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Fantasy Lets warm up together! (Freestyle?)


Eternal Jellyfish
I've been wanting to write for the past few days, pretty badly honestly. I have a role play in the making but it probably won't start for another week or so. I thought why not have a thread where we can warm up together. There's not really a setting for this, just add onto the message that'd be above yours and lets see what happens. I guess this is kind of a free style rp? Haha. The idea came to me while I was thinking about that game where one person says one word and then you say the next and it eventually becomes a story. Anyways I guess I will start it off.
P.S. Feel free to use time skip if where I left off is awkward for your part.

luna spread1.png

No one could ever know what would happen next.
Year: Unknown Place: Main Street Mood: Scared

"This place feels so old timey, but it's got to be advanced! People are shooting elements from their palms... what've I gotten myself into now?!" Luna thought to herself. She couldn't stop staring at what seemed to be some kind of revolution between magicians. She heard a loud clang and watched a group of kids run past her and into the little shop just behind her. She gasped as what looked like a chicken with a duck's beak and a turkey's coloring ran right under her causing her dress to flare up, she jumped forward and grabbed onto the street sign. "What is going on here?!" she pouted as she looked around to see the chickturduck run into the street and around the corner. She looked to the side of the building where the kids and odd animal came from angrily wondering what would run past her next.

After she untangled herself from the street sign she looked up to read "Main Street" and figured at least she knew where she was for the moment. She turned behind her and decided to go into the shop the group of kids ran into. Maybe she'd get some answers there. She sighed "I'm going to get such a talking to once I return home. I need to get a hold of this time traveling stuff.." The door swung behind her ringing a chime as she stepped through it. It smelled wonderful inside like fresh cinnamon buns. She stood shyly looking around with caution. It was vintage looking with a rosey accented wallpaper. There were little tables with fancy chairs spread all around. It seemed to be a little bakery she'd walked into.

⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿ Next ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
(I know you posted this more than a month ago, but I can't find anything else that catches my eye. Hope you don't mind)


The door swung open once more, sounding the familiar bell. Joseph tore his eyes up from the counter where he sat, brows furrowed. "I thought I told you guys to quit playing with the door-!" His voice suddenly caught in his throat as he saw not his younger siblings running through the door, but rather a young woman. He quickly stood up from his stool, slamming his book shut. "I'm so sorry!" He stammered before trying to regain a sense of professionalism. "Welcome to the Mana Mente! Is there anything I can help you with? All goods are made fresh and on site!" Joseph did his best to smile, but even that looked a little awkward. He fought to keep his turmeric eyes from settling on to the floor like they usually did. His parents drilled it into him that appearance was half of what made a business. Of course they never meant anything cruel by it- joseph was well aware that when he was focused on something that he didn't appear to be the most approachable of people.

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