[Lesser Great Heroics] [Lesser Great Heroics] Prologue


Senior Member
Two years ago, the Pantheons started a program that was supposed to enforce the positive relations between them. They had their Scions join together into Bands that would fight side by side and share great adventures. Last year, this program was terminated.

An argument between Odin and Tazcatlipoca grew into a fight that destroyed London Bridge and much of its surroundings. This fight evolved into war between the Aesir and the Atzlánti, and other Pantheons are beginning to take sides. Although there have only been two minor skirmishes, both sides are building up for greater battles that appear to be just around the bend. Tension is building, and it is only a matter of time before it explodes into the first Divine World War.

But while the Gods bicker and fight, monsters are rising in the aftermath of the London Catastrophe. The British government believed the event to be an act of terrorism at first, but it all changed when impossible monsters began showing up within the disaster zone. People were dragged away, never to be heard from again, and weird occurrences became frequent.

And not just in London. All over the World, the evidence of divine intervention became impossible to ignore except by the most stubborn of people. Monsters, previously unseen even in religious context harrowed the mortal population, and people turned to religion for guidance, both old ones and new.

For most, life carries on as it used to. Cults of various integrity and morality are more frequent, but most people would still rather go to church on a Sunday. For most people, news of monster attacks are distant horrors, like war or famine; it is nothing that would happen in their neighbourhood.

You know better. While the Pantheons wage their war in the Overworld, they turn a blind eye to everything that is happening in the World. Cults worship forgotten deities, monsters hide within human flesh, and you are the only ones who seem to give a damn. Sure, the US government says its working on something, but what good will it do in the now? Action must be taken. It is time for big heroics, but on a smaller scale.
There are two sides fighting in the Overworld War: those allied with the Aesir and those allied with the Atzlánti. The events leading to this war appear somewhat like this:

A band of Scions were tasked with uncovering the murder of one of Odin's Scions. The prime suspect was the Scion of Apollo, her Bandmate and lover, but he was on the run. Needless to say, tension was building between Odin, who demanded wergild to be paid or some other punishment, and Zeus, who protected Apollo's interest, so time was of the essence. The Band found out that the suspect had been set up, by a Scion of Tezcatlipoca. The Band found the real murderer, who had kidnapped the Scion of Apollo, and subdued him.

Later, that same Band was tasked with a difficult task. The Scion of Tezcatlipoca had been given to Hel for punishing and the Band were to make a deal with Hel for his release. It was part of their training, overseen by Beowulf himself. The Band was then supposed to bring the Scion to London, but en route they found out that they had been tricked by Tezcatlipoca, masquerading as Beowulf. They informed Odin who took back the prisoner and confronted Tezcatlipoca, resulting in the devastation that left much of London in ruins.

This all happened one year ago.

Siding with the Aesir

  • Aesir
  • Amatsukami
  • Yazata

Siding with the Atzlánti

  • Atzlánti
  • Dodekatheon
  • Túatha de Danaan

Currently Unaligned

  • Loa
  • Pesedjet
  • Celestial Bureaucracy
  • Devas
  • Nemetondevos
  • Bogovi
  • Anunna
  • As well as many other Gods and Pantheons of lesser renown

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