• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Life at Morris High - Characters


Do You Wanna Have a Bad Time?
Find the OOC thread HERE.

This is the character thread.

Here's the app.

Name: (First AND Last)

Nicknames: (If not filled in, people will likely just refer to you by your first name.)




History: (Optional, only put this here if there's something interesting about their past.)

Personality: (Optional for anyone who doesn't want their character RPed without permission.)

Flaws: (Having at least 2 is absolutely mandatory. Flaws that never make themselves apparent IC don't count towards this.)


Public Use: Yes/No(Basically, if you meet anyone else, are they allowed to write both characters during their posts? This does not exempt your character from becoming an NPC if you start/become important for a storyline before breaking rules.)

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