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Realistic or Modern Life as Always - Anime Slice of Life

Captain Gabriel

Three Thousand Club

Life as Always
Ever wondered what it felt like to be in an anime world?
Ever wondered how good it felt to have those big eyes that anime characters have?
This is a simple Slice of Life, based around a small town in Japan that follows all anime clichès (Deres, high-school drama, etc.)
The plot is simple, it will build itself as we RP. No supernatural bullshit or stuff like that. Simple, realistic slice of life.

This RolePlay originally had MUCH success and it sadly died out (although after about 3 months?).
I hope it can climb up to its original success.

  • Don't be a dick.
  • Be nice, instead! :D
  • I am always right.
  • I am never wrong.
  • Follow all RpN standard rules.
  • Try not to be too edgy.
  • Don't kill a character without authorization.
  • Sexy time? Fade to black, we don't wanna see your gross baby-making.
  • Have fun! :D
Last edited:
I guess I'll start.

Time of Day: Morning, Saturday.

Tatsui Kurisou
: At his home >>> On the way to a pizzeria

The blonde woke up to the hellish sound that was worse than any nightmare he could have been experiencing. The clock. Ah, his lifelong rival that marked the ending of his sweet, charitable dreams and the beginning of a new course, full of adventurous torture. It was known under the name: "The life of a student," Tatsui remarked, sighing tiresomely. Not that he didn't go to sleep last night. He did! Just at 2AM in the morning. It's called video games, people! Sometimes they keep you up. After a very long, shabby sequence of flexing his muscles to even get up and sit on the bedside, he gasped for longer than five seconds. He hit the clock that he put on the far side of his desk, that he put up this way to ensure he got up after hitting the clock and didn't go to sleep again on accident. The boy scratched his upper chest a few times, before standing up.

Insert your standard morning procedure. Bathroom, clothes, self-made breakfast. Not very interesting, so no reason to put it in.

After excessively checking if his breath was good should he find a nice girl (or guy, as he was an adventurous fellow when it came to that stuff,) to flirt with. After another, deep gasp, Tatsui took out his phone and checked the hour: 7:42. Fortunately, it was merely a stroll down the street to get to school for the boy. Either way, it would not hurt in any way to get there early.

Tatsui walked out the house and arrived before his school, all only to remember one thing:

It's Saturday, idiot. (Doyobi desu, baka)

His brain reminded him, as a form of half-subconscious thought that he made to himself. He gazed at the school gate, then facepalmed in response to his own stupidity. "I can't believe I walked to school on Saturday." He steadied his grip on the briefcase he carried his books in (not really, since he forgot to pack up), then laughed at himself for his perplexing idiocy.

He walked back to where he came from. It was 8:12 already, so he overestimated his speed and would be late anyway should school be today.

"Maybe I'll go for a pizza?" He asked himself.

'Yes, I will.' He finished in his thoughts. Although his cooking was good, nothing could beat a pizza from a restaurant. And this was a rare event, as he planned on eating out in the city, as opposed to his more common approach of having it delivered to his doorstep. Or maybe, he'd realize he didn't pack anything up for school today and use his briefcase to carry said pizza back to home?

So many options. So much stupidity in one person.
Izumi Kajiwara- Library
Izumi woke up early Saturday morning, prepared for the day ahead. For once, her schedule was free, so what better way to spend the weekend than in the library? She was quick to get out of bed around 7 in the morning, knowing the library didn't open until around 8. Her usual routine consisted of taking care of her younger siblings, making her father a cup of coffee, and preparing breakfast for the whole family. She was no star chef, but she could cook the basics.

Once she finished eating, Izzy made sure that she looked presentable enough, before picking up a stack of books that she had checked out last week and finished already. Most were on the principles of physics, and there was the occasional fantasy book in the mix. She stepped outside, strolling the streets until she made it to the library. It was a decent sized one, but had few visitors throughout the day. Even so, it was perfect for Izumi, because there was little to no human interaction there.

"Good morning, Sensei!" Izumi greeted the librarian, before returning her books. She strolled through the remainder of the library, picking out several different books that peaked her interest. Once she had finished, she took a seat at one of the tables in the room and began to read, immersing herself in the fantasy worlds of her books.

Daiki Fukushima- All Over The Place
Dai woke up in an unfamiliar bed, next to an unfamiliar girl (random NPC because why not). 'Shit, not again.' He thought, 'How much did I drink last night? Who is this girl?' Once again, Daiki had gotten himself in a bad situation thanks to his stupidity. All he remembered from the past night was attempting to drink away his problems, but apparently he went a bit too far with that one. Dai slowly got out of bed, trying not to wake the girl as he got dressed. He had a massive headache, no doubt from a hangover, but some medicine and a cup of tea would probably do the trick. Daiki was known to get into trouble, but even this was unlike him. As he slipped out of the unfamiliar house, Dai made sure he knew where he was before heading to his house. It was still early, and the sun had yet to rise, so he made sure to quietly enter.

Daiki took a cold shower to snap himself out of his daze, before pulling on a fresh change of clothes. He was already feeling better. After taking some pain medication and drinking a cup of green tea, Dai decided to lay down and read his favorite book to keep his mind off of the stupid thing he had done. After the sun had risen, Daiki felt his stomach growling, and he knew it was time to get some food. And even though he probably should have eaten his own breakfast, Pizza was calling his name. Once the boy put his mind to something, he went through with it. So in a matter of minutes, Dai was out the door, walking down the street towards his favorite pizzeria. He was trying not to let his anger get the best of him, and trying desperately to not think about what he had done. However, he stopped about a block away from the restaurant when some smart ass and his friends (more random characters because why not) decided to make a clever remark about him.

Let's just say, a fight ensued. With Daiki already being in an off mood, he was prepared to take on three kids, confident that he would win. In the end Dai had tackled the kid who had called him a pervert, and slammed his fist into his face repeatedly. The other two boys ran off. If no one stopped him, Dai probably would end up punching the boy unconscious- or worse.
Location - Tatsuya's house

Tatsuya heard the distinct noise of his alarm clock beeping and blindly felt for the off button. He rubbed his eyes and sat up. Groggily, he swung his legs off the bed and began to get dressed.

"Tatsuya! You're going to be late if you don't get up this instant!" He heard his aunt say from the kitchen.

"Coming!" He said with a groan. He checked the clock. 7:45?! A vaguely teenage-shaped blur ran out the door with his tie loosely hanging around his neck and his mouth around an apple.

On the walk to school (more like run) he had enough time to eat his apple because he had ran so fast to start with, he was already almost there by the time he finished it. Along with that, he also had some time to think. When he had the time, he liked to think about what people would look like if they were animals. Kyary Pamyu Pamyu? Hamster. Beyonce? Beautiful horse. Then he thought about what would happen if all of these celebrity animals were on a farm. They could make a reality show about it...

The school came into view as Tatsuya turned the corner. What looked like millions of students leaked into the school as the gates swung open. He came to a stop out of the way and looked at the building. This is where he'll be spending most of his time for the next four years.
Alex Mercer
0530 hrs,
somewhere over the Pacific Ocean
Private Passenger/Cargo jet

Onboard the plane"Inform Mr. Mercer and his son that we are about to turn in for landing!" The pilot said to the gorgeous stewardess who was sitting behind in the crew quarters. "Man, I'm beat!" He added as soon as the female flight attendant had left. "No wonder!" The co-pilot replied. "We have been flying this crate for 16 hours straight..." The co-pilot turned the fasten seatbelts light on and disengaged the autopilot, nodding to his captain. The plane itself was a scaled up version of Airforce One, with office and sleeping quarters, furnished in the ever fashionable beige leather, and a cargo compartment, that could easily fit a smaller plane.

The flight attendant walked into the common area, where Mr. James Mercer and his son, Alex were traveling in. Mr. Mercer had been sitting behind a desk in the office, dealing with documents, making phone calls, trying to have everything ready upon arrival. Alex on the other hand was sitting on a couch, looking out the window. The clouds were covering the land bellow, so he couldn't see their destination, as they were approaching. "Something interesting out there?" The flight attendant was friendly with Alex, since he was the most approachable person in the family... "Nothing but clouds!" he replied. "I'm just trying to look deep!" He smiled, as he turned to face the stewardess, who chuckled at his joke. "Well, we are preparing for landing, so make sure your belt is fastened." she smiled at the young man. Alex checked his seat belt. "All set!" he replied with a wink, going back to his very interesting activity of looking outside the window, trying to look deep. He stole a glance at her legs, as she was walking away, to make sure Alex's father was also ready. As soon as her job was done, she took her seat, strapping herself in place as well.

As the plane was approaching the ground, it passed through the clouds, exposing the land of the rising sun. Alex looked at the land bellow. Land, he was about to call home for God knew how long. The plane was getting closer and closer, when finally the stunning building of Narita International Airport was in sight. The plane headed for landing, touching down on Runway A, and due to its sheer size it was difficult to navigate to its designated block, where the rather humble welcoming committee was waiting patiently. Alex expected reporters, cameras, flashes, and a crowd, just like back home, but got 3 black luxury cars and 5 people in total instead. Maybe this experience wouldn't be so bad after all. He wasn't going to be center of attention, which wasn't a bad thing, but wasn't what he was used to either. He liked the attention to some extent, so that would need some getting used to. When the plane came to a halt, and the captain turned the engines off, Alex unfastened his belt and made his way to the exit, impatiently. When the door opened, Alex was the first to go down the stairs and head straight to the back ramp, where the crew was already unloading their luggage, which was in form of cargo containers. Several black containers, filled with tech from back home, a smaller metallic container with their luggage inside, and a blue container, which seemed to be Alex's personal belongings, as he was juggling his keys nervously.

The container hit the ground gently, with the obligatory yell "CLEAR" by one of the workers. Alex walked over to the container, which had combination lock on it. After several clicks, Alex removed the lock and swung the doors open himself, exposing his most prized possession - his Rai-Jin Turbo. He smiled again, juggling the keys in his hand. "Don't get lost, OK?" his father's voice echoed, without a reply from Alex. Not long after that, the silver comet was flying down the Wangan. Alex was a free spirit. As his father was about to go into those boring meetings, Alex preferred to have some fun, probably break some laws on the way. He was flying down the notorious stretch of road, cars going past him, disappearing into the rear view mirror. Alex lived for this moment - when car and driver became one, flying down the road, turning the roadside trees into a wall. That's until a red warning light decided to bring Alex back to reality. It was time for him to stop for gas. He forgot that the tank was almost emptied for the flight to Japan. He pulled over at the nearest gas station, turning the engine off. He opened the door and as soon as he set foot outside, the weird song started playing. "Strange... Never happened to me before!" he thought, as he was approached by the attendant. A brief conversation, where Alex tested out his knowledge of the language, a full tank of gasoline, and a compliment about having perfectly understandable Japanese from the attendant later, he was back on the road. His father was probably gonna take a while to finish setting up, so he decided to get straight to their new home.

An hour later Alex was at his destination - a modern looking house, in what seemed to be quiet neighborhood. It was going to be a while, before workers arrive with their stuff, so Alex decided to drive around town to get familiar with the surroundings. He drove past the school, which he was about to attend, some building that, after careful inspection, Alex concluded was a library, and last, but not least, OH, goodie, a pizza shop. His prayers have been answered. He wouldn't have to eat his food with chopsticks. Alex slowed down as he drove by, and good thing he did, because out of the blue for no obvious reason (except for a plot reason), a couple of guys ran out of the nearby alley and straight in front of Alex, causing him to slam the breaks hard! The car came to an abrupt halt with screaming tires and a driver throwing profanities at the 2 people. Fortunately he reacted in time and didn't end up running the stupid fools over. He jumped out of the car, accompanied by the song starting in the background... "Watch where you going, you fools!" He yelled at both of them...
Daiki Fukushima
The two boys could have cared less about getting run over by the luxurious vehicle, in fact they would have preferred that over getting beaten to a pulp by the infuriated psychopath. "There's a mad-man after us!" One of them replied, only glancing at the infuriated foreign guy who was screaming at them. And with that, the two fearful guys darted into the streets, their importance in the plot never to be needed again~

After Dai pummeled the kid to the point where he was bleeding from his nose and mouth, with two black eyes, he stood up, lifting the kid from the ground and glaring at him.
"Maybe you'll think twice next time before calling someone names, huh?!" Dai roared, slamming him into a couple of garbage cans. "Stay put where you belong, and I swear if you tell anyone I will find you and kick your ass again." Daiki was known to lash out at people randomly. It helped him calm down, especially when he was infuriated at himself. It wasn't long before Daiki remembered the other two boys that he had scared half to death, and his anger flared back up as he ran back out towards the street in the direction that they had gone.

Daiki stopped in the streets, looking at a young man, furrowing his eyebrows at him. "Hey, have you seen a couple of shitheads run by?" He asked, slowly unclenching his fists. "Actually, nevermind. You didn't see anything." Dai growled, shoving his hands in his pockets and making his way into the pizza shop. He needed to eat to calm his nerves completely. He wasn't worried about anyone saying anything about him, as he had been to jail plenty of times before. He was a bit curious about what the handsome foreigner was doing, but decided not to say anything to him, not after what he had witnessed.

Mari Harada- Harada Tower
"Miss Harada, your father would like to speak with you." The voice of a woman- who was no doubt Mr. Harada's new "secretary"- called over the intercom. Mari sat in her room, debating on whether or not she actually needed to talk to her father. She often avoided him as much as possible, but this seemed urgent considering the woman had been trying to get in touch with her for the past ten minutes. Sighing, the girl decided it was best to just go see what the man wanted from her. She sat up from her bed and pressed the button, muttering to the secretary, "Tell him I'm coming." She muttered apathetically.

Mari attempted to make herself look somewhat presentable, wearing a simple blouse and jeans and pulling her hair up into a bun. Already dreading the confrontation with her father, Mari left her room and wandered the halls of her floor. Harada Tower had 58 floors, so each of her family members got one floor to themselves. Each floor was essentially a house within a house, equipped with the finest of Japanese luxuries. Mari made her way towards the elevator, and went inside, pressing the button that led to the 58th floor, swiping a key card that granted her access to the top floor. It was only three floors away, so the ride wasn't long. The top floor was her fathers main office, where he spent most of his time.

Mari stepped out of the elevator and walked down a lavish hallway, leading to a set of marvelously carved wooden doors. She knocked on them ever so slightly, hearing her father's familiar, "Come in." Mari slowly opened the door before entering the room, giving a respectful bow to her father before rising and looking up at him. "Forgive me for taking so long to arrive, Otosama." She apologized, "I will do better next time." The man wasn't impressed with her apology, but was eager to move to another topic, therefore he didn't bother scolding her.

"Mari, tell me, what do you know of the American business company run by the Mercer family?" He asked, pulling out an American newspaper from within his desk. Mari paused; the name was familiar, but at the same time she had no clue what the Mercer's did, all she knew was that they were rich. "Um.. they.. are... they're American... and their last name is Mercer.. maybe..." She trailed off, being interrupted when her father cleared his throat. "Foolish girl. Mercer is a well known American name. They are as famous in America as we are in Japan. They are our rivals. And as word has it, they are in Japan as we speak. James Mercer and his son, Alex. And considering you know hardly anything about them, it will make it easier for you to gather information and gain Alex Mercer's trust. I want to know about their prototypes, what they have in creation, anything that I can produce on my own before they do. We cannot lose our stance in Japan as the most respected company and if they open a branch here, our competition will rise dramatically, and our profits will decrease as well."

"So... you want me to talk to the son? How am I supposed to do that? My English isn't all that great you know." Mari tried to explain, only to have her father growl in disapproval. "Don't make excuses, I taught you enough English. He should speak Japanese, or at least have a translator. You will speak to him, because my sources have informed me that Alex Mercer will attend your school. And that is final. I either going to exploit this company.. or make it burn. Now go see if you can find him. And change into something more presentable. You're a young woman, not a lower class heathen." And with that, Mari left the room, her thoughts heavy with concern. She loved to gather information, but often times if it was to interest her father, it never meant anything good, and to potentially ruin the lives of an American business company? That was a low blow, even for her father. But, Mari had to do at least try and get information from this Mercer kid, so that's exactly what she would do.

(Too lazy to make this any longer so on my next post I'll get to her scheming and being evil or whatever. I hope this is okay with you Gegawat Gegawat )
("Lower class heathen" lul... Sounds like Alex's brother, I swear. Anyway, your reply is awesome, believe it or not, the moment I saw "Corrupt businessman in your CS, I knew this was to come. Can't wait to see how things turn out.)

In front of the Pizza Shop
"Mad-man?" Alex's knowledge of the language was considerable, but he couldn't recognize the words. He reached into his inner pocket slowly, reaching for something, which somehow made them skedaddle head over toe. "Hm..." Alex retrieved the small pocketbook he had and opened it, trying to locate the word they used, just to be interrupted by another man, coming out of the street. So that's the madman they were referring to. Alex knew the type, there were people like this back at home as well. They weren't referred to as Madmen, but as punks. They were fun to hang around, but weren't the type to make best friends with either. One thing was for sure, Alex shouldn't piss him off. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. I guess I should have run them over, probably would have done you a favor" he replied, having slight of an accent to his Japanese, yet forming a perfectly understandable. He returned to the car for the sole reason to back it up in the alley and park it there, so he could enjoy a hot pizza.

Industrial part of town
Meanwhile, somewhere in the industrial area of the town, an office building next to a huge warehouse complex lit up, marking the opening of Mercertech Inc. Japanese Branch. The building's ribbon was cut, and all of the people went in. The office building wasn't anything significant, no more than 30 stories of office space, research laboratories and server rooms. The real action was the warehouse complex bellow, in the manufacturing facilities. James entered his office, joined by his assistant, who was a short Japanese man, with an average middle aged Japanese businessman look. The 2 men spent the rest of the day discussing which prototypes would be manufactured here, in Japan. The conversation quickly turned into a manly fueled by whiskey conversation about politics, cars and women. Speaking of women, James remembered that he was actually married, twice already, and one of his sons was somewhere out there, probably looking for trouble. He decided to call him.

Back to the Pizza Shop
Alex entered the pizza shop and took his seat. After ordering a large Quattro Formaggi, Coke, potato wedges, Caesar Salad, and large banana sundae, he decided to call his father, let him know what he was up to, fortunately his father was probably having the same thoughts, as his phone rang. The ringtone was the same as the weird music that came on in the background as he exits his car. "I should change this ringtone... Hello?" Indistinguishable alcohol fueled words that somehow made perfect sense to Alex followed. "No, I drove to the house, luggage still hadn't arrived." More indistinguishable alcohol fueled words that somehow made perfect sense to Alex followed. "No, I decided to grab some breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? I dunno, jet lag hit me hard. Anyway, thanks for calling, my food's comin', bye!" He hung up and decided to dig in. "What was the word again? Ah, yes! Dig in!" Alex attacked the food that has been presented to him. It wasn't long before the plates were empty. One could only wonder when this rather slender looking man fit all that food. After finishing, he pulled out a small spray looking thing, and sprayed a couple of shots under his tongue. He couldn't risk meeting a girl with a breath that smelled like half the pizzeria's menu. After letting a generous tip, he decided to browse the web for a while, before leaving. He kept the phone hidden from plain view for most of the time, but since the restaurant was empty, apart from the other guest, who seemingly had no interest in Alex up until this moment, he decided he could get comfortable. He browsed the weather, googled what there was to know about this region, ending up in an article about a local version if his father, causing him to chuckle. "I bet they'll make friends" He thought, deciding to quit with the stupid internet and do something more productive - play video games. He decided to go with a popular mobile game - whose name we are not supposed to mention, because copyrights - where one collects monsters and uses them to fight other monsters.
(I'm kinda hoping a rivalry forms between their families, but some sort of friendship/romance occurs in the process. I dunno, I'm pretty stoked about what happens.)

Daiki Fukushima
Dai turned around and looked at the guy, grinning ever so slightly at his remark. "I'll keep that in mind then." He chuckled softly, before heading inside the restaurant. He was quick to order a pizza to go, as he didn't like to stay in one place for too long. After he was given his food, Daiki pulled out a slice and took a bite, walking out of the parlor. He turned to look at the stranger, his mouth full as he said, "See you later." And with that, Dai continued about his daily routine, roaming the streets, practically begging for trouble.

Mari Harada
With reluctancy, Mari went back to her room to change into something that would make her look cute and feel comfortable, a rather hard feature for someone as picky as her. Eventually, Mari settled with a cute floral patterned dress that stopped just below her knees, despite wanting desperately to wear her previous outfit. The girl pulled her hair out of it's bun, pulling a brush through her wavy locks of hair.

"Now, where does one find a Mercer these days?"
She muttered to herself as she rode the elevator down to the bottom floor of her home. Her father wanted more than anything for her to ride in a limousine, but Mari still wanted to maintain her 'average teenage girl' status, so running into any of her classmates wouldn't look good if she was in a limo. Harada Tower was in the middle of the industrial district, yet the direction that she drove- in her average Toyota- was the opposite direction of Mercertech Inc., just her luck. The first place Mari went was her school, but it was empty for the most part, other than a couple of teachers.

She drove by the library, making sure to check the parking lots. Any rich person would have an expensive vehicle, right? As Mari drove, she almost overlooked the pizza place, assuming someone of such high stature wouldn't be interested in a rundown shop, but to her surprise, Mari noticed a rather expensive and unfamiliar vehicle in the parking lot. Not to mention it was obviously foreign. Mari parked a couple of spaces next to it, before stepping out. She wasn't quite sure if this was the Mercer kid, but she had to at least hope that she was close.

Mari made sure she still looked presentable before stepping into the pizza shop, looking at the barren shop. She was surprised at how empty it was, save for one person. When Mari noticed him, her heart rate sped up. There was no doubt in her mind that this guy was Alex Mercer. He had to be. He was foreign, dressed nicely, and he looked so good. Mari didn't expect him to be so good looking, because the first thing she thought of when someone said, "rich socialite boy" she immediately thought of her older brother, a scrawny nerd who would probably have to pay someone to marry him. The girl tried to hide her excitement- she couldn't believe her luck! She turned her gaze away from the man and back towards the cashier. "Hello, may I have... a cheese pizza? And a water please." She asked, before sitting down a couple of tables away from the guy, trying not to eye him as much as she wanted to.

'Calm down Mari, just be your cute and cunning self. He'll notice you. Just get the information you need and don't make a fool of yourself. You've done this a thousand times.' She thought, confused as to why she was panicking. She was so used to being around people she could manipulate, yet she was always around middle class citizens. Why was he different? Just because he had money? Mari was lost in her thoughts at this point.
In the Pizza Shop
Oh, boys and their games. Turns out this one was so interesting that made Alex ignore the gentle ring of the bell, as the door opened. He kept his eyes on the phone, but also on things behind it, as it was transparent. It was an idea that came to him as a joke, when he saw one kid running into a lamppost while texting. As it turns out, the idea was plausible and Mercertech engineers picked it up and made a prototype, which turned out to be a success so far. It worked like a charm, as Alex already figured out. They were a month or two away from releasing it on the market. Anyways, as Alex was paying attention to his game, he also noticed the human outlines passing him, heading for the counter. He stole a glance, returning his eyes back to the game. As he did, he stopped tapping the screen. He stole another glance. This time - a longer one. This time, his jaw dropped, and he had to push it up. He felt he was staring into the girl, causing him to shake it off.

"hubba hubba..." He thought to himself. The girl standing in front of him was a goddess by all standards. An exotic Asian girl, taller than average, and guess what - she had a brunette wavy hair, something that was like a big Alex magnet. Alex quickly lowered his head down and back to his phone, he didn't want their eyes to meet just yet. Besides, he was turning into a klutz when it came to women. He wasn't as smooth as his brother was. Also, people around here were different, not like people at home. Back in the USA he could just say his name and have any girl he wanted. But he was long way away from home. It was time for a change. He turned the phone off, turning it into a piece of glass. He looked at his reflection, fixing his tie, deciding to go for a kill. At this point he was glad he had that breath freshener. He got up and walked over to the girl. "Good morning!" He greeted her in Japanese, trying to strike a conversation, but trying as hard as he could, he just couldn't make his brain work. Actually, his brain was working, but his mouth was refusing to speak. However, as soon as he started talking, the song came on again. He raised an eyebrow at it, wondering if his phone war ringing again. He placed his hand in his pocket, tapping the phone but it wasn't coming from there. "I'm sorry, this has been happening since I arrived. I'm new in town, trying to socialize.. My name is..." suddenly he had a flashback of his brother's behavior, causing him to rethink his introduction. "My name is Alex!" He humbly stated, letting a charming half-smile crawl up to his face and making the song come back on again....

At the new house
While Alex was trying to get his game on, the workers had arrived at the house, preparing it for people to live there. They arranged the furniture, the electronics, organized the personal belongings and clothing, even making sure Alex's school supplies, books and uniform were in check. After they were done, they texted Alex and James, making sure they are aware that their house is ready. When done, they left back for the airport, where they would fly the Mercerplane back to USA, as their job here was done. The house was modern looking, furnished in an American fashion with some Japanese flavors. It was two stories high, with the bathrooms and bedrooms on the second floor. The lower floor was divided into a rather spacious living room, furnished in grey and white and a modern kitchen, furnished in black, white and several shades of grey. Everything had a futuristic feel to it, with fluid and dynamic shapes. It was similar to the house Alex dreamed of, apart from the fact it was in a quiet neighborhood, compared to the mountains, as Alex dreamed of. Also this house didn't have a garage, so the precious car would have to live outside. Knowing that, the technicians decided to park the blue container at the side of the house, to serve as a makeshift garage.
Mari Harada
The girl was snapped back into her senses when she heard the guy's voice greeting her. She looked up at him, a bit confused if it was even him speaking- his Japanese was so fluent. A smile formed on Mari's face as he greeted her, "Good morning." She replied. Her smile didn't fade, not until she heard the strange music playing out of seemingly no where. Mari looked around, confusion written on her face, trying to figure out if he heard the song too, or if she was just going crazy. He seemed to choke on his words, not producing anything for a long while, and she worried if he was alright. Relief washed over Mari when he mentioned that he could hear the music too. Her smile returned ever so softly as she looked up at him from her seat.

"There's no need to apologize, Alex." Mari paused again when she heard the music play again, trying to avoid looking at that handsome smile of his. "It's a pleasure to meet you, and might I say, your Japanese is beautiful." She smiled, complimenting how well he spoke her language. "My name is Mari." The girl paused, wondering if some funky music would play for her, but nothing came. Mari shrugged and laughed at her stupidity, before looking up at Alex. "So what brings you to Japan? Are you a transfer student?" She asked, trying to stop herself from talking so much. She did her best to hide her eagerness and seem as casual as she could be.

It didn't take long for the waiter to bring out her slice of pizza, to which she quickly paid for, trying to hide her wallet filled with yen.
"Thank you." She said politely to the waiter, "Keep the rest." Mari had left the waiter with 1000 yen left over, not really caring if she was wasting money or not. She placed her wallet back into her purse, before focusing on her food. Mari crossed her legs before scooting forward, picking up her pizza slice and taking a bite. After swallowing she looked back to Alex. "Oh! I'm sorry. Would you like to take a seat?" She asked, motioning towards the chair in front of her, smiling at him politely.
Alex Mercer
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mari!" The ice had been broken. Alex made first contact. It felt good to know that his Japanese was understandable. He was still nervous, but he could hold a normal conversation. He took the seat he was offered, thinking on how to reply to the question he was asked. He was trying hard to focus, mainly due to the fact that the girl standing in front of him looked so perfect. Elegant, yet casual. Common looking, yet exotic. "Well, that pretty much sums it up. My parents decided I could learn a thing or two studying abroad!" He thought about it for a second. "So they sent me to Japan, to learn the meaning of Honor and discipline. I really can't wait for school to get started..." He paused, since he still had to think before he speaks. "...But, I guess I would need to get familiar with the town first, so would you like go for a walk after the meal?"

"Damnit, Alex, that was a stupid idea!" the voice echoed inside his head. No matter how smooth it sounded inside his head, once he said it out loud, it sounded too stupid to actually get the girl to go out of her way and spend time with a stranger, a foreigner no less. He read a lot before coming here, and as far as he knew, people don't take kindly on gaijin. He was sure to get stared at a lot on the streets, but that's something he was ready to take. Besides, people pointed at him back home as well. Oh, Look, it's that guy; Hey, Alex, can we take a picture; Hey, Alex, do you have a girlfriend, I volunteer as a tribute... Lines, he heard all the time, but none of them were because of him, it was because of his family. Here, nobody knew who he was, so he would take this chance. He wouldn't speak of his family name, he wouldn't even drive his car to school or anywhere, where he was meeting with people other than his work related acquaintances. And by his, he meant his father's. Not that it was needed for him to drive to school, it was a pleasant 20 minute leisurely paced walk from his house to school.

Speaking of school, he remembered several things... As far as he knew, he had no uniform, no books, no nothing. He had to take care of those as well, but since it was Saturday, it wasn't going to be easy, considering school was probably closed.
Ryuu Takeshi Zbierajewski
Ryuu's Saturday started off with him sleeping in for a couple of hours. Saturday was the day that Ryuu could sit back and relax and enjoy his time off. Groggily waking up, Ryuu performed the morning ritual of hygiene. Getting dressed in loose basketball clothes, Ryuu was off to the nearby park to play some basketball with some of the members of his high schools senior varsity team. He wanted to join when he first came to Japan, but the coach ignorantly listened to the varsity basketball team's captain Yuuji Yamada; despite the fact that back in Poland, through his elementary, junior high, and high school years, he was on the varsity team for each grade; he even won MVP after the National Championships in his Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior year. He was going to show Yamada why not letting him on the varsity team was a bad idea.

Saying goodbye to his mother who was about to leave for work at the local nursery home, Ryuu walked out the door and headed to the park. On his way there, he passed by the local pizzeria, deciding to stop by later after the game for a bite to eat. Arriving in the park, Ryuu immediately saw a group of 11 guys standing in the basketball court. Within 5 minutes, the game started. Playing point guard, Ryuu warmed by performing an alley oop on Yamada. Over the course of the game Ryuu score 7 three pointers, and dunked on Yamada 8 times, before his team won. Yamada, who was a good 10cm taller than Ryuu, walked up to Ryuu, and shook his hand and said, "I guess I was wrong about you, Z-kun. I'll let the coach see you in action tomorrow at school. Be at the gymnasium around 16:00. See you then." With that, Yamada and the rest of the guys from the varsity team left the court. Ryuu feeling excited about being able to play on a team again, walked a little bit before coming back to the pizzeria.

Walking inside, Ryuu walked up to the counter, and ordered a small pepperoni pizza. After about 5 minutes, the waiter brought out the pizza and big bottle of water, Ryuu thanked her and being eating. Ryuu was still sweating quite a bit from the game earlier, wiping his brow, he bit into his pizza enjoying the cheesy taste. looking up around him, he heard a familiar voice, turning around he saw Mari Harada. He never actually spoke to her, but she definitely well like among a lot of the boys at school. He could see why too. He then noticed she talking to a dark haired boy, who was definitely not Japanese in anyway. From the way he handled himself and the way he used his Japanese, Ryuu could he was American. Seeing that there was no harm in it, Ryuu decided to introduce himself to the both of them, though Mari Harada might already know who he is; maybe.

"Harada-chan, interesting to see you here out of all places. My name is Ryuu Zbierajewski, though just call me Z-kun'', addressing the both of them.

Gegawat Gegawat BrokenRemedy BrokenRemedy
Mari listened to what Alex had to say, her eyes scanning over his features and stature. He held himself with dignity, but at the same time he seemed as casual as any other teenager. She bit her lip briefly when he mentioned being a normal student. 'Not one for gloating about his profits.. He must have siblings.' She thought to herself, assuming he was like her when it came to trying to hide his wealth. She always did that because she hated the attention her half-brother got because of it. Mari laughed softly when he asked her for a walk, she had never seem someone so eager to talk to a person they had just met. Were all American's like that? Mari smiled softly, before responding.

"What school are you going to?" She asked, "And I wouldn't mind walking at all, in fact I didn't have any plans today, other than to-" Mari was taken off guard when she heard the voice of Ryuu speaking to them. She was so engrossed in the matter at hand that she didn't even notice him enter. Mari knew about Ryuu, she had done her research on him the day that he arrived at school, and she usually treated him with moderate respect, but right now she wanted nothing more than to shoo him away. Even so, Mari looked up at him and smiled. "Oh! Hello, Ryuu. Nice to see you. Playing basketball, I presume?" She inquired, noticing the amount of sweat Ryuu had. Mari looked back at Alex, wanting him to know that she was still deeply interested in the conversation.

"Ryuu, this is Alex, he's new here. Alex, this is my friend Ryuu, he goes to my school." She smiled. Mari was never one to use nicknames, always preferring to call people by their real names, but that was just thanks to the way she was raised. The girl looked at the both of them, before taking a bite of her pizza, worried that things were going to get awkward sooner or later.
Alex Mercer
A feel of success came over to Alex, when the girl agreed to give Alex the tour. He knew that socializing was going to help a lot with his stay here. However, what was different, was the fact that nobody expected anything from him here, so he could actually try to live a normal life, without having to go to places, that wouldn't hurt his family image. In fact, this pizza parlor was probably one of those places. "Well, for plot reasons, I guess I will be attending the same school as you are, whatever that means. It's just that I have to get my uniform, but I don't know how it would happen, since it's Saturday..."

Enjoying the conversation with the beautiful girl, Alex didn't notice when the guy came in, but as soon as he made his way to them, he acknowledged his presence and upped his guard. It was a reflex, built into him by his own brother, who was a football player in high school. It wasn't something he was in control of, but it happened. He didn't need to act in any way, as the guy introduced himself. This guy originated from Poland, judging by the family name, from his father's side. The Japanese name lead Alex to conclude this guy was born and raised here. Alex was observant about things like that. Also, the guy was the sporty type, obviously basketball being his game. Alex played a little back home, but wasn't on high level, something he did just for fun, and for the cheerleaders. He was the intellectual type, as opposed to his brother, who was the sport-jock type. However, the guy seemed nice, and he answered one of Alex's future questions, without him asking. As it turns out, he knew the girl, which would mean that they know each other's faces from school, but the introduction meant that they are not really friends.

"Alex!" he humbly repeated his name, introducing himself. He didn't seem to eager to share his last name just yet. Besides, even if he did, chances are, nobody actually cared. He stood up and offered his hand for a handshake, of course, being polite enough to take his gloves off. After a firm handshake was out of the way, he turned his attention to the guy's outfit "So you play ball? I guess the schools here have sports clubs, am I right?" Alex's interest in sport was just so he would be able to hold a conversation. Besides, nobody wore those baggy clothes for no reason. Either he was a basketball player, or a ghetto rapper, but he didn't believe there were any of those here. In fact, knowing his father, Alex would have to join a sports club, so it was a good thing for him to keep friendly relationship with the jocks.
Ryuu Takeshi Zbierajewski
"Yeah I played with Yuuji Yamada earlier and some of the guys from the boys senior varsity team. I think after today, he's gonna make sure Shino Sensei reconsiders me for the team." Shaking Alex's hand, Ryuu continued on. "Back in Poland through my freshman to junior year, my high school went to the nationals and I won MVP twice, in freshman year and my junior year. I've been playing bball ever since I was 5, so it's definitely a huge passion of mine." Taking another bite of his pizza, Ryuu looked at Mari then at Alex, the way they stole glances at each other suggested that they were interested in each other. Keeping his calm demeanor, Ryuu finished up his pizza and all that was left was his half full bottle of water.

Before the both of them could say anything back to him, Ryuu stood up and said, "Well it was good talking to you both, especially you Mari-chan. I think this was first time me and you ever talked, so I'll see you around." As he started walking away, Ryuu without looking back said in slang English to Alex, "See you around bro; maybe on the court too." He picked up that type of English from one of his father's American friends.

After leaving the pizzeria, it only took Ryuu a few minutes to arrive at his house. Walking inside and taking his shoes off, Ryuu headed upstairs to take a shower. After the shower Ryuu turned on his PlayStation 4, and started playing Battlefield 1, for the rest of the night.

Gegawat Gegawat BrokenRemedy BrokenRemedy

P.S. For English I'll use a blue colored font and for Polish I'll use a red colored font. Just thought I'd clarify that.
Mari Harada
Mari listened to Ryuu talking about basketball, smiling as she heard the passion in his voice. She loved hearing people discuss their passions, mainly because she didn't have one of her own. Business and gathering information was her life, but she didn't want to do it forever. However, if her father heard that, he would go berserk. Mari tried not to become lost in thought like she always did, and focused on listening to the two in front of her. She finished up her pizza slice just when Ryuu said his goodbyes. "Goodbye, Ryuu! See you on Monday!" She smiled, waving to him as he left, even though he couldn't see her.

In all honestly, Mari wasn't this cheerful on a day to day basis, but she had to keep up the act, afraid that Alex would lose interest in her if she revealed her true personality. She took note of Ryuu's use of English, just barely being able to understand it. Once Ryuu had left, Mari turned back to Alex.
"I'm sorry about that. I'm the student body vice president at school, so I try to make sure I know everyone." Mari shrugged, before returning to their conversation. "Well, you're in luck! I actually have a key to the school- I often have to come during the weekends to help out- I can get you what you need." She offered, before standing up and throwing away her plate. The girl took a long sip of water before tossing it away too. Mari then turned back to Alex.

"I've just gotta get it from my car." She paused, looking expectantly at Alex as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other, trying not to seem too excited. Although Mari was trying to get information from Alex, she couldn't help but hope she could also get a friendship- or possibly even more from him, something her father would despise. A relationship with the son of her arch-rivals? That would surely piss him off. "So shall we go?" Mari gave her own charming smile, wondering how Alex would respond.
Alex Mercer
Alex smiled when he heard his native language, causing him to reply to that in his own way. "Until we meet again, Ryuu!" he replied, turning his attention back to the girl. "I know I just met him, but I already like him." Alex noted. He was nice and friendly, and he was outgoing, just the type of person Alex liked. "Nothing to apologize for I know how demanding this task is. I'm just glad people here are this friendly." he added in the end. He wondered if this was due to the fact he was new, or they are just like this, but the thoughts were quickly pushed away from his head by the next question. "Yeah, sure! Let's go!"

As he got up, he gave the girl a hand, offering his assistance to her to get up. He may have been the rich asshole in the eyes of many people, but he was taught to respect people, no matter on their outlook on him or their class. His mother, despite being the typical trophy wife, had taught him how to act in the presence of a lady. And this was just one of the reasons he was popular back home. Once they were up, he didn't want to push it, so he placed his hand in his pocket, forming the little triangle hole, where the female companion of a man usually placed her hand. This way, if the girl wanted, she could take his hand herself, if not, it was a comfortable posture.

Once they were out, Alex was tempted to take his car to the school, but since it was nearby, he preferred walking. Besides, he didn't know Mari was in the same upper class as he was, and he didn't think he should overwhelm the girl. Yeah, hi, I'm new, let's go on a walk, hey, look, this is my car and BTW my father is a billionaire. That would be a good end of the day. Right after they were out, Alex waited patiently for Mari to retrieve the keys from her car, taking advantage of her being busy, checking his messages, so he wouldn't be disrespectful to her, while they are walking towards the school... He saw the message that said the house was ready. Oh, good, he could go home and catch some Zs when they are done, since he was probably gonna experience some jet lag at some point of the day.
Mari Harada
"Oh yes, most people on this side of town are friendly to most new people, especially Americans." Mari smiled. She was taken off guard when he extended a hand to help her up, as she didn't expect a rich boy to be so polite, mostly due to her experiences with her family. "Thank you." She told him, taking his hand as she stood back up. Mari found herself quite reluctant to let go of his hand, but let go as he put his hand into his pocket. She didn't want to seem like a clingy person, so she rested her hand on his arm, to at least be polite. Once they made it out the door, Mari stepped away from Alex and turned towards her car, opening the door and bending down to find her keys. She pulled out her keyring and rummaged through it, trying to find the key to the school. After not finding it on her keyring, Mari rummaged in the glovebox of her car, trying to figure out where she had put that damn key.

At this point, Mari was more worried about finding the key than Alex watching her, so she continued to rummage around the car, her rear sticking up into the air- fortunate that her dress was just long enough to keep anything too revealing from happening. Sighing in defeat, Mari finally came out of her car, looking at Alex in embarrassment.
"So, bad news. I left my key to school at home.. on my other keyring.. so I might have to help you tomorrow. I'm so sorry." Mari wanted to help Alex, because she knew if she went back home without any juicy details her father would be pissed, but she couldn't get the keys to the school, because that would envolve her going home. Which wouldn't be a problem if her house wasn't a 58 floored building that belonged to one of the most wealthiest men in Japan.

"I'm so sorry, I feel like I've wasted your time. I feel so stupid." Mari was cursing to herself inside her head, hating herself for being such an idiot. She looked down at her feet, unsure what to say at this point. Mari looked heartbroken, like a sad, defeated, puppy.
Alex Mercer
Something wasn't right, and Alex felt it. It was as if the girl was hiding something. Her tone gave it away. But whatever it was, it was her decision to do so. He wasn't the one who would decide on what she should do. That's why he decided to give her the news.
"Well, there is no need to apologize, as it turns out, my father already took care of it!" He quickly put his phone back into his pocket. "In fact, it would have been a waste of your time if we would have gone!" He smiled and awkwardly scratched the back of his head. "Actually... there is something else you could probably help me with instead..." Alex thought about if he should say what he was thinking of saying since the beginning. He was very interested in possible night life, more specifically the street culture he had seen on a specific video hosting website, which everybody uses... After giving it some thought, he decided to ease in to the question.

"I'm talking about night life!" he started off his question. What he wanted to know was of course the possibilities of clubbing, but what was more important was the famous Touge, the mountain pass battles, the drift, the Wangan. Of course, he had researched it, but what he wanted to know if it was true from somebody who was local. Of course, this girl looked too innocent to know this type of life, but of course, if he could know about this underground culture from halfway across the world, it would make sense locals know about it too. "I want to know about what this town has to offer..."
Mari Harada
Mari looked up at him, relief washing over her expression when he told her that his father managed things. 'I figured his money would work out for him.' She thought, before responding, "That's great! And it wouldn't have been that much of a waste, I probably would have ended up going after pizza had I not ran into you. I'm pretty lame." She shrugged. It wasn't that Mari was unsocial, in fact she was pretty popular, but she never got close to anyone to the point where they would want to spend time with her- which is how her father liked it.

She didn't know what it was, but Mari blushed and looked away when Alex began his statement about helping him. She knew he was probably going to ask her a favor or something, but with her experience with rich boys, she had kind of hoped he would have asked for a kiss. Mari shook the thought from her head,
'Mari, stop thinking like that. You just met him. Father would kill you. Don't get attached to a stranger.' She had to remind herself. The girl came into focus when Alex finally finished his sentence. A small smile formed on her lips.

"Night life? What about it?" Her smile slowly became a grin. For once, she was actually interested in the topic of conversation, not just Alex's face. A lot of times, when her father was too busy to care about her, Mari would sneak into local clubs and bars to have a good time. Ironically, they were the only places where she felt she could actually act like a teenager. Mari stole a glance over at Alex's car, before looking back at him with her signature grin. "Cars, I'm assuming? Or are you more of a party guy?" A part of Mari worried that if she got rid of her 'innocent little flower' facade, Alex would lose interest in her, but at the same time she really needed to let lose right about now.
Alex smiled when she took a glance of his car. It had American numberplate after all, even somebody as brain-dead as his brother would have figured it out by now, and Mari seemed like a smart girl. Even if she didn't know him, it wouldn't be hard to figure out that he comes from money. "I guess no point in hiding it..." he thought making his way to her, closing the distance. He didn't want their conversation to be overheard. He looked around before speaking lowering his voice. "A whole lot of both I'm hoping" he replied, crossing his arms. Alex was a man who could organize his time, thanks to his ability to prioritize. He always put work and school first. He is a hard worker. However, when the work is done, it's party hard as if there is no tomorrow.

Another trait of his, that he kept displaying was his respect for women. Unlike his brother, Alex always handled himself with dignity around the opposite sex, mainly because he was nervous that he would screw something up. He always thought what he would say, how it would be perceived, and what the possible reply could be, before he would say something. He always tried to make the right decision, sometimes leading to him overthinking and burning up, causing hilarious scenes. So far, he was holding himself, but it wasn't sure for how long. It was clear to him that he was attracted to this girl, and he could see she has some feels for him, but he was unsure what exactly was going into her head. She also looked nervous for some reason. That gave Alex a bit of a relief, as he was also nervous himself. "You know, nice places one can hang out, grab a couple of drinks, dance a bit, maybe meet some new and interesting people..."
Mari only grinned more when Alex answered her question. "Well, I think I know just the right place to take you. There's a nice bar on the fancy side of town, but I've never been interested in it. Of course the one on this side of town is definitely not a safe place to be. So, that leaves one club left at the very edge of town. Probably the best one in all of Japan." She couldn't help but talk a lot, slipping into her thoughts once again. Mari looked back up at Alex and gave him a reassuring smile. The girl pulled out her phone and checked the time, it was only three in the afternoon, and the club didn't open until after dark.

"So what do you want to do while we pass the time?" She asked him. Now that she thought about it, Mari would definitely need to go home and change, because despite trying to be normal, she had to look good at clubs- especially when she has such a big reputation at a couple of them. "..I should probably go change. Don't want to look like a flower at a party." She laughed to herself, trying to hint how much she hated dressing the way her father wanted her to. "But, I don't have to until later, if.. you want to go do something before hand?" Mari offered, shrugging a bit.
Alex smiled, but this time his smile was different, it even felt sinister. "I think I am gonna love Japan!" he said, in regard to the "shady" part of town. Of course, he would prefer to stay out of there, but it wouldn't hurt for him to meet some low life scum, just to see what he was up against. Of course, this didn't mean he didn't like the other part about the right place she would take him. And of course, he especially liked the part where she noted that she needs to change, which would mean that first day in here he already had a date. It was either his charm was working too well, or something was odd. Fortunately she gave him an option to chose.

"Well, to be honest, if we talk about party, I would prefer to go back home and catch some sleep!" He scratched the back of his head again, despite the lack of itching in that area. "It's just that I have been flying for 16 hours and I think Jet lag is catching up with me." He was getting sleepy for real though, almost felt like he crashed in a heartbeat. One moment he was fine, and suddenly he felt like he hadn't slept for days. "So I guess we should meet later, let's say... 7 or 8?" he gave it a thought for a moment then he added a bit to the question. "Where should I pick you up from?" He pulled his phone out again, this time to set a reminder. He had a good memory, but he preferred to be better safe than sorry. "And perhaps... a phone number...?"
Mari Harada
Mari laughed to herself when he said he would love it here. "Well I would hope so." She grinned, nudging him on the side playfully. She looked at Alex as he mentioned going to sleep. "Wow.. The first thing I would do if I flew sixteen hours is sleep. I'm surprised you're still awake. But that sounds perfect. Eight is good, gives me time to eat before hand." Mari knew Alex had asked her another question, but she was taken off guard when she saw his phone. It was amazing. She had never heard of a cell phone that was clear like his, and she had seen all kinds of inventions. It had to be a prototype. "Woah.. I'm sorry, but.. That's amazing." She said, looking at her phone and waving a hand behind it, in awe that he could actually see through it. "Where did you get it?" Mari added, her face lighting up like a kid in a candy store.

"Can.. can I?" She asked, motioning for him to hand her his phone, mainly so she could put in her phone number, but also to see how it functioned. At that point, Mari remembered his other question, about where to meet her. "Um, what if we just met at your house.. and then carpooled to the club?" She offered, as casually as she could, her eyes still transfixed on his phone. Maybe she would get some information after all. If not, she would at least have a fun night. Unlike Alex, Mari didn't see this as a date, of course she was oblivious as to what an actual date was considering she hadn't been in a relationship in years. Mari broke her gaze from Alex's phone, looking back up into his eyes and giving a small smile.
Alex looked at the phone and the girl's excitement. The phone really did what it was designed to - have a wow factor. "It's a prototype, expected to hit the global market in around a month." he handed her the phone as if it was nothing. "It works as your average smartphone... with some extras..." of course, the phone was designed in conjunction with Alex's car and it shared its brand, being able to control the car itself to some extent, via the internet. That was something he was worried about, but everybody who wasn't a total technophobe, living in some cave, could figure it out. Besides, the phone had the most popular smartphone operating system, which we are not sure we are allowed to mention, without triggering the ageless debate. However a warning wouldn't hurt. "Just keep away from that icon!" Alex pointed at an icon, that looked like a simple circle, with the letter N in it. What it did do was, to control the car to some extent. It was as simple as lock/unlock, open/close the doors, trunk and hood, start the engine, run engine diagnostic, stuff like that.

While she was fondling with his phone, he was thinking on why would she offer to meet at his place. She had something to hide, maybe she was embarrassed of her family. Did he just gave the impression of being judgemental? No, it couldn't be. He got lost in thought, coming back to reality when he heard the phone beep, as another message popped on the screen.

James Sr.
Listen, Alex, I am about to go into a meeting with a local businessman and I would probably be late. Don't wait for me!
*(damn, I love this BBcode thing)

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