Other Lets discuss idiots!

Demonic cupcake

Meta-Magic Eight Ball
We all run into them (you may even be them) so tell us about your idiot stories
I feel mean. Lets not be mean to them.
Lets just talk about the alright safe space here whether your smart or dumb we are just discussing not knowing things!
Here is one of mine
One day in history class i was doing my work and i hear “alcohol can kill you?!” I literally looked at her across the room like this
Shes actually kinda the living embodiment of a dumb white girl but she aint white.
The biggest idiot I've ever met is.. me
There's way too many instances of stupidity on my part to count, so I'll just go with a recent one, from yesterday:

Friend 1#: You better not snore tho
Friend 2#: Nahh I won't, ever since I got those tablets I haven't snored once apparently (referring to sleeping pills)
Me, instantly, without even thinking about it for a second: yOu Can GeT AnTi-SnORinG PilLs??
I once read a thread where the title was "Lets" instead of "Let's."
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i was on this weird site where ppl wrote stories acting like made up characters and this one person made this post complaining about dumb people. what an idiot!!!!!
I recently heard a girl who was having an internship at the hospital talking to her friends about what she had learned that day, and, quoting:
"ya, dunno, they called strip-cocks (streptococci...). And- you know- gal they fart acid!!"
they fart acid.
the stripping male chicken are farting acid.
deeeefinitely x'D
My Dad was telling a story about a graduate med student back in the day, who after a whole lecture that referenced the ph scale, raised his hand and was like “lemme ax you a question—what’s that whole ph thing anyways?”

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