Letters from Charlie(Actual Rp)

Ellie looked back to her house, seeing that the flag on the mailbox was up. She pulled on Copelands sleeve, getting him up to his feet. "Cope, someone just dropped off another letter." She mumbled, taking off in a jog down the block.
Copeland nodded and went back to his house and almost slammed his laptop open, in which he had just gotten the letter. He opened it furiously and his entire body trembled as his mind comprehended the words written. Cope clicked the CD into his laptop, and the screen popped up asking for a password. He cursed out loud and reread the letter. Charlie's song... the song she always sings...

It took a minute but he figured it out. Copeland sent a mass text message to everyone. Ellie's number was already saved, and he had gotten Nathan and Jake's numbers from Charlie's cell that still laid on his desk.

The message read:" Guys, the password is Hellfire. Trust me."
Ellie ran back home, and as soon as the CD loaded she followed his directions. Music was playing in her room, so she got up and flipped off everything before sitting back down in her bed, waiting for the screen to load.

"Thanks Copeland." She muttered, holding the most recent not to her chest, close to her heart.
Jake got the letter and sighed.It smelled like her nto that he didn't already have the scent still on his hands and it seemed like it was impossible to come off.He went up to his room and opened it finding a note and i CD.He put the CD in the computer and clicked on the window.It asked for the password.He sat there and though for a minutes putting in various things in he though that was it but it didn't work.He sat for a minute then thought.His phone was vibrating and he picked it up."Hellfire.Of course"it was her favorite song and one of his to.He typed it in and it accepted it.
Hazel carefully opened the door to the shambles of a home that was her living arrangement, hoping to find her dead beat father still sleeping. And?... All clear. She'd sent her brother's out to play after they'd come home from elementary and middle school with her, clutching onto her hands like lost orphans. The place was a mess, as per usual. Through the thick tinted air let in by cigarette stained blinds, she surveyed the place for changes. Father, hung over, covered in throw up and surrounded by a coffin of old bottles, check. Moldy dishes and take out containers, check. Table covered in ash and cigarette butts, che-... But what was this? She glimpsed a corner of what appeared to be a white envelope sticking out the top of the engorged trash can. No doubt a bill, or notice of some sort. However better safe then sorry. Carefully picking at the clean edge of the letter, she lured it out of the old cans and half eaten food. It was addressed to her, and that was just the first surprise. Judging from the address this was from one person she never expected to hear from. Never, because this person was dead. Tearing open the flimsy, half soaked paper, she skimmed through the dripping pen marks and picked up the gist of the letter. Charlie's death hadn't affected her much. Sure, she had made that sappy piece of crud's life a hell on earth, but it was her policy not to take responsibility for things. Runs in the family, I guess. she observed sarcastically. Still, it wasn't every day you received letters from the deceased, so Hazel left a note for her brothers on the table and set off for the closest person to her ex victim for insight. Copeland, sappy piece of crud 2.0. Glancing down at the address marked on the letter, she pocketed the letter and set off for the house, arriving in fair time and knocking hesitantly on the faded door.
Copeland heard a faint knock on the door. Who could it be? It could be some friends at school, but they would never come without contacting him first. He shrugged and stumbled down the stairs and opened the door without checking through the peephole. Copeland was holding his coffee in his hands, which nearly fell out.

Standing infront of him was a girl he'd seen before at school. The local bully, Hazel, was it? Copeland would never think of such a sweet name to put on such an intimidating girl. "Can-can I help you?" He stuttered, still grasping nervously at his cup of mocha
Pushing through the door and past the noodle of a boy, she made her self at home on a dining room chair, propping one shredded-jean covered leg onto another and waving the smelly piece of paper at the frightened teen's face. "So. Your sister's dead, right?" She wasn't much in the way of tact. "Well she sent me a letter posthumously. And to be honest," She paused to inspect the floor. Spider. STOMP. she chuckled at her miniature carnage. "The dear departed wasn't a huge fan of yours truly. So." She stared him dead in the eye. "The fuck's with this?"
"Ah... My sister's sent out letters to people that knew her, to-uh, explain her death." Copeland winced as her foot smashed a spider on the ground. He then slurped up more coffee and gestured towards the stairs. " Actually, the disk is in my laptop right now. You can watch the video. If you want to, of course Miss." Copeland felt especially uneasy around Hazel, that girl giving him stink eye. Copeland nodded towards his room and climbed up the stairs again, occasionally looking back to see if she was following him.

When he got to his room, the place was a deep blue covered in various posters and junk. His desk was on the other side, in which some of Charlie's former belongings laid. "I'm pull-pulling up the message now..."
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Ellie stomped around in her room a little bit, then decided to give up and head back to Copelands once a couple thoughts popped up in her head.

Shoving the letters into her pockets, Ellie out her laptop into her book bag and ran out into the road, pulling a Lin board behind her and jumping up onto the flexible wood. A couple minuets later she showed up to the house, seeing the door already wide open. "Ah s***." She mumbled, running inside with board in tow only to be greeted by Hazel.

"Well if it isn't the raging b****." Elli soda, resting her board against the wall and glancing down the hallway to Copelands room. "What brings you here?"
"Well well well. Local crack whore was it?" She smiled and leaned forward into her hands. " are you here for, a; the letter, b; his dick, or c; all of the above?" She glanced towards Copeland. " I should warn you, she's not for free." Rolling her head around and cracking her knuckles she spoke up again. "So let's get down to business kids. The DVD."
"No, I think you've got me confused for your mother. I'm actually the local lesbian." She said with just as much distain in her voice, crossing her arms and turning back to Copeland.

"The DVD isn't loading on mine. I had the password in though. Is it registering on yours?" She asked, pulling out her laptop and the two letters.
Hazel laughed. " I like your spunk *****." She scratched her head and smiled. " also grade a insight about my mother. Her hobbies are crack and selling herself. Anyways" She turned an accusing finger to Copeland. "Looks like your our only hope, Obi wan Kenobi. But make it snappy, I'm only here because I'm bored as shit."
"Nice to know I have the halo of approval." She said, stifling back a laugh.

"Chicks right. The next clue is on these discs, hellfire."
Copeland stiffened up, confused as heck how his house isn't ruined by these two already. By the looks of it, they could rip him limb from limb if they wanted to. "Uh- yeah!" He reopened the window where he had left off, the same window that asked for a password. Copeland entered 'HELLFIRE' into the bar and clicked the 'enter' button. He then waited for a response from his laptop.

As ghe screen loaded, Copeland said a silent prayer in his head. As usual, his dad was at work and his mom was off doing whatever with her other old lady friends. And here he's trapped in his own house with two girls that could potentially end his life.

"Okay..." He mumbled as the screen flashed on, to whatever the disk held.

(heyo Xynia, could we get the disk message? :D )
(Next time on Letters from Charlie: What's on the disk? Who kills Copeland? And will there be hawt lesbo action? Find out soon on "Letters frooooom Charliee")
(I literally started laughing so hard had my mum cm in to check on me because she thought I was choking. Oh my god.)
(lol sorry guys The disk will be on post soon lol) 
(The Disk sorry it took so long)

The video footage is a little fuzzy,but clear enough to see Charlies sad,desperate eyes.She looked tired as if someone was sucking the energy out of her body.Her hair was greasy and unbrushed,dark circles were forming under her eyes.She mutters things to herself,but you can't quite hear the word she says.Then everything goes quiet.The camera wobbles and the picture goes out of focus,but once its clears you notice that she is standing in a dark field the grass grazing against her ankles.She leans against a tree,"This message goes out to my Ellie,"She says in a almost to cheery voice,pointing towards the camera,"I got a bone to pick with you,"She lets out a drunk laugh and thats when you notice a small bottle in her hand,"Why didn't you say something?"She says,eyes drooping tears now starting to form in her eyes,"I mean I might have felt the same way or something or,maybe having you as a friend could have helped me,"Her words slur slightly,"So anyway what did I have to say.Oh,yeah.Ellie I love you.Even though we weren't really friends I loved you.I mean I could see how much pain you were in and I just want to say.I am So sorry.I should have went up to so many time."Charlie is now on her knees tears running down her cheeks.She stays that way for several moments,"Okay,I got one more person to shout out to."She takes another swig from the bottle.

"Hazel,Hazel,Hazel I gotz a question for you.What happen to us?I mean what happened we were such good friends,"She stares off into the distant a small smile forming on her face.As if she was remebering the times when they would play in her back yard,"You just got so mean.You would beat the crap out of me,but that didn't really bother me.You see Hazel I think its my fault that you became this way.Like with Ellie I should have tryed harder,but no weak old me just went along with it.I should have fought back just slapped you and said.HEY B**** STOP.Itsn't that what you wanted Hazel for someone to finally tell you to stop.Or was it that you wanted some one else to stop,"Charlie's face becomes serious,"Well I think thats it for now."She says then holds up a rose colored envolope,"Keep on Searching."

(Mwahahahaha Left A clue for one of you to figure out where the next letter is.)
Ellie stepped back from the screen, hands covering her mouth. She just stood there staring at the blank screen, images flashing in her mind of a crying Charlie, to her letting out a laugh, and back to the tree. Why did it seem so familiar? Tears began streaming down her face as Ellie packed up her bag and threw it over her shoulder.

"I'll see you guys later." She mumbled, skimming her board onto the street before jumping on and riding out. When she arrived at her own house, she dropped the bag off in her room and traded the board for a bike, riding out to the outskirts of town where asphalt turned to dirt roads and the houses bunched together turned to fields and trees and farms. She couldn't think straight, not with the words replaying in her mind over and over again. As she rode, sh couldn't help but remember one night where she nearly did tell her.

People were dancing around them, music blaring as some kids who had succumbed to the spiked punch either stumbled about or had friends take them home. Ellie found herself pacing around the front door, trying to get up the courage to walk back into the crowded school gym and simply ask her for a dance. That's all it would take, right? Just to simply ask her for a dance.

Digging deep for that measly 20 second of courage she needed Ellie strided int the school and straight up to Charlie. "Will you dance with me?" She asked, trying to not falter over her words.

"Of course." Charlie said, taking her by the hand and leading her out.

Only an hour or so had passed of the two dancing(plus Charlie's friends who showed up soon after), until Ellie was left with the job of walking the drunken Charlie home. It was a quick walk home with Copeland meeting them at the door since he had something with a motor to take him.

"Charlie? Can I tell you something?"

"Of course dollface." She said, obviously trying to keep herself from giggling through her sentences. Charlie was always a very animated drunk, but better described as one with severe mood swings.

"I- uh, I think I-" Her words were cut off by Charlie's friend pulling up and giving her a stern look. The boy's face was enough for her to knew she wasn't welcome, so Ellie bid her goodbye and practically ran home, terrified of the dark now that she was alone.

Ellie was thrown from her daydream the moment she was thrown off the bike, having run into a large branch on the ground. Her body slammed onto the ground further down the hill, rolling twice before resting to a stop, blood starting to seep from scrapes and a cut across her arm. Ellie tried to sit up, to pull her sleeves down to hide the scars inflicted by herself, but the moment she tried lifting herself up eyes fluttered shut, a blackout setting in.

Copeland sat motionless in his seat. Charlie's face was infront of him, addressing the two girls near him. He heard Ellie run off back home, but for some reason the boy was paralyzed. He sat in deep though while his chin rested in his knuckles. Copeland's assumptions were confirmed. Charlie really did have so much to hide. It seems as if everyone had their own secrets nowadays. Of course, he had one too.

He then glanced at Hazel, hoping she would feel at least a little sympathy for his sister. Copeland faintly remembered her, that little girl who occasionally visited them to do whatever in their backyard with Charlie. Everyone grows up. People drift away.

Noticing Ellie wasn't coming back, he mumbled to himself that she was alright. Things have gotten so gloomy here without Charlie. It was hard to move on, and it must be especially hard for the others.

(this is so deep guys ;n;)
Jake watched the video and though about it for a second.He was still a little confused but soon gathered together the information he needed to figure out what was going on.Jake had put his head in his one hand and though about what had happened that day and why did it lead to Charlie's death.He couldn't think about anything else except that video and Charlie's expressions.He wanted to know more about this but he chose to leave the two people alone because he knew that they were as speechless at him.

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