[Lesser Great Heroics] [Lesser Great Heroics] Some Kids Disappear in Siberia


Senior Member
Merry+Pippin wrote:

In Siberia there is a small town called Slobodka. Although it is a quiet town with only about two thousand residents, it has recently been the center of attention in world news. All the children of Slobodka disappeared over night and without a trace. Nobody can explain it and search parties have come up with nothing. The old people of the town blame a local myth, and after the events that took place in London last year, people are starting to believe it too.
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Investigation underway here. Those russians can sure drink, but need help in holding their liquor. Tomorrow morning the inn keeper will take me to someone who can hopefully spill some beans on the story. Will try to update.
Hard_Exit wrote:

Thing about myths is they tend to be called that so people can sleep easy at night. Doesn't always work out so well in practice. Children are turning up missing more and more frequently in London. Some we find, some we only find the aftermath of. Fortune favor you and the children for this case.

And Merry+Pippin, they aren't past term. Those events here are very much ongoing.

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