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Let Me Go [TAKEN]

Azalea giggled a little and kissed him again. "Resorting to threats love? Who would have thought you'd do that just for lil ol' me." She says, she knew he would do anything for her though.
Merek smirked as he sighed looking at Alec, "Just have to find my best friend and everything will be okay."
Azalea sighed. "I wish I could honestly say I don't understand how you two are friends. Though I don't like him all the same. I will help you make sure we find him." She says.
"I know," She sighed. "And I do understand a little. I just don't like it as well." She smirked and kissed his cheek.
merek smirk, "WeIl, I don't like fighting, but I am a soldier, so we are on even ground there."
She grinned and rested her head against his shoulder, looking at the scenery passing by. "We should be stopping soon shouldn't we?" She asks.
Merek looked around, he sighed, "Yeah, the horses will need a break and this will be our only chance to get to turn around before we get to town."
Azalea nodded. "When we stop why don't we have this Alec stay to water the horses. I don't think both of us should go back but I can use location magic.
Merek nodded, "You go and I will stay with this Alec." he sighed, looking at her seriously, "Bring Alec back."
Azalea nodded, for once serious about the matter. "I will Merek." She promised, kissing his cheek as if to seal the promise. "He is your friend. As much as I hate him, he is important to you."
Merek smirked, "Just as important to me as you are." He assured her as the carriage started to slow down
Azalea smirked and once the carriage pulled to a stop she hopped out. "I'm going to go scout." She says loud enough for the look-alike to hear before she started towards the woods. She wanted to be out of sight before she tried any magic.
Azalea followed her tracking magic for a good long while. She had realized she might be going all the way back to their previous camp and decided to use magic to speed up her pace.
Alec and Merek got water and the copy talked to Merek about when they had to learn to swim, but Merek was worried about Azalea, so he only ended it with a chuckle.
Azalea reached their old camp, though not as quick as she would have liked, and used her magic to search for Alec. She didn't like him, that was no secret, but soon enough her tracking spell had caught onto him and she was arriving where he'd been hidden
Alec glared at her as he noticed her coming close to him, he wasn't sure he liked the idea that she was the one that had come for him.
Azalea stopped just a few feet from him, crossing her arms. "Hmph...well look at you. What kind of mess are we in now." She said
Alec glared at her, "Untie me, already. If that shifter gets through my barrier, they might not be so nice, in getting what they want. And obviously it isn't really a good thing."
Azalea smirked a little and then knelt down beside him. She pulled out a knife to cut the ropes, accidentally nicking his arm in the process. Just enough to draw blood, but not enough to do any damage. "oops." She said with a sneer as she got to her feet. "Well come on then, Merek is alone with that thing." She said.

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