tile floor in the lobby. He knows that voice... pure evil. A seething hatred creeps into Hyzen's body. Hyzen slowly turns around to see (Your OC) standing a few feet in front of him. "I..."

(Your OC) grins. "It took me awhile to find you..."

Hyzen sees that same grin (Your OC) had when his sister was dead in the ring. (Your OC) was standing over her with that same grin, while his sister stopped breathing. "You piece of..."

"Aww, Hyzen! You look mad! Maybe you should do something about it?" (Your OC) taunts.

Despite not having any fighting training, Hyzen can't help himself and charges straight at her. (Your OC) braces herself with a wide smirk erupting onto her face.
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I actually wrote an AoT fandom starter... not usually my thing. The character is an OC in the AoT universe. Not sure which time period or city. But I figured the same genre/trope of soft/nerd boy x tough girl can definitely apply here. My character is responsible for making the omni gear as well as updating and upgrading it as he failed the tests to use one. That's his backstory, anyway.

//Begin starter//

Hyzen runs full sprint down the street, dodging people and even knocking over someone carrying a box. "Sorry!" Hyzen yells over his shoulder, not breaking his speed. He's also not sorry. "I'm late!"

Hyzen Alanis isn't the cool kid. He failed his Omni-Directional Mobility Gear test. So he can't use one. However, the town did find something that he was good at. Sure, he can't use the gear, but he excels at making them. Even adding modifications to make the gear more versatile and better at adapting to the titans' random movements, especially the abnormals.

While Hyzen's lungs struggle, he sees the main town maintenance building for the omni-directional gear up ahead. He's sweating now. Full-on pant like he was a dog that just got walked in the high heat and humidity.

"You're late!" Cid yells, magnifying glasses on his head when Hyzen bursts through the door.

"I was..." Hyzen pauses. "Running..." Another pause. "As fast as I could..." Now he's panting again.

Cid gets up, taking a broken piece of onni-directional gear with him. Upon reaching Hyzen, Cid removes his magnifying glasses and stares daggers but then his face lightens up. Cid smacks Hyzen on the shoulder. "All good kid. We got some repairs that just came in last night while you were slacking off."

"Slacking off?! I was hard at work from sunrise to sunset!" Hyzen yells, pushing his glasses up his nose.

Cid doesn't say anything and instead walks over to the first piece of omni gear in need of repairs. "I'd start with this one."

Hyzen puts his bag down and glances at it. Then he glances down the table at the other repairs that are needed. "Why? This one isn't a high priority repair."

Cid shakes his head. Then folds his arms. "No, but that omni gear belongs to a high priority user."

Hyzen scoffs. "Yeah, sure. They are all high priority users, huh?" He grabs the gear and heads over to the repair bench. Hyzen treats the shop like his own home.

Cid approaches him from behind. "No, kid. This is <Your Character's> gear."

Hyzen peers into a large magnifying glass, examining the inner workings of <Your Character's> broken omni. "Who?" he asks without looking up.

Cid laughs. "Don't say I didn't warn you."

Hyzen gets to work. "I don't care who owns the gear. Names mean nothing. I see the gear. I fix it. The owner picks it up. Really simple." Hyzen turns around to see Cid already gone. Hyzen can't help but think that's creepy with how silent the old man can move.

With an eyeroll that no one else can see, Hyzen goes back to work on <Your Character's> omni gear. Great, now the name is in his head. That has nothing to do with repairing it. "Oh..." he says to himself. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, how did this happen?" A panic seeps in. He might have messed this up himself. And in his field, messing up a setting, gear, wire, anything in omni-directional gear can get someone killed.
Another bump, another starter! This one is an assassin's tale that can take many different directions: romance, thriller, mystery, etc. Shoot me a message if interested! Cheers.


“Pathogen, your source for cheap, low-cost assassinations!” a radio announcer yells. “Here at Pathogen, we take the high cost out of contract killing. Hate someone? Need a rival eliminated… permanently? We got you covered with only a flat, one-time fee.”

Hyzen scoffs and turns off his radio intercepter that scans the dark web for Pathogen activity. It appears they now advertise in plain sight. That takes balls. Hyzen gets up from the couch and makes his way into the kitchen.


“I know you're there,” Hyzen says to no one. He opens the refrigerator and peers inside. “Come on out,” he adds, nonchalantly sticking his hand inside to grab water.

There's silence. But Hyzen hears footsteps. The barely audible sound of bare feet hitting the hardwood floor.

Hyzen turns to stare at a lone shadow figure in the room. “So… Pathogen finally tracked me down, huh? Took you guys long enough.” He takes a drink of water.


“Don't gloat,” <Your Character says>. She clenches her fists. “You're just a name on a piece of paper for me now.”

“Really? After all we've been through? I'm just a name? That's pretty harsh,” Hyzen says, walking over to grab a peach.

“I don't care. You're a traitor.” <Your Character> glances around the home and sees a mask on a nearby shelf. It's creepy. It's evil. It's a strange combination of black and gray. <Your Character> looks back over at him. “I see you still have your mask, Reaper.”


Hyzen nods. “Of course. That shit is like a collectable.”

<Your Character> charges at him while pulling out a knife. Hyzen throws his peach into the air, blocking her assault then pushes her back with a palm to her chest. He catches the peach on its descent and takes another bite. “You'll need to be better than that,” Hyzen taunts.

<Your Character> grins. “We both know I'm the better assassin.”

Hyzen shakes his head. “Nuh uh. I have a higher body count. Actually, I still have the highest body count.” He expands his arms into the air. “Across all of Pathogen's assassins. It's pathetic, really. I haven't killed in years. Pathogen is nothing without me.”

“Then come back.”


“I don't want to kill you, Hyzen.”

“I don't want you to kill me either, <Your Character>.”

“I told the bosses I'd try to recruit you back… clearly, I failed. Here I come.” No dash this time. <Your Character> approaches calmly, the sound of her bare feet slapping the hardwood floor beneath her.

Hyzen looks at his peach. “Damn… Not even enough time to finish my favorite snack.”

“Peaches are gross,” <Your Character> says and swings at him.

Hyzen ducks, pushing her fist away and throwing a kick. <Your Character> dodges and spins to sweep his leg. Hyzen leaps over the kitchen island and blocks her fist as she follows him. <Your Character> throws some combinations, which Hyzen dodges and blocks with no trouble. He palms her chest again, pushing her back a couple of feet. “You're weak to that? It's been years and you still can't defend against the palm? That little step back is the difference between life and death.”

<Your Character> approaches again. “Shut up.” There's a noise on a monitor, distracting Hyzen as he looks over at a screen sitting on a cabinet in the living room. “Got you!” she yells.

<Your Character> grabs him and swings her leg up and hip tosses him to the ground. She wastes no time, grabbing his arm and pulling it between her legs in an armbar. Hyzen screams as <Your Character> extends his arm without mercy and grabs a knife from her waistband, holding it to his wrist. Bleeding out isn't a bad way to die. A mercy killing.

“Daddy?” a voice asks. A little girl walks into the living room, emerging from an adjacent bedroom.

<Your Character> loosens her grip and looks at the girl. Probably three years old and that distraction is enough for Hyzen to break free. Hyzen gets up and throws a downward punch at <Your Character>, but she somersaults backward.

While <Your Character> resets, Hyzen rushes over to his daughter. He turns back around to face <Your Character>, shielding his daughter, who hides behind him.

“It's okay, Lexi,” Hyzen says.

Lexi peers around Hyzen and pokes her head out, locking eyes with <Your Character>. “Who are you?” Lexi asks.
Hello there!
I was reading the first post on this thread. I notice to word G+. I think I seen you around. I was on G+ in the early days before the shut down. I would love to rp with you.

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