[Lesser Great Heroics] [Lesser Great Heroics] Hail the Horned God - Chapter III


Senior Member
In the afternoon, the Band of Scions find themselves near the scene where the body of Charlotte Stern had been found. The police and FBI have closed off Rumsey Playfield and are frantically searching for clues that the suspect might have left behind. All bodies had been dumped near Rumsey Playfield, but only the most recent body was found in the picnic area, lying on top of a picnic table no less.

Only three police officers are staying at the scene at the moment; the CSI unit has already done its job and collected everything it could find. A woman, dressed in a suit, seems to be supervising the officers, but is mostly just re-examining the scene while the officers watch her every move. Presumably, she is FBI, the way she moves and talks like she is in charge.

Central Park is rich with life this early in the day. It is sad to think that it has been the scene for so much death. Clouds in the sky suggest it will rain.

New chapter.

@Arynne @hellrazoromega @SephirothSage
If you haven't already added experience points from the last chapter, check my last post there.
Zarine will have her followers fan out and canvas the area, while she looks about herself seeing if she can find anything that stands out. Barring that she will start to see if she can ask any of the vagrants in the area if they have any infomation.
Phoebe has been busy these past few hours. Calls have been made to various event centers and charities, and soon each member of Charlotte's friends and family will receive a personalized invitation and comp tickets to a different show or gathering the Astounding Mercuria just happens to be performing at.

Now, sitting in her black Lincoln, she takes a silk-wrapped Tarot deck from its box and unwraps it, shuffling and reshuffling the cards idly as she studies the scene. After a moment, she flicks out a row of cards onto the seat beside her.

Zarine's entourage begin to search the area, but Zarine quickly notices the police paying attention to them. Seeing someone looking around an active crime scene is rather suspicious if you're not careful. Before long, the presumed FBI agent walks up to Zarine. "Good afternoon," she says with a straight face. "My name is agent Daniels, FBI. Can I help you find anything?"

Meanwhile, Phoebe sits in the car and deals out her cards. Fate has many strings attached to Central Park, but one of them seems strong and connects the crime scene to a vagrant that pushes forward his cart-o-trash. The man frequently looks towards the police, then looks away as to avoid any eye contact. The old vagrant doesn't seem to like how things are progressing and decides to head in a different direction.
On a moment's impulse, Phoebe turns to the seat behind her. "Akiiki," she says.

The silver-furred baboon looks up from the orange he is eating, hopefully. He likes to visit the park, but today Phoebe hasn't let him out of the car.

"You get to do something naughty today. Do you see that old man? Climb out the window, take some of his things, and climb the nearest tree. Stay there until I say, 'Come down this instant,' understand?"

What she is going to do is a little underhanded, but she promises herself she will make it up to the man afterwards.
"Oh hello there luv, sorry didn't they tell you I was coming? Your State Department and the Department of Justice was supposed to handle all this and tell you boys to be on the look out for us. I guess the directive that I'm undercover and that this was is all supposed to be hush hush got carried over. Name is Zarine Smythe INTERPOL looking into this thing in relation to some similar killings in Europe. I'd of course show you some ID but I am sure much like us that you boys don't carry ID when you are undercover." Zarine gives a big winning smile.

she says nodding across the park to where one of the fellas is," I am undercover with that biker gang over there because in the European cases we found a link to outlaw motorcycle clubs, they may be acting as suppilers or muscle for whoever is doing this. The one I am in is not involved but some of their rivals may be and they are more than happy to help pin something on a rival. So I got them doing busy work to get them out of the way while I look around here for the real links to any of the other clubs. Nobody has shared this with you boys yet because it may be a red herring and they want me to check it out before my bosses present an official report to your bosses--you know how that high level bureaucratic bullshit goes. They are afraid that if it does not pan out someone will be embarrassed. I hope that due to my status and the will of the bosses we can keep this between us. I know you boys know the drill, the more people that know about a cover the more chance it can be blown."

Spending 1 Legend to activate God's Honest so that for the rest of the story Ms. FBI believes every bit of made up on the spot BS I just fed him
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Agent Daniels listens closely as Zarine explains everything to her. Although confused, she nods. "Of course," she says. "Um, we're still canvassing the area but we haven't found anything of worth. The CSI unit has already done their job with no... is that a monkey?"

Rushing away from the car, Akiiki makes his way toward the unsuspecting vagrant, grabs a lamp from his cart and flies up a nearby tree. "Hey," the vagrant shouts after the silver haired baboon, tripping as he tries to grab him and knocks down his cart.
Phoebe jumps out of the car and gives chase, thundering "Akiiki! Akiiki! Bad boy!"

She stops when she reaches the old man. "Oh, sir, I am so sorry. Let me help you with this..." She helps him to his feet and begins righting the cart, while continuing to apologize profusely.
Zarine laughs at the antics with the monkey,"You Yanks are such an interesting bunch of people I have so much fun whenever I am on this side of the Pond."
"It... it's a'right," the vagrant says as he and Phoebe lift the cart back up. He is about to start picking up the stuff that fell out when he sees agent Daniels approaching. He grabs what he can and moves away from the scene in a hurry.

"Ma'am," agent Daniels says to Phoebe, "this is an active crime scene. I have to ask you to take your monkey and leave before it disturbs anything."
Phoebe turns to the tree. "Akiiki -- come down this instant!"

The baboon leaps down looking very pleased with himself, and begins collecting what the old man left behind as Phoebe apologizes to the agent profusely.

"...again, I apologize. Now if you'll excuse me, I really should return the old gentleman's things. Akiiki, you were very naughty!"

The word "naughty" has a private meaning between the two of them. Akiiki comprehends perhaps one out of a hundred words, but he knows "naughty" is something very different from "bad".

Signaling to Akiiki, she hastily catches up with the old man.

"Sir? I've got the rest of your stuff; let me give it back to you."
"I don' wan'it," the old vagrant says, "you keep it." He hurries away with his cart, although he appears more worried about the police than Phoebe. He hurries along until he has gotten to the edge of the park, where Phoebe catches up with him. "I tol' you ta leave me alone!" he calls out, drawing attention to the pair of them.
While the chaos is going on Zarine is going to have a look around the crime scene.


Wow that was craptacular!!!
"I'm not a thief, sir," says Phoebe with as much grace and dignity as a woman with a monkey can muster. "I just wanted to return your things, and to apologize."

Ouch, why didn't I get an update notification? :unsure:

Spending 1 Legend to use the Knack: Charmer and accepting the danger.

"Did that crime scene rattle you? Scenes like that make me nervous, too. 'There but for the grace of God go I' as they say."
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