Letters from Charlie(Actual Rp)

Lovable Dark-side

I might be a scarf. Who knows?
Letters from Charlie

Charlie was your friend,lover,sister,crush,victim,soulmate,one night stand,enemy,hero,and possibly other things as well.Everything thing was great life is moving forward and the sun is shining.That is until you receive a phone call one late night,hearing news you would have never thought possible Charlie is dead.She was found in her room a knife in her hand,and her wrist bleeding red.Four days later you're at her funeral,tears are wept,words are harshly said and you don't think life will ever be the same,but life moves forward this time under a gray cloud everything seems different now that Charlie is gone.

A week later you receive a letter in the mail with no return adress.At first you think it might be from a relitive or maybe from a new crush.You open the tear stained letter and your eyes widen.Its a letter from Charlie.

July 10,2013


If you are reading this.Well then I guess I succeed.I'm dead and by my guess my mother didn't bury me viking style like I wanted*Laughs*Anyway back to the drama.Yeah.I'm dead surprise!I'm sorry I couldn't tell you what was going on in my life or what was happening.I...I just didn't want to burden you.So I guess thats why I made these letters,so you wouldn't have to go on not knowing.Not knowing what happened.Not knowing why.Anyway I couldn'y fit this all into one single letter so I made a series of them.I won't tell you how many,but I will tell you each letter has a story.A new clue you might say.Some will lead you to other letters,so just stay with me ok.My story deserves to get told.Even if others don't agree.


After you read the letter you wait for the next one,but while your waiting you ask around and find out others have gotten the same letter as you.So you decide to make a group,sticking together to find out what happened to Charlie and why she did what she did

(ayezombie ForgottenBlood SongOfTheSpiritWolf InfinityInBubbles This is the Rp thread)
"Geez Charlie..."

Copeland held the letter he had recently gotten in the mail. He folded it up neatly and put it into his coat pocket, where it rested alongside other various knicknacks. Copeland shuffled his feet along rough pavement along back to the house he once shared with his sister. "Better not tell mom and dad, they'll be even more upset." He mumbled to himself.

Copeland opened the door to their little house, a cute house in a nice neighborhood. Dad was at work and mom was out buying groceries at the moment, so the eerie silence of the house sent shivers down his spine. Only a while ago he was playing Super Mario with her, laughing, eating junk food, having fun like kids. Now the dead of no noise at all made him tremble. Copeland took off his shoes and ran up the stairs and turned a right to his room. It was a navy blue color with rock bands plastered all over the walls. Copeland kept his winter attire on, even if it was hot, and threw himself on his bed and stared at the ceiling.
Jake sighed and opened the letter.When he read it he just threw it to the was and banged his head against the wall.The memories rushed through his head about what happened that day.He couldn't stop thinking about it at all.As much as he wanted to say,She's dead move on.Get over it the more he couldn't. It was a week since the day he held her bloody body in his hands.The smell still on his hands and as much as he washed them and washed them and washed them the smell was still there.The image of her still there.Even the hair of hers that was on his shirt in the hamper was still there.He didn't know what to do at all he just sat...sat the days away.He would hate it when it was sunny outside because it made him want to stay up in his dark room more.And at school,the people he use to talk to and use to sit at the table with are now sitting without him because he now sat alone.Everyday was alone for him."Being alone is all i can be now..without you i can't cope...you were my life..."he wrote down in his journal as he sighed and a tears ran down his face.He just laid there on the floor.
Ellie sat on her bed, reading to words over and over again. This made her death so much more real to her, something that could destroy her

"Charlie... please hurry up with that letter." She mumbled, showing the papers away and she hugged her knees, crying to keep herself from crying. When she was first told of Charlies suicide, Ellie practically ran over the town, looking for anyone who might have done sometime to her. But every day she ended up just staring up at her old window, wishing for Charlie to look back down at her. Now with the letter... she didn't know how to think. One one hand it made her feel like she still had a piece of Charlie with her, the girl she just wanted to notice her more than anything. But on the other... she did notice her. Why would she be sending her this letter?

"I've got to call Copeland..."

Ellie had met him a couple times before, and eventually just got his number from a friend. Maybe he would know something more. She fumbled around for her phone until she found it, shakey hands managing to unlock it and dial his number. It took her nearly a half hour to get the power and courage up to press send.
After a few moments of nothing, he blinked his eyes and sat up on his bed. Off on his wooden computer desk was a silver picture frame that said "Hangin' in the Sun". It was a picture of their family from a long time ago, when only he and Charlie were about 9 or 10. They were visiting the Gulf of Mexico, a pretty beach with lots of things to do. Mom was laying on a white beach towel getting a tan, while Dad was sitting beside her eating a hotdog piled high with whatever condiments were available. Right in the center was a little Copeland with his front tooth missing and wearing those shark trunks he always loved. Beside him, her face smooshed up against the side his, was a little Charlie holding up a peace sign. He smiled melancholy.

Copeland was about to get up from his bed to go the local coffee shop until a tune rang from his cellphone. Someone was calling him. Copeland picked it up, seeing it was from an unfamiliar number, but picked it up anyway. Copeland answered the call," Hello?"
"Copeland? I-It's Ellie. You probably don't remember me, but we need to talk. Please, this is really important."

Ellie tried to keep her voice from faltering, but couldn't seem to keep her head on straight. Her eyes kept down at the handwriting below her, imagining Charlie writing it. What was she thinking as she wrote these? How long had she planned this?

"If you're up to it I'll be at the park, the one by the school. Be there soon." She said, gripping her thigh as tears continued to rush down her face.

Hadn't I cried enough?! she thought. The small box in the very back of her drawer kept ringing up in Ellie's mind. With a small latch on the front, and stickers plastered all over the contents inside seemed to be itching to get out, to taste her skin again.
"Erm, sure. Ellie, was it? I'm on the way."

Copeland hopped off his bed and ran downstairs. He pulled on his snuggly boots and a pair of keys to his little silver car. Jamming his keys into the car, Copeland turned up full blast Bring Me the Horizon, and drove down the street. A few buildings swooshed by until he could see his school building, with the park right beside it. He bit his lip as he noticed a Starbucks right infront of him, and couldn't help getting a double chocolate whippe mocha.

He walked back out, happily slurping on rhat chocolately goodness until he realized he was supposed to be at the park. Copeland ran back in and ordered a latte, smiling and running back in the car.

Starting the car back up, he drove to the park. Copeland rushed over to a bench, sitting on it quickly with the mocha in his right hand and the latte in the other.
Ellie threw on an old sweat shirt, putting in her ear buds to Sailingsong by A Fine Frenzy. She walked out of the house without a word, the letter folded just as it was when it arrived. As she walked, her breathed out the cold air like smoke and found Copeland on a bench.

"Hey." She muttered, sitting down next to him.

"How are you feeling?"

Ellie gave him a reassuring half smile. Even though she was destroyed by Charlies loss, she knew how bad Copeland must be feeling. He was probably one of the few people who loved her as much as she did, though he had such a stronger connection to her.
Nathan sat on his bed a sleek steel knife in his hand,shakily he puts the sharp blade to his wrist tears streamed down his face,"COME ON,"He shouted.A image of a Charlie fresh in his mind.Beautiful,smiling Charlie.THe Knife shakes his hand started to spaz.It was dark just so dark and he didn't like it being alone.He throws the knife,sticking crookedly into the wall.Nathan's hands cover his face.I could have saved her.I could have saved her.Was all he could think in that moment.She didn't have the right to die atleast not,yet.His body shook,ragged breathes eascaping from him at his feet was a letter with Charlies beautiful cursive writting.
Copeland blinked at Ellie," Ah..." He smiled lightly," I've seen better days." He set the latte down beside her, holding his own mocha close to his lips. "But-ah.. y'know, better to not dwell on the past right?" Copeland forced another smile, until he finally groaned and slouched on the bench.

After a few minutes of silence, Copeland spoke again," I've been taking some therapy for trauma and stuff... I dunno if it's working." He stared up at the sky, a bit of a distant gaze in his eyes. He then held up his coffee and sipped more of it, that sweet sugary feeling washing over him again.

"My addiction's getting worse, some freaky stuff's happening with me, whatever."

He then sat up, and looked at Ellie straight in the eyes. He reached into his pocket and held up the letter Charlie had sent him, stiff fresh and crisp.

"I don't think Charlie's death was just a coincidence. There was something that caused her to do what she did. And I intend on finding out what those hellish events were. I never noticed anything wrong with her, so I don't know as much as the next guy." He growled at himself and slammed his coffee onto his lap, somehow now he was very frustrated.

"Sorry I got all like that.. You must be going through shit right now too huh?"
Ellie held the letter up between two fingers, and soon returned it her to lap, fingers brushing over the bumps left on the back from the pen pressing through the paper.

"I want to help." She said, biting her lip as she looked out at the park. Crisp air seemed to draw steam off of her cup, as it did the live from the world around them. Trees hung creeping, as the creepy silence was broken only by the rustling of leaves and breathing.

"I loved her. And I protected her to her last breath just as everyone else did. But she never knew." She finally choked out. Her fingers replaces the letter with the hot cup, her usual fingerless gloves warming to the touch. Ellie looked down, thinking about what they could do to solve this.

"She should be sending out more letters, right? They're probably on a timed wait. Or someones delivering them for her."

Presumably, there would be some sort of clue in her room. But Copeland wouldn't go in there, it wouldn't be safe for him. And it wasn't any of Ellie's business really, no matter how many times she envisioned what it looked like she wouldn't go in there. It's not her place. It's Charlie's place.
Jake stood up almost unable to move.He felt really queasy and ran to the bathroom and threw up.He wash the extra residue off and wiped his mouth.He breath deeply.He only got up because the sun went away and now it started to rain.He put on his jacket and got his umbrella and sunglasses just in case the sun decided to peek back out which he hope it didn't. He grabbed the note as well and decided to just head on down to the park or something.He picked up his journal as well so he could write things in it as he was on his stroll through the now damp and rainy city.When he got outside he took another long deep breath and started to walk into the rain and to the park.When he got to the park he saw two other people but didn't bother them he just sat down under a tree with the umbrella still over top of him now without him holding it because he sat it down in a umbrella holder.He began to write."Day 6:I miss you...i don't know what i'll do Charlie i mean..i just can't survive without you.I just wish you were still next to me.I can't even go out in the sunshine because it reminds me of you.I just can't live this way anymore.
"Yeah, we should.." Copeland nodded, agreeing with Ellie's idea of looking for anything that might hint for why Charlie had bled to death. He noticed someone walk over to and under a tree, and instantly recognised his face. Copeland tapped Ellie on the shoulder," Hey, isn't that Jake? He might know something 'bout my sister. She's never been the type to admit her problems really.."

He stood up from the bench, shaking his coffee and motioned for Ellie to come along with him. Copeland went over and squatted infront of Jake. "Yo!"
Jake jumped."ehh?"he said.He couldn't really find the words to say not that he was saying any words or even talking cyber to anyone.The only talking he did was when he was writing in his journal.He sat back and studied the person for a bit.Her twin..he thought in his head as he closed the journal and clicked the pen so the point wasn't seen.It was still pouring down rain but he still looked at Copeland with questioning eyes.
Ellie followed close behind him, rubbing her arm and keeping her head down. She assumed he wouldn't recognize her, as well as she hoped he didn't. Jake was one of the boys she used to give a hard time to in elementary school, and in high school she'd given some of the guys who'd tried picking his bones a harsh encounter or two.

"Hey, Jake... You doing okay?
Jake just shrugged and sat up straighter in on the bench.He took his gaze off the boy and onto the girl.Gosh what did they want?I just want to be alone.he thought."I-i go to go.Um..eh"he said as he grabbed his things looked at both of them then wandered off father into the park.He sighed when they were out of his sight he sighed and sat down on another bench.This one and a rain cover so he didn't need his umbrella for this one.He began to write again into his journal clicking the pen a couple of times to either open it,close it,or try to get more ink to come out.
"Jake please. We need help about Charlie. Something hurt her and we need to know what. You got a letter too, didn't you." She blurted out.

Honestly when the words left her mouth, It took Ellie a moment to register what she'd just said, and when she did if was as if someone else had spoken for her.
"Arrgh..." Copeland growled in discontent. That guy just walked off! Copeland took a moment to breathe, and turnwd to Ellie," Don't worry. We'll get him eventually. Jake's never been the one to talk much.."

He sat back down onto the bench and looked over to where Jake had walked off, grunting. Copeland wondered how he would get Jake's attention. Then had a brilliant idea.

"Jake likes writing over talking, sooooo...." Copeland took out an old sheet of math homework and flipped it around. He then took out a pen and wrote,' What do you know about Charlie?' on ot with slightly messy handwriting. Copeland then folded it into an airplane," Why don't we write him back?" He giggled and then shot the airplane to Jake's direction.
Ellie smiled, watching the airplane fly.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" As much as she wanted information, she didn't want to trigger something in Jake. Ellie had heard stories and rumors of scars on his arms, and the only thing she could wish for was that no one had seen her own. Things travel fast in a small town.
Nathan exits his room,his eyes dark and empty staring on the ground,"I can't breathe,"He mutters pulling on a jacket,putting her letter in his pocket and running outside into the wet air.The rain sprinkling onto him.Nathan gets into his car and starts it up,driving to the park.His auburn hair flat against his head.He sits in the parking lot for several minutes staring into space remembering that late night phone call.

(Back Flash)

(Nathan had just left the Dukes a cafe on main street.It was a clear night the stars were bright as diamonds.He was aspouse to meet Charlie there,but he had gotten a text from her saying she couldn't come so he went home.As he walking he was humming.Charlie favorite song.Hellfire.She had gotten it stuck inside his head the other day and he couldn't help,but laugh at it,"Creepest Disney song ever,"She told him when she was singing it.Then the call came he was half way to his house then.Ring Ring.His phone blare it was Charlie she was crying saying she was sorry.He ran toward he house,but was to late the cops were there.Lights flashing everything seemed to freeze.,"Charlie!"He screamed.)

Nathan gets out of the car,noticing Charlie's brother at the park with Ellie.He walks toward the swings and ignores them.He sits there swinging back and forth.As if in a trance.
(Oh ok haha) 
Jake sighed and began to get up and walk again when all of a sudden the sun came out."No no no.please"he said but of course the sun continued to come out.He put on his shades and blocked out the sun from shining on him.He walked very fast from back the way he came and all the way back to the front entrance to the park and ran home.He couldn't stand being in the sun light he hated it.
(Charlie's Letter Number 2)

As everyone was out of there house the next letter is delivered by a mysterious person.A thick yellow envelope that smells as if someone sprayed Charlies perfume on it.Inside the envelope is a disk and a short note.

June 11,2003


Well,Hey I'm back and its time for letter number 2.This is more like a note than a letter though so pay attention.With this note you would have gotten a disk.Put this disk into your Laptop a screen will pop up asking you for a password.My brother should know what it is I am always singing it.Once the password has been entered wait.I got a surprise for you.

(Once everyone has gotten to disk and typed in the password.{Clue:Nathan's post has the password in it.})


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