[Lesser Great Heroics] [Lesser Great Heroics] Did You Know... (vol. 3)


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Golden Scribe wrote:

Three months after the London Catastrophe, the government started realizing that the stories of monsters in the dark were more than just stories. First guess was an alien attack, and it is still the official explanation although nobody's buying it, and the government sent in special forces to deal with the threat. Like you'd see in the movies, they were not prepared for what they were facing, and all they could hope for was containment. Reinforcement was called in, favours were asked from neighbouring countries and heavy weaponry was brought in. But some of these creatures are difficult to see and some are tough as the devil wearing reinforced plating. A different tactic was needed and it was provided.

Four months after the London Catastrophe, the British government agreed to receive assistance from the US government who had a plan. With the help from the US and a private company, the British government started building the London Bridge Wall, a massive structure that would surround the entire disaster zone as well as couple of blocks outside it. The Wall would be reinforced structurally and be equipped with the latest security measures and heavy armament. In addition, aside from only few secured locations, the sewers under the disaster zone were closed off from the rest of the network. Nothing were to be allowed in or out.

Ten months after the London Catastrophe, the London Bridge Wall was completed. Despite many incidents of monster attacks, the building crew managed to complete the Wall in record time. The job was expensive and made the British government heavily indebted to the US, who are currently overseeing the security of the Wall with military might.

Eleven months after the London Catastrophe, the population got to see for the first time the security measures in place on the Wall, first broadcast by the BBC and later by other stations in a special three part show called "the London Bridge Wall", which covered the story behind its construction and its operation (at least what the government wanted people to see of it).

34 heavy machine guns are scattered on top of the wall, with 16 elevators to get to the top. A walkway circles the inner side of the Wall half-way down, with 68 vantage points for long-range shots and patrol, as well as dozens of ladders to get from the walkway to the top of the wall. Above ground, there is not a single spot where the you can safely get into the inner side of the wall; the only way is about 70 feet drop onto hard concrete from the walkway. Only passage into the disaster zone is through 5 highly monitored and secured passages in the sewer system underground. There are seven 18 inches thick steel doors that are closed at all times unless an order is given to open them, and even then you need 7 distinct security codes to get through at any passage. Additionally, automated machine guns with large bullets are stationed at every door, and in case that fails, a last resort security measure has been put in place to blow up the tunnels.

1 year after the London Catastrophe, the London Bridge Wall is still operational and attacks from monsters have been notably reduced since its construction was completed.
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Hard_Exit wrote:

Don't remind me of the whole aliens thing. They wouldn't shut up about it for months even after the original corpses of the titan spawn came to be public knowledge. To say London was unprepared is putting it nicely. We had massive casualties amongst the bobbies here and crime is on the upswing even now. I can't complain too loudly, but tourists should come with an eye on their surroundings and hands on their wallets.

Speaking of sewers, they weren't quite as thorough as scribe would lead you to think. There are plenty of rumors from the local scion population suggesting that is where they mainly come from. What little of China town I've searched shows that to be the case for appearances there. We can count our lucky stars that they can't (so far) come up through the pipes. No idea right now how they get through. Perhaps they made a tunnel somewhere deeper in the area that connects to an unmonitored location. We have nominal security around such places, but to be honest even street kids can get past anything leading into the sewers that isn't the wall itself. Those of you without nimble fingers or strong arms could probably make an entrance if you really wanted.

What the telly shows is the nicer parts of the wall. They don't show you the massed killing fields choked with corpses or where sometimes the gunfire rolls every hour of the day. They have reasons for making the land around there so cheap, and it isn't the occasional escapee. I've walked by the areas some times and I noticed more than a handful of snipers giving me the eye with a hand not too far from their guns. Things that go bump in the night aren't the only dangers here.

If you happen to be new to London, make the Winter Lupine one of your first stops. The place is a meeting ground for those like us and where you swap information off the wire. The Keep is a nice enough sort (No, he doesn't have a name anyone knows of) so long as you respect the place. Start something and him or a visitor will put you out on your ass faster than you can start to regret it. The service is only stale chips and watered down ale for undiscernable reasons. Best to eat elsewhere unless you're hard for coin, or that happens to be your preference.

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