[Lesser Great Heroics] [Lesser Great Heroics] Did You Know... (vol. 2)


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Golden Scribe wrote:

In the recent year, a religious group called the Second Dawn has grown considerably in popularity. Combining myths from Christianity, Islam, and other monotheisms, as well as philosophies from others, the Second Dawn has spread throughout the World where it can. The Pope has already called this a heretical cult and a misguided path that is difficult to return from, but even the President of the United States has publicly ensured the US citizens that the freedom of religion is the right of every man and woman.

The public face of the Second Dawn is a woman named Danielle Winters, but the core philosophies come from a central figure publicly known only as the Prophet. Presumably male, although never verified, the Prophet teaches that all the World's religions are in fact true, but all are versions of the myth of a single God and his servants. Yahweh and Allah are in fact the same entity in all respects, but time and the faults of mankind have divided them. In these trying times, it is important, more so than ever, that mankind rectify this mistake. This is what the Prophet claims that the one true God told him, through his divine servants.

Those who have not joined the Second Dawn either think little of the matter or believe the Prophet to be completely insane, or that there is no Prophet and the whole thing is a hoax. It is known that Danielle Winters is such a firm believer that she is blind to any reason that suggest that the Prophet is wrong, even to a point that some Scions might consider that the Prophet is a Scion himself.
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Hard_Exit wrote:

How widespread is this cult, scribe? I have an ear to the ground here in London, and what I hear tells me it doesn't have any presence. They say the same for the whole country, but only verified the former. The whole thing sounds like either a bad prank from a trickster god or a titan plot. Trying to take advantage to steal prayers when internal strife looms maybe. I wonder if the name has any significance.
CrystalSeer wrote:

I blame the Flying Spaghetti Monster. He needs to hurry up and sire some kids so they can rescue the cultists with their noodly appendages.
LordAsimov wrote:

You may joke about that, but I met a scion of Osiris who met an actual scion of FSM and he was a real jerk. Seriously, stay our of Waketown, Montana unless you want some angry scion to come mess you up.

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