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Realistic or Modern Life As An American Teenger *Always Open*


༺𝔦𝔪𝔪𝔬𝔯𝔱𝔞𝔩 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢༻
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Every teenager has problems whether they like to admit it or not.

most of the time it is utterly ridiculous and we end up acting out in some

way. Teenagers are different these days, but it doesn't

mean all of them have to be the same as the others.

A lot of them actually want to live and spend their lives in enjoyable

atmospheres, and full fill their destiny's. Then there are others who like

to be a little different than those teens, who like to sit around smoke, party, have sex

and do whatever they want.

That's why it's called

'Life As An American Teenager'

It basically a drama, romance, funny, based roleplay. These teens have

different life styles, the party animals, the players, the stoners, the emo's,

the hippies, that douchebags, anything you can think of out of the top of

your head. This rp isn't entirely based around the school setting, but

a lot of the characters will be attending school based on what your OC's

lifestyle is. Be as detailed as you'd like to be it's appreciated.

Please Check out Overview for rules!


It was that time of year where all drama is created and relationships, start off from where they left off last before heading into summer, School. Well, most people actually hate school but there are some others that actually enjoy for some weird reasons but that just helps understand that some of us will actually have a life in the future. Meanwhile Alyssa dragged herself inside the building with a bag swung at her side limply taking a look around the room, she thought this would be the last time seeing this place. Nope, She has two more years of high school left as depressing as it sounds it's actually pretty sad. You thought I was gonna say it wasn't as bad as it seems, you're wrong. Alyssa took a deep breath turning the corner into the lunchroom before school starts and sat down at a table by herself. She dug around in her bag searching for her ipod stuffing earbuds into her ears to block out the sounds of people passing by and talking loudly about how the year was gonna go, honestly nobody really knows.

Calum. Calum Daniels, One of the most douchiest dudes in school finally arrived at the building shutting his car door behind him taking a deep breath of the cold air hitting up against his skin and face with a bright smile spread along his sarcastic expression. He ran his hand through his hair loosly walking by a couple girls, they were freshman. Calum loved to see all the new chicks that arrive this year, it was gonna be different he could tell. It was his senior year, he had to make it last. Calum walked up to a group of his friends and gave them handshakes and saying his hello's. "Sup?" He asked, his head perked up a bit as he said those words then looked back as a kid on a skateboard came rolling by. Calum shoved the kid forwards causing him to topple over on the cement crashing into the wall, of course laughs were heard around. "Move out of the way!" He yelled, then shook his head. This was gonna be a good year. Luckily, Maggie didn't arrive until a few minutes the buses came right after she was dropped off on the side of the parking lot, staring up at the school nervously making her way towards the building.

@Amanda Cromwell @Wisteria Cresting @TheHappyPikachu @gaia250 @Spotine @loyalwolf @Tsiwentiio @oli @XxKaraxX

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Farah woke up early in the morning,her eyes still not adjusted to the bright rays of the sun blasting in through her room window. She leaned over and checked the time,7:20. She still had time to get ready for school.

She walked into her bathroom and took a short shower,got out,and walked to her closet. Her wardrobe was nothing but Indie and Hipster styles,uncommon around here.

She picked out a plain plaid shirt,dark blue skinny jeans,along with brown combat boots and a brown bracelet. She dried her hair then brushed it some,but left the shoulder length ombré hair it's regular messy style.

She walked downstairs and made herself some eggs and toast and ate. She finished and ran to her board and grabbed it then skated out of her house and down the sidewalk towards school.

(Just no beanie and hair is styled like is on CS)

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Esther Poole|17|@Amanda Cromwell [/center]

Anya Perkins|17|x

Anya had already been awake for hours. She found it a bit weird to think about at times. Most kids didn't get up at four in the morning and go to an indoor ice rink to go skating. Anya did. Every single day. And she loved every second of it. Skating was exhilarating. But now she was here, at a school full of less than exhilarating people. "Bye, Aunt Mae," Anya waved to her aunt as she got out of the car.

Wait!" Mae called after her. "Don't forget-"

Practice at five, got it!" Anya gave her aunt a thumbs up and watched her drive away. She turned back to the school. This was her first year at this particular high school. She had no friends. She knew nobody. Anya heaved in a deep sigh. "Let's get this over with."
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It was only 7:00 am and Elizabeth was still tried. She hoped out of the bed and went over to grab her phone and look at any emails or anything important that she need to do. After reading the email, Liz went to her bathroom and brushed her teeth and took a shower. After her shower she went in her room with only her bra and panties on with her hair all wet. Liz found a nice crop top in her closet that had her name on the back and it was black and white {Liz Throne and the number 1} on it. After putting her shirt on she finds a nice high raised shirt with was black and white which matched her shirt. When she puts her outfit on all she needed was some shoes so she went inside her walk in closet and found a pair of flats and walked out and went over to grab her purse and walked downstairs and saw one of her maids help my elders brother Chad Throne my favorite brother. After I pasted him I saw my parents and gave them a little wave and headed out the door to my car and waiting for my brother to join.


Chad was already up before his little sister as always. Chad gave her a little nod when she passed him and the maid. The Maid was helping telling him that he had to eat breakfast before he left, but he didn't want to. Chad grabbed his phone and his bag and headed to Liz's car to go on our way to school. Chad was wearing a nice button down shirt with the colors of Red and Black and black pants with some red and black shoes. I went in the front seat and i started listening to music well She was waiting for Ricky


It was 7:20am Richard was eating some breakfast and wasting Liz's and Chad's time of waiting for me in the car. Liz got out the car and I put all the food that was left in my plate into my month. I saw her coming over and she slapped my neck and we both left the house and went in her car.

After the car ride there every had gotten out the car and went there different ways.


Once Liz got out the car she went over to go inside the school until some one stopped her and covered her eyes and he said "Guess Who". She laughed and said
"I think I know who it is". She said with a little smirk and said "I believe it's one of the best boyfriends in the world" she said laughing and holding the hands that was covering her face.

@Wisteria Cresting

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The bell hasn't exactly rang yet which was a relief for most people, especially Alyssa who was just listening to her music peacefully mouthing every word quietly singing quietly to herself. She didn't want to be here, even though she was outgoing and had no problem in talking to others she just simply hated school and hated the people that attended this place. Her dark curly hair fell into her eyes loosely, she licked her lips puckering them up a bit then blew the access hair from out of her hues that were very wide and pretty. Alyssa sat up looking at the clock swinging her leg over the chair standing to her feet then headed out into the wide hallway pushing past people, trying to get through others. She ended up curdling over someone tripping over their back and fell on the ground. "Great!" Alyssa whispered, this day was gonna be horrible she thought to herself quietly pushing herself off the ground. She looked up seeing people staring at her, the kid had a skateboard. "Sorry!" She exclaimed then immediately ran into the crowds of people and into the bathroom shutting the door behind her leaning up against it. "Shit..." She huffed pushing some hair out of her face then went into a bathroom stall, first day and already hiding seemed like a way to go in her mind.

Calum watched Alyssa topple over the skateboard and the boy who he tripped, he busted up laughing even harder. "Watch yourself damn..." He trailed off then walked into the building confidently staring around seeing the curly haired girl run into the bathroom, he carelessly smiled widely at the sight. "Bitch." Calum was always a bully no matter what, he never changed even since middle school always been the one to dick around...Literally, he's slept with like more than half the girls population at the sky. It just proves how much of a whore this son a bitch was. He leaned up against the wall by the stairs kicking his leg back up against the hard wall staring at a couple girls passing by. "Hey baby." He said flirtatiously, surprisingly he hasn't gotten to them before.


Nina was already at the school, she was in the halls talking to the "Bitches" in the halls. Well walking with them Nina saw a girl who feel and I started laughing and so did the other girl. Then I saw this skateboard kid trying to flirt with the other girls from my group. I went up to him and said "I hope you know kid that you have no change with them because well, your not there type, unlike the jocks" I said laughing at him and added "You should be more like Captain of the football team a.k.a Richard Throne" I said laughing​

@Dylans Wife
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Farah arrived to school and hopped off her board,kicking it into her arms. She walked inside,already regretting coming back here after a long,relaxing summer filled with friends and road trips. Crying internally,she walked to her locker,which had been given to her at orientation,and set her board inside.

The bell still hadn't rung yet,so she decided to go chill in the art room until it did. Art was her favorite subject in this school,and the art teacher was just the best. "Hey Mr. Johnson. How are you?" She asked as she walked in. There were few people in the room,most working on last minute summer projects and some just coming to chill like Farah. "Oh,I'm great. How are you,Farah?" He asked. "Eh,I'd rather be at home sleeping but..." She trailed off. "Same." He said with a lazy groan. She giggled then walked into the room where all the projects were held,just to see what people had been working on.

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Adeline woke up to her toddler Adeline crying, "Oy..." She mumbled as she rolled out of bed over to the crib, "There, there honey." Adeline says and cuddles her, "Your like my alarm clock, everyday at the exact time I need to be up for school you cry... I love you, but its quite annoying actually..." She laughed a bit and kissed Alice's forehead. Alice then giggled and Adeline settled her back down in the floral bedding crib.

Adeline then hopped into a quick shower. Thankfully she didn't have to worry about Alice since her grandma tends to take care of her child a lot while she's off at school.

She then changed into her black hat with a shirt she tucked into a black skirt, with her doc martens.

Adeline walked downstairs to see her grandmother feeding little Alice, "I can't thank you enough, grandma." She smiles and gives her grandma and Alice a hug before she took an apple and her black satchel, "Well, off to my first day back at hell after a summer vacation."

"Oh honey, don't think of it that way... You have a couple of friends and your nice to everyone, you shouldn't have to worry..." Grandma says and gives Adeline a kiss on the forehead, "Now, I'll see you back home soon, I might be out for a bit with Alice at the local library, they have a grandma and me hour there..."

Adeline laughs and begins to walk out the door, "Have fun, love you!" She calls out and closes the door.

She got in her green jeep and drove off to school.

Once at school, Adeline lit a cigarette and walked into the school, she couldn't help it. She mainly quit everything else since her baby, but smoking she can't live with out...

As Adeline was walking to her locker she heard her name being called out. Adeline turned around and saw the group of guys she use to hang out with, including her rapist. Well at least in her eyes he was a rapist, not the fucking courts though...

"Well isn't it the whore of the school." One of the says and pushes Adeline to the wall. Adeline didn't know what to say or do... It was just randomly they started doing this.

"Having fun with your daughter? To bad your daughters going to end up the same way when I find you in some 14 years and fuck her." One of the other guys calls out and they start to huddle up against her, intimidating her, trying to touch her, "G-get off of me!" She yelled and closed her eyes, waiting for it to all be over.

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I was walking around the school and I saw one of Liz's friends with a whole crowd of guys I mean I know what happened to her and hell I knew who the person who did it to her. I went up to them in the crowd and said "Yo, can you guys just leave her alone she didn't do anything to you alright let her live please." I said looking at them all.​




Willa stepped out of her limousine, her brown boots landing onto the rocky pavement. She got stares for sure, but she was used to it. The driver shuts the door to the limousine and she sucks in the cool summer air. She turns to her bodyguard, waving him off, telling him it's okay to go away. She notices a fight going on, and she laughs. Why doesn't she just stand up for herself? She asks herself.
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Calum watched as Nina walked up to him and tried to tell him off, and what not. He rolled his eyes not caring making a fake yawn come out of his mouth. "I hope you know kid that you have no change with them because well, your not there type, unlike the jocks" She said, then spoke up again after a moment of silence. "You should be more like Captain of the football team a.k.a Richard Throne." Calum started to howl in laughter shaking his head from side to side "No, actually I'm the one who tripped the kid...Honestly, I think I'm way better than Richard throne. Really, I don't care what you have to say unless you're talking about sucking my d**k." Calum said smirking running his hand through his soft hair. Calum smirked then shoved her away a bit, he didn't like people in his space. "Can you leave? I don't like people like you, unless were talking about sex, money, or drugs." Calum turned on his heels and headed down the hallway making his way to his locker opening it quickly slamming it into some kid. He looked inside, realizing that he didn't bring his books on the first day. Oh well. He heard people yelling from behind him, the smell of cigarette smoke rose into is nostrils turning his way to face a girl, who had light brown hair who was being harassed by a couple of dudes.

Calum walked up to them rolling his eyes shoving them off. "Get the fuck off, god damn you guys get fucking annoying! Harassing girls all the time. Good luck being in prison you nasty mother fucker." He said to a guy that was yelling at her and shoved him back. "I'll fucking kick your ass." He said serious, Calum never stands up for others but this time it was different. He turned around and looked at the girl who was leaning up against the wall. "You alright?" Calum sighed deeply.
He found himself glaring at guy that was trying to help her.

Alyssa crowded into the stall more leaning up against the door gently staring at the wall in front of her then slowly fell to the ground pulling out her bag and began to write in her book. She was completely embarrassed of what just happened, her face was a bright red, it wouldn't go away. She pulled her knees up to her chest adjusting her flannel that sat on her body loosely leaning her head down limped up on the wall with her head pressed against it staring up at the artificial light and wall with words all over the door and stall in sharpies.

@Amanda Cromwell
Caspian Young

Cass turned Liz around and placed a kiss on her forehead, "I would say that's so," he smiled warmly at her,. "What are you doing after school, babe?"

He stared down at her. How did he get so lucky? Out of everyone in the world, he had her.

Noelle Poole

Noelle nodded at the person a she ran into and scuttled around them. She turned her head when she saw some commotion on the other side of the hallway. She paused when she saw Chad, Calum, and... Adeline? It was Adeline, right. Noelle took a deep breath and walked over to them. "Oh, um. Hi, Adeline, right? Let's go get you cleaned up," she offered her hand to the girl with a small smile. "If you guys don't mind..."

She looked over at Chad and quickly dropped her gaze.

@Amanda Cromwell
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Reu woke up as he always did - to the sound of Fleet Foxes' "Mykonos" playing from his phone speakers. He opened his eyes with quite a bit of effort, but it didn't take long for the song to get him pumped up for his first day of school. He would be able to finally meet some new people. He hadn't met many people since transferring to this school, so he didn't really have any friends. He smiled as he pulled on some clean clothing and began his walk out the door. He didn't even really register where he was walking as he made his way, he was more entranced by the scenery than anything else. He was feeling pretty good about this, but felt his anxiety growing as he neared the building. What if he managed to fuck this up?


Luka locked their bike to the pole in front of school as she had done for the past two years and grabbed her backpack from the basket. She walked inside, hoping to make it to trigonometry safely and easily without having to deal with anyone. They aren't much of a morning person.

Some shouting caught their attention, and their eyes were drawn to a group of some seriously scary kids harassing a girl with long hair. They immediately turned around and called for a security guard. "They're touching a girl!" they yelled, but by the time the guards and Luka themselves had made their way back to the hallway, the group had dispersed. They narrowed their eyes, trying to find the girl. There was another big boy still there with her, so Luka rushed up and asked, "Hey, Miss, are you okay?" They eyed the boy cautiously. "Do you need me to bring help?" @Amanda Cromwell @XxKaraxX @Dylans Wife


I nodded and said "Yea sure she's all yours, We well take care of these guys" I said looking over at Noelle and looked at Luka behind me and said "Yea sure if the plan is to bet them the fuck up" I looking at them both.


I smiled at him when he kissed on my forehead and said "I was going to come over today to hang out with you and Giselle before heading home with my dumb twin brothers" I said smiling at him while walking around School and saw Calum and my brother and said "What is going on over here" I said while holding Cas had and looking at them both.

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Adeline opened her eyes and saw two boys helping her, she took a deep breathe looking at both of them. One of them she definitely knew, Liz's friend she's pretty sure of. And then the other one, might of seen him in the hall a few times... Heard a few rumors about him but never really knew him.

She bit her lip and glanced over at the boy she didn't really know, "I-I'm fine..." Adeline said, still a bit nervous, "Thanks both of you..." She mumbled and then saw another girl come by, "Yeah, I'm fine..." She says quietly and then shakes her head, "I don't think so... Already tried that once..." Adeline said, referring back to the time the rape trial occurred, "Well, thanks for you all trying to help..." Adeline said and smiled softly, thankful that nothing worse happened to her.

And then another person walked up to her, a Noelle right? She didn't want all this attention on her, worried it would get spread around the school.

"Yes, please." She mumbled and took Noelle's hand, softly smiling at the rest of them, "Thanks again..." @Amanda Cromwell



I laughed and smiled and said "Your so annoying" I said looking at him. I left to go outside and then that's when I saw the bitch who likes to pretend to be me when she is not which is Elizabeth Throne. I never like that bitch a.k.a whore. She has everything I ever wanted the prefect boyfriend and the money the house I ever wanted. She had it all. I rolled my eyes and walked with the group of girl to the cafe.​

Calum stared back at Chad and rolled his eyes then a girl that came up to them, He was confused by so many people coming over. "Are you fucking serious?" He asked angrily shaking his head. He looked at Adeline and smiled widely and nodded his head up and down, Surprisingly that was the first time he actually stuck up for someone. "Yeah, yeah...I don't tend to do that. So feel pretty damn lucky." He said then, wandered off stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Do you need me to bring help?" Yet another girl asked coming up to the group. "No, I solved the problem...They wont be coming back." He muttered then turned away going up the stairs seeing the girl that was trying to tell him off earlier, Nina. "You're annoying as hell." The bell rang, he crowded into a classroom sitting down on a chair that was slightly limp that tilted from side to side when ever you moved. Who were those douchebags anyway? He thought to himself, he stared to the front of the classroom angrily as he sat there not wanting to be there and go home to smoke some Mary Jane.

Alyssa flinched as the bell rang to let everyone school was about to start, or classes are about to start. She didn't go, she was gonna wait till the hallways were empty to actually leave. She wasn't gonna stay here, she needed to go home and work on her music. "God, why am I always the one to get caught embarrassing myself." She stated sighing placing her book back into her back standing up opening the door walking over to the mirror that was on the bathroom mirror and stared into it deeply.
Luka followed the girl with her eyes as Noelle led her away. Would she be okay? They were anxious, but thought better of chasing after someone or telling anybody off. It would be unsafe for both the girl and themself to do something so rash without thinking. Their hands slightly shaking, they nodded at the others and started on their way to their trigonometry class. They felt their eyes stinging with tears from the anxiety. Shit. Luka found an alcove behind one of the staircases in the school and sat behind the wall. They felt tears fall from their eyes and tried to force them to stop forming, but to no avail.
Farah heard the bell and walked out of the art room and towards her first class,English. People filled the hallways,making her feel awkward and claustrophobic.

Finally,she made in to her class and chose a seat in the last row in the last seat. She hated being called on in any class,as she was afraid she would embarrass herself in
some way. Hopefully,she had a class with some people she knew,and not all complete strangers or whore freshman.
Caspain Young

He smiled at that plan. Giselle missed Liz when she wasn't around. After all, she was the closest thing she had to a mother. He watched two girls walk away as Liz spoke to her brother and Calum. He tightened his grip on her hand slightly. Bullies probably. He knew what happened to Adeline and it wasn't right. He was glad he had been there for Tara.

@Amanda Cromwell

Noelle Poole

Noelle nodded and smiled at the boys and Luka as she walked away with Adeline. She led the girl into the bathroom and wet a paper towel. "I'm Noelle, by the way. You're probably more acquainted with my sister, Esther."

Esther knew basically everyone, so it wouldn't be much of a surprise if Adeline knew her. She handed Adeline the towel. "What happened, if you don't mind my asking?"

The bell rang, but Noelle didn't bother moving. She could explain the situation.


Alby Clearwater

Alby wandered to class, briefly wondering where his friend Alyssa was. He turned a corner and bumped into someone. "Oh, I'm sorry." He didn't look familiar. He sure was cute though with his black hair and colorful eyes. What color were they? Alby adjust his guitar case and stuck out his hand with a smile, "I'm Alby."


Adeline smiled a bit as she was given the towel, she wet with water and dabbed it on her face, "Yeah, I know her..." She nodded and then sighed, almost all the school knew why that was probably going on, "Well... They were just some ex friends of mine who kind of ruined my life but at the same time gave me a beautiful baby girl..." She mumbled the last part and threw out the paper towel.

She heard the bell ring but didn't want to go back out in the halls so stayed in the bathroom with Noelle. @Wisteria Cresting

Alyssa wandered out of the bathroom after staring into the mirror for a long moment and sighed at the sight. She never really liked the way she looked she just had to deal with the fact that she didn't like the way she looked. She ran out of the bathroom with her head low staring at her boots until finding Alby. She saw that he was already talking to some girl, that was actually really pretty. Alyssa smiles awkwardly then spoke up, "Hey, sorry... I had to um, Check something." She lied, she turned to the girl and looked at her with her dark eyes brushing some of her dark curly hair from her face. "I'm Alyssa..." She trailed off, She shuffled her feet turning to Alby. "How was your final week of summer?" Alyssa asked, her eyes scanning the boys face carefully rubbing the back of her face nervously looking back to where she fell earlier her face immediately turning red just by the thought of her falling on the ground earlier. God, she really did hate this school.

@Wisteria Cresting @oli
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(Believe me my posts will be a lot longer)
Reu turned the corner and suddenly felt the wind knocked out of him. He stumbled back for a second, trying to catch his breath, and locked eyes with the person who had rammed into him. He didn't recognise the boy, but was quickly introduced to Alby. Reu grinned. "Hi, I'm Reuben. It's no big deal, don't worry," he said, enthusiastically taking the other's hand and shaking it firmly. He was excited to be meeting new people, even if it was through such awkward means as randomly bumping into each other in the hallway. He couldn't help but notice that this Alby guy was sort of cute as well, even though he felt himself sort of embarrassed to admit it.

His thoughts were interrupted by a girl walking up to the two of them, and he smiled at her as well. "Hi, Alyssa. I'm Reuben," he repeated, as enthusiastically as he had introduced himself to Alby. @Dylans Wife @Wisteria Cresting

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