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    Remember to credit artists when using work not your own.

Let me draw your things!


made up of opposites

Herro! My name is Cloudy. I love to draw, and I really want to improve. So what better way to get better then to practice? But every time I want to draw something, I just don't know what to draw. So, I know that you lovely people all have a thousand characters with no images! THE HORROR! I am here to fix that!

Oh, by the way, this is totally free.

I only ask that you don't expect total perfection because I'm still working on my drawings, this is for practice, and I apologize dearly if it sucks, and if it really does suck, I'll do it again for you.

Let's get started!



Sorry there aren't that many, I don't have too much that I'm happy with. :sweat: But as this goes on I'm sure there will be plenty of pretties to add!


Character Name:






Personality: (optional)

Bio: (optional)

Position: (optional)



The more you add too your form the more I can understand your character and draw him/her better. If you have any pictures of your character, please feel free to add them!

Types Available

Simple Sketch

Shaded Sketch

Shaded Sketch + BG

Simple Sketch + BG

Simple Digital

Shaded Digital

Shaded Digital + BG

Simple Digital + BG


  1. Girouette
  2. ThatSmellyGoblin
  3. Alad V


Closed until further notice

Thanks for checking this out! :bigsmile: I look forward to drawing your things!

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Alright Clouds, Give me your best shot!

Character Name:



Male...But you know, no need to be specific.,










Think...Shy, a bit frightened of everything, Timid and such.


Do you need this? I apologize, I'm in a rush.


Give me your very best!


For a reference image.

Check this album!

Hey, if it's extra good I might tip you a bit...er...by which I mean maybe a dollar, which is literally all the moenyni have...so do your best!
Character Name: Graceful Feather Carried Upon Strong Winds (Or just Feather. Exalted and it's names)

Gender: Female

Age: 28

Height: 1.80m/5 feet 11 inches (Americans and their "standard")

Weight: Around 70kg/155lbs

Race: Human

Personality: Uptight and confident.

Physical description:

Hair: Black hair tied back in a long ponytail.

Eye color: Brilliant Turquoise.

Skin: Pale as other people in the cold north but have been tanned from many hours in the sun.

Musculature: While she retains a womanly shape she has a very trained body.

Items commonly worn: A pair of golden hoop earrings and a bit of light body armor. Enjoys wearing strong colors.

(You know, i made a similar thread a while back when the site was still RPdom. If you get overwhelmed with requests, just PM me and i'll help a bit with some of the requests.)
To clarify: These are free? If so... (Curse having a seven hour work week!)

Name: [REDACTED] Koboi

Age: Presumed early-forties.

Height: Five foot seven.

Weight: 177 pounds.

Species: Human mage.

Personality: Confident. Professional. Pragmatic. Proud. Adaptive. Authoritative. Sociopath. Total lack of moral compass.


Skin: Incinerated. Resembles steak that's been left on the grill for far too long.

Musculature: Compact and toned.

Eyes: Intact. Shockingly icy blue.

Attire: Koboi likes to look the part of a nobleman. He wears dark trousers and a matching waistcoat. Beneath the waistcoat is a long-sleeved button-up shirt with a collar,though he rolls the sleeves up above his elbows in warmer climates,such as his homeland,which is a hostile tropical wonderland. His shoes resemble military ankle boots,complete with steel toes and mirror-shine. On proud display is an enormous opal pendant. The stone alone is the size and shape of a chicken's egg,while the housing,made of platinum,is slightly larger. Beneath this attire,however,is not flesh,but bandages. Koboi is constantly swathed in medicated bandages to ease his constant pain. His only exposed flesh is the eyeline and fingertips. Steel clips secure the bandages at various points,most notably on the right cheek. On his right hip is his weapon of choice: A three and a half foot long estoc. An estoc is a thrusting sword,though Koboi's has been customized with a single slashing edge,a basket hilt,and a blade trap by the spine of the blade.

Battle Rattle: Koboi also has combat gear. This consists of arm garters of throwing knives (Reference: Dark Souls II Lacerating Knife),a five-finger dagger,about a foot long,fastened to the left side of his collar. The scabbard for the dagger is attached to a strap of a simple leather strap harness,designed to keep his things secured.

Symbol of Office: Koboi is an Inquisitor of Almaz. As such,he bears an Inquisitor's Pocketwatch. Made of galvanized steel,the cover bears a septagram (seven pointed star) with an eye in the middle,with a snake chasing it's tail surrounding the septagram. It tells the time when properly wound,and can be used to communicate with other Inquisitors.

Koboi is an Inquisitor of Almaz,a mage trained in countless forms of battle and war,charged with the protection and furthering of Almaz,its interests,and oppressed magi abroad. As such,he has total operational autonomy and effective diplomatic immunity.

MO: Ambush. Blitzkrieg. Appeal to Authority. Appeal to Force. Conscription. Torture. He does what must be done.

Pose: I'll leave this up to you,really. Important elements are the pocketwatch,pendant,estoc,and suit.

Type: Black-and-white,with only a single splash of colour: His eyes. Sketch-style preferred.

Bio: Koboi's life is classified,thanks largely due to his position as Inquisitor. However,what is known is that he's one of the best Inquisitors in centuries,perhaps even better than the Grand Inquisitor. As such,he's often tasked with monumental missions with minimal support. Two months ago,he suffered an incident which led to his current physical state of being a burnt corpse.

This good?
@Alad V

Thank you for your forms! I will get to work. And thanks for your offer, Goblin, we shall see if I need that, but mostly this is for practice so I don't think so :)

And Alad, yes this is completely free.

@Girouette @Alad V

This is going to be slow as I'm out of town for the next week and I think I'll be closing this for a bit as I don't feel my drawings are yet worth giving to people :P I'll work on you guys' stuff but close it after that. Sorry, I just don't feel totally ready yet. But I'll be practicing! :)
Please, in my honest oppinion there is no such thing as quality insurance on free stuff. I'd be more than happy to recieve anything you're capable of making now. It IS just practise after all.
But those aren't humans, and I feel that I would like to get better before offering my art to the public. So if the stuff I give you is totally awful, I apologize deeply. But I'll get it done, and I hope you'll like it, and once I re-open this I'll be doing your characters again to show you how I've improved!
Your art,your service,your choice. I respect your choice,and I wait to see how you portray [REDACTED] Koboi.
[QUOTE="Sirius Alpha]
Character Name: Roxanne

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Height: 6'3

Weight: Lean and kind of buff.

Race: Native Hawaiian/Black

Hair: Long, straight and really dark brown.

Eyes: Orange with red flecks.

Personality: Very intelligent, levelheaded and calm in general. Always has at least the trace of a smile. Brave and good natured.

Bio: She has telekinesis and is a skilled fighter. She can travel to different dimensions and fights demons and miscellaneous evil stuff. She defends Earth (or Terra as it's better known) and her parents don't know anything about it. She went to a college to study and mainly to investigate the paranormal anomalies that were occurring.

Position: Whatever seems badass, should be wearing glasses and has a sword in her right hand

Type: Shaded digital

Other: Wears glasses to look smarter

I made this character up a long time ago, I plan a bunch of stuff and then I never get any of it done sadly. I've already drawn her before but I'm not an expert artist or anything and it's pencil on lined paper. I hope you get some good practice with this!

This is closed. If you had read through the front post, you would see I've stated that.

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