• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy ๐ฅ๐ž๐ ๐ž๐ง๐๐ฌ ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐๐ซ๐š๐ฌ๐ข๐ซ๐š ; the unit


๐˜ช ๐˜ข๐˜ฎ ๐˜ง๐˜ข๐˜ญ๐˜ญ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ, ๐˜ช ๐˜ข๐˜ฎ ๐˜ง๐˜ข๐˜ฅ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ
Roleplay Type(s)

Legends of Drasira


application info.


Full Name:
Nickname: (if applicable)
Age: please make your characters 20+
Gender: any gender identity is welcome
Sexuality: any sexuality is welcome
Nation: Aestantis, Al Visar, Hestea, Ituthia, Likha, Nai Sie, Sredzym (please cast faceclaims accordingly)

Appearance: Description or faceclaim -- please add face claim's name
FACE CLAIM: this has to be a REAL picture, not art. -- please remember that these characters are HUMAN.


Positive Traits:
Negative Traits:
Habits, quirks:


History: PLEASE put a TRIGGER WARNING on the post. Note that you cannot say that your character has been in the Black Order for years given that the chosen characters are a newer initiates.

Reputation: This is what your character is known as, regarded as, etc. It doesn't necessarily have to be true, but it's a circulating thing for your character.

Sacrifice: This should be a great personal sacrifice your character has done that could be notable for the Black Order. It will be referenced throughout the story.




With skill centered around strength and physical combat, this class is more than just a sword and shield. Typically falling between two categories, damage and protection, if not both, warriors are a class that take on damage, as well as deal damage head on. In former times and now, warriors are regarded highly as brave combatants and show an advanced aptitude in the battlefield. Their combative prowess, however, is at the cost of either agility or range. These fighters are versatile and weapons-oriented, adept in using their skill, strategy, and tactics to their advantage. One of the more fearless of the bunch, the warrior is known to lead in combat and storm into the frontlines of any fight.

Known to wear any type of armor, but favoring metal work and even dragon scales due to its durability.

Their skills include:
Increased health
Hand to Hand combat


โ€œKnowledge is power.โ€ Once wrote the great Sir Francis Bacon- an excerpt from his 1597 publication โ€˜Meditationes Sacrae and Human Philosophy.โ€™ Although the notorious saying can be traced all the way back to an old Sanskrit proverb- an ancient Indian notion that knowledge is far more valuable than any riches to come, far more powerful than any king or queen capable- and whom better to know all of this than a scholar? Deeply rooted within the worlds of literature, linguistics, maths, science and history, scholars, despite lacking in the battlefield, prove themselves versatile through their sharp wit, heavy strategy and vast intellect. Able to absorb and apply whatever information they encounter, scholars are best utilized for directory, translation and strategy.

The armour of a scholar is rarely light given their mediocrity on the battlefield. Bulkier in more dangerous terrains, scholars simply cannot risk injury to the skull or eyes given their crucial role in brain power and suggestion.

The skills of a scholar include:


Adept in ranged weapons (bows, crossbows, and throwing weapons), this class is far more accurate when attacking from long distances. With their sense of aim, they are able to increase their damage and ensure successful hits. Much like the scout, this class is well-versed in their surroundings; this, however, is in the case of hunting and camping. Often found in trees, this class takes on an offensive role; this class is extensively trained and incredibly agile.

Light armor and able to blend into their surroundings like the scout, however with thicker protection due to taking on damage.

Their skills include:
Ranged combat
Increased perception


Of fair voice and nimble fingers, songweavers of the battlefield, fortifying success in combat; lest their companionsโ€™ strength be wavered, the Bardโ€™s passionate songs inspire and light a fire in their hearts. Soothing words, carefully crafted, with the delicate sound of music, this class is one whose uses are near universal โ€” from combat to the departure of souls, bringer of peace to those who are suffering, and invoker of chaos to those opposing.

Armor is often light, avoiding bulky armor that will weigh them down. Due to this, they have vulnerabilities towards direct, heavy attacks

Their skills often include:
Songs of battle
Songs of rest
Bardic Inspiration
Music and Poetry


An agile fighter that prides themselves on their quick, precise work -- often donning a knife and dagger, this class hides within the shadows, reliant on their own stealth and skill. Quick to find the vulnerabilities of others, they can quickly use this to their advantage -- unconventionally finding solutions, the rogue is a class that epitomizes adaptability and high aptitude. Although seen as mere criminals by many, the Black Order sees this class as useful; going so far as to keeping one or more within each of their units. This class does not use magic.

Armor is often light, avoiding bulky armor that will weigh them down. Due to this, they have vulnerabilities towards direct, heavy attacks.

Their skills often include:
sleight of hand


Reliant on mobility, the scout favors fast movements to deal attacks--they are, however, primarily used for reporting back to the team and staying ahead of the group in order to warn the others of incoming threat. They are often nimble, well-versed in terrains, and are found riding horses. With an advanced aptitude in map-reading and navigation, scouts are an essential part of the team. Able to disarm and typically find traps within an allotted time, scouts are often relied on.

Their armor is often light and able to blend in with its surroundings, boots are muffled for a lesser chance of detection.

Their skills include:
Threat Detection
Trap disarming


A nurturer by nature, this class hones the very saviour of saviours. Experts in both natural and scientific healing properties, medics are said to utilize their biological expertise within crucial medical care and often go to great lengths to do so. Quick on their feet, medics bear quite a large responsibility for the health of their teammates and are routinely tasked with their maintenance and weekly check-ins. A sort of guiding figure, their steady heads, quick thinking and little reaction to stark pressures not only allow for them to work within an uncontrolled environment, but to save numerous lives in doing so.

The armour of a medic is often light and durable- made to accommodate swift movements in case of medical emergencies. This is set to change given the situation at hand.

The skills of a medic include:
Healing--potion making and herbalism
identifying lethal and non-lethal properties
steady handling
emergency care.


Skilled in the art of metalwork and welding, blacksmiths are the well-muscled companions of the black order. Able to dance within the scorching flames of a fire, they are best known for weapon repairments, etching intricate incantations and preparing their conglomerate with improved armours and weaponry. Arguably the most creative out of the classes, their strong sense of community often allows them to build relationships (both business oriented and friendly) amongst other blacksmiths, often resulting in new discounted weapons and/or protection.

The armour of a blacksmith: often bulky as they are prone to wielding large weights, self-designed and produced more often than not.

The skills of a blacksmith include:
design; the ability to etch incantations into armor and weapons

extra information.

Accepted players will be able to make second characters when approved!


Who lives in Drasira?
Although this is Fantasy Based, the Gods have only created humans and their monsters. However, if you do have an idea that could work, please do not hesitate to reach out! We'd like to help as much as we can.

Magic, although existent in Drasira, is mostly limited to enchanted items that were created prior to and during the Era of Beasts. These items are hard to come by, often passed down by generations, found in ruins, held in academies, and most notably, the Black Order's main facility.

Who are the Black Order?
Founded by Vardil Nehra in Drasira's time of need, the Black Order is a guild that essentially hunts monsters: this may be for pay, but the intentions are well-meant. Recruitment into the Black Order isn't easy, as members often have impressive reputations amd have made great personal sacrifices; this, however, isn't only restricted to do-gooders. The Black Order recognizes that you do not have to specifically be good, but you must have the skill and knowledge they seek. People from each class are welcomed.

The Black Order is behind most of Drasira's operations in terms of Monster Hunting. Mostly loved, sometimes feared, they are--for the most part--a heroic, but mysterious guild that prides itself on its work. During the time of the RP, it would have already been about 100 years since the artifacts have been lost.

This roleplay will be heavily lore based, thus we've made a directory that could assist you--the link to the lore thread will be included. It is recommended that the lore is read over.

Character deaths will happen, this will be due to dice rolls: although dice will not be used 100%, they will be used to make major decisions. Don't worry, your character won't die off completely; the Black Order will give this group an amulet that can resurrect them--there is, however, consequence to this. When back to life, a small piece of their soul and sanity is taken, tread cautiously.

For roles, they are not assigned -- just options of what classes to choose from! The only ones that ARE assigned are Captain and Co-Captain, however these roles will be given to you by us, the GMs. No, you cannot apply for those roles.

The Black Order is behind most of Drasira's operations in terms of Monster Hunting. Mostly loved, sometimes feared, they are--for the most part--a heroic, but mysterious guild that prides itself on its work. During the time of the RP, it would have already been about 100 years since the artifacts have been lost.

witcher, bloodborne, folklore, dishonored, skyrim.

this is a bullet point.
two lines

this is a bullet point.
two lines

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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cpt. ymir yaotsai

# warrior

# jamie chung

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก



There is some good in this world and it's worth fighting for.

  • requisite.

    full name

    YAOTSAI, Ymir


    29 years old.






    Nai Sie





    height and build

    It is safe to say that Ymir isn't petite; rather, the opposite. Standing at 5'8" with a muscular build, body marred by scars of battle, her figure is considerably strong and lean. What was once a small, fragile girl had blossomed into a solidly built woman with enough strength to withstand the weight of her armor and weaponry.


    Dark brown, Ymir's hair is thick and long--hitting the middle of her back, but often tied back.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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sarnai qara

# medic

# chuluun khulan

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก


filler! ignore

filler! ignore

filler! ignore

filler! ignore

  • Here is what they do not tell you about Death; when Death says ''you were born for this,'' she clearly meant ''you will die for this.''

    A warrior with nothing and everything to lose, with no family to call his own and too much hope in his heart. A fool.

    To you even betrayal sounds like a vow.


    name of the song

    name of the artist

    nowamagbe t'cha


    cis male



โ™กdesign by natasha., coded by uxieโ™ก
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;; aiden

Aiden O'Connor
fc: Fergal Devitt​

โ–น general
Age: 40
Gender: Cismale
Sexuality: Bisexual
Class: Ranger
Nationality: Hestean

โ–น visage
Height: 5'7" / 170 cm
Weight: 190 lbs / 86 kg
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown

โ–น personality
Positive traits: caring | sympathetic | perseverant | emotionally intelligent
Negative traits: regretful | reminiscent | irritable | disoriented
Likes: folklore songs of his tribe | climbing trees | playing with knives | cool breeze | the forest | river baths | kids | body paint | toffee | roasted boar | windchill
Dislikes: hestean cities | the hestean aristocracy | armor | royals | abuse of any kind | ignorance | sardines | ocean water | bigotry | people trying to imitate his accent
Habits, quirks: knife tricks | hums to self | tends to check up on others | smiles only around people he cares about | practices calligraphy | loves to pick fruit | can bend in a way you wished you could | can sleep anywhere
Fears: His tribal identity and culture become lost to time | Losing his son forever

โ–น biography
(tw: loss of love one, death, colonialism, imperialism, cultural erasure, genocide)

In the Hestean highlands lived a nomadic ethnic group who've inhabited the land for centuries known as the Malixans. With their own rich culture and traditions, the Malixans are a proud people split into different tribes with their own subset of Malixan identity. The Hesteans had acknowledged the existence of the Malixans and at first had friendly relations. When the nation was young, Hesteans along the frontier with the Malixans engaged in trade and some even married each other.

As a member of the Conchobhar tribe, Aiden was born into a tribe of assassins, hunters, and thieves. He was the nephew of the Patriarch of Conchobhar and his sister, Aidenโ€™s mother was the right hand of the tribal chief. The Conchobhar, otherwise known as the clan of wolves trained their warriors to be astute hunters. Dangerous alone and deadly in packs. Ever since he learned to walk, Aiden was trained to hunt and live off the land and with his training came natural agility and speed.

As one of the tribe's best assassins, Aiden was on his way to becoming the Maistir Pacaiste, translated to Pack Master and the head of the tribe's military but his mother was reluctant and held back his promotion due to his age. At only 17 he was able to complete his trials into becoming a warrior for Conchobar when most would complete their trials by their early 20's. Aiden's uncle saw the potential in young Aiden and compromised with his sister to put Aiden into the Galotire or wolfkin, children of the most deadly assassins in the tribe where Aiden would learn camaraderie and leadership.

Around this time the Malixan tribes had began warring with one another over resources as tribes became more territorial and cemented in the Hestean highlands, leading to open military conflicts and tribes being annihilated in the process. Aiden became a natural leader amongst his comrades working as a covert force, sabotaging their operations and assassinating tribal officials. The conflict ended by the time Aiden was 27 with tribes brokering peace with one another knowing that they were destroying their own people. Aiden was yet to be pack master but due to his achievements was given the title, deaman dearg or red demon to commemorate his achievements as a demon who left a bloody mess in his wake. A celebratory title that give him much esteem and prestige amongst his tribe and the Malixan people.

With his new status, Aiden was encouraged by his family to marry and create an heir to inherit his warrior status but Aiden wasn't in a rush. However he eventually met a druid name Sruth. They were born female from an intellectual family, said to be the fairest maiden of the land with a sharp tongue and mind. But literacy was only a skill and not their passion. Sruth was more into medicine and the religious ceremonies of their people and thanks to the fluidity of Malix society, Sruth trained amongst the druids and became an esteemed physician while identifying as someone who felt as though they could be free and embrace something that gave them purpose. The two had a passionate relationship before getting married and having a son of their own named Devon. For a while in seemed as though Aiden was going to enjoy his life. But the future of the Malixans wasn't so bright.

Hestea was growing along with their military force and had seen the destruction the war amongst the Malixans had brought to them. Looking to expand their territory, Hestean forces began an aggressive expansion campaign into the highlands and left a path of destruction in its wake. Like the war that preceded it, Malixan tribes were annihilated or subdued by their Hestean overlords as tributaries. Conchobar's covert tactics were not enough for the Hestean hordes that encroached on their territory and so ordered bu his uncle, Aiden went into isolation with Sruth and Devon for their own safety.

For the next 5 years the family lived in a shack in the countryside while Aiden protected Sruth and Devon who was now 10 years old. Sometimes he would shelter refugees escaping Hestean patrols before sending them away, but too much attention would draw the Hesteans to his home so Aiden closed off his home to any passerby's. But the damage was done and the sheltering of Malixans who escaped Hestean persecution had come to bite Aiden and his family. One morning when Aiden went out to get firewood, he returned to find his home burned, Sruth murdered and his son gone.

Aiden fell into a deep depression as he mourned the loss of his partner, but knew his son was out there as his body was nowhere near their property. In a vain attempt to find his son, Aiden had traveled the Hestean kingdom trying to find any crumb information and killed his way to find whatever he could to regain what he had lost but to no avail.

Aiden abandoned the hunt to recover Devon hoping that he was at least safe and that it would be safer if Devon was not involved with him so that he wouldn't have to life his life in fear.

โ–น reputation
Aiden is regarded amongst members of his tribe as dependable, strong, and reliable as a man, yet brutal and efficient in combat. He is a revered assassin and hunter amongst everyone amongst the Malixans with tales of the red demon being shared, giving Aiden an almost mythological status with his accomplishments embellished. Malixans who once feared him as an enemy, respect as a symbol of Malixan strength and culture. The Hestean monarchy and aristocracy see Aiden as a fugitive and banned any mention of the red demon of any capacity. Very few have met him after the invasion of the highlands, Hestea would prefer you knew he never existed despite their efforts to hunt him down and confirm his death, but the monarchy have yet to hear any good news of his death.

โ–น sacrifice
Aiden lost everything but his son, in fact he had to give up his son in order to keep him safe from a life of being hunted as a fugitive. He isnโ€™t aware of his sonโ€™s whereabouts but hopes that fate will reunite them.

โ–น extra
knows more knife tricks than you | can perform first aid | thighs for days | can live off the land | can make his own bow | his kicks will concuss you | secretly wants to be an anthropologist and historian
coded by reveriee.
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dilraba dilmurat
nai sie's naive belle
li huaye ๆŽ่Šฑ้กต
reveriee ยฉ






  • li huaye

    the scholar


    hui, young lady li




    cis female - she/her


    hetero but ?ing


    the scholar


    nai sie


    dilraba dilmurat


    flat, thin, and sleek, huaye's hair is extraordinarily long in a way that would be burdensome. it starts off black as night, cascading down her back and fades into a dark mahogany brown as it tapers off just above her posterior. luckily, her high status means that she suffers no inconvenience as servants diligently wash, condition, and style it daily for the young lady of the li household. it is typically in a half up and half down styleโ€”a jeweled adornment of some sort is added on should huaye be required to be in public.


    light and pale, huaye's life consists primarily of staying indoors with only a candle to light the room. her skin is, as expected, soft and supple from daily and constant care by servants. she sweats very little and the lack of physical activity in her life has left her easily susceptible to bruises and calluses.


    not too short and not too tall, huaye stands at an average 5'4. she is incredibly lean, lacks any sort of curves, and is fairly flat in regards to both her bosom and posterier, not quite the picture of seductive beauty; despite this, huaye radiates grace and elegance befitting a high lady with her every move.


    huaye's clothes are most often silk robes laid over long skirts or pants and undershirts. they're typically crimson red, faint pink, or white in color, and only her best formal clothes have embroidery. she also has a secret stash of plain maid uniforms for whenever she needs to sneak out although they're a bit harsh on her skin.


    besides the occasional hair adornment for public occasions, huaye also dons a red leaf pattern in the center of her forehead that marks her as an official daughter of her family. it is only temporary, but it gives her a great amount of privilege whenever she wears it.


    huaye has a writer's bump on the middle fingers of both hands due to the extensive amount of writing she does. she is very self-conscious about them, but she couldn't care less about the black ink stains that are commonly found on the edges of her sleeves and fingertips.


โ™กdesign by triples, coded by uxieโ™ก

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she returns

Safira Aaima Burhaan

  • req.

    Knowledge is power

    People sometimes called her "Safi", though this was mostly to aggravate her. While the general rule of adressing her by her full name remains for the vast majority of people she's met, there are a select few who she's allowed to call her "Saf" as a term of endearment.
    Sexual Orientation
    She was betrothed to a man before her banishment (a marriage she agreed to - his family was akin to hers in wealth), which has been as far as her relationships have gone. Though she hasn't found time to meddle in such subjects, she still finds many people attractive, regardless of their sex or gender.

    Kingdom of the Stars

    Al Visar



    Face Claim
    Deepika Padukone
    Brown, long and straight hair. Once freely cascading down her back and shoulders, carefully kept glowing and soft to the touch through the use of the many beauty concoctions available to her due to her family's high standing. Most of the time, when the heat wasn't enough to drive even the fiercest of warriors insane and hair was better worn up or covered in wrappings, she would decorate it with the best accessories Al Visar had to offer. Nowadays, living as an outcast in Hestea, her hair has taken a turn for the worst. Long ago having lost its healthy, silky condition thanks to both the unsanitary living conditions in the decrepit Kingdom. Nowadays, both due to practicality and shame over not looking as beautiful as she once did, she keeps her hair in a simple and unassuming braid.
    Terra-cotta complexion, often rough and tough to the touch due to the sweat everyone (even locals) are prone to forming living in the desert kingdom.
    Tall and slim with long arms and legs, something she was often teased about during her teenage years - lanky appearances werenโ€™t exactly desirable, especially in the upper classes where plumpness was seen as a sign of abundant wealth. She never let it bother her much, though. After all, the only thing that mattered has always been whatโ€™s inside her head, not on the outside.





โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

  • riptide
    unlike pluto

    ly phuong
coded by natasha.
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[pc | you can use your arrow keys to scroll right]


scroll right


full name

Killian Roarke


Kip, Kit, Lian











killian's theme






175 lbs

hair c.

dark brown

eye c.

oak brown


mark rowley








this scrolls if you add enough content.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed. Praesent sed eros pulvinar, fringilla dui a, vestibulum nisi. Cras blandit enim laoreet orci porta ultrices. Cras purus erat, commodo a rhoncus ac, dapibus quis mauris.

Ut rhoncus libero eu fermentum bibendum. Nullam ac ipsum augue. Donec commodo dui efficitur iaculis venenatis. Mauris a neque pellentesque, faucibus urna vel, dapibus nulla. Sed tincidunt dui sed dictum vestibulum. Ut venenatis urna in elit hendrerit, eu molestie massa efficitur. Nullam sit amet sem ut ligula gravida ultricies. Etiam gravida quis diam at elementum. In dignissim eros ut sapien fringilla, vel lobortis nibh auctor. Sed ut nibh bibendum, tincidunt ex in, mattis odio. Donec egestas facilisis dapibus. Proin varius ornare sapien, at auctor sem lacinia non.



character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.







โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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  • Yi Xiangyu
    full name
    YI Xiangyu




    "Straight" but would have a crisis after one 'am i gay' quiz


    Nai Sie





    Lei Jiayin

coded by reveriee.

    full name
    Berenike Sassaris

    Yi Lianhua (Nai Sian name)










    Jessie Mei Li

coded by reveriee.



cai zhen




full name

Cai Zhen















nia sie

  • hiraeth.

    a homesickness for a home
    you can't return to,
    or that never was

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก



chi chi




full name

Chioma "Chichi" Nwakali
















  • radiance.

    the dew that flies
    suicidal, at one with the drive
    into the red
    eye, the cauldron of morning.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I'll meet you there.



full name

Ser Vasilii Wojciech


Vas'ka, Vasya






Biromantic, asexual





Good Night, Day

Hildur Guรฐnadรณttir




5' 11" / 180 cm


67 kg / 148 lbs

hair c.


eye c.



Tilda Swinton



Life is not adventure, there's no constant thrill urging one onward, whispering sweet tales of fortune and fame. Vas'ka has only heard of such things in stories, excited nighttime ventures spoken around fires. She clung to those with a child's hope and learned to let them go one heartbreak at a time. There's no gallant knight, no honorable king or vanquished evil. She's only ever known tired old men, greedy rulers, and a persistent terror gripping the throat of Drasira with a hold that kills.

She joined the Sredzym militia when she was young, was raised by their strict routine and careful discipline. She became a skilled fighter, learned to hunt and kill for more than just food, and survived some of the worst winters her nation had to offer. It might be inaccurate to say such things strengthened her, as a child would need much more than tough skin to survive such a world. She's spent many a night too drunk and too remiss as a result after all, but she's had good company to carry her through it.

She aches to see the world through a child's eyes, bright and wonderful, unplagued by tyrants and monsters alike. She wants those tales she so loved as a child to ring true, to carry the next generation into a better life than hers. Vas'ka fears that her home here in Sredzym and brothers-in-arms may not be enough to ensure such a future.

+ traits

resilient, inquisitive, perceptive, outspoken, diligent

- traits

dependent, narcissistic, amoral, resentful, obsessive


a warm fire, spirits, music, Zhiva and companionship, well met plans


large gatherings, ceremony, melodrama, towns/cities



No one speaks of home, family they left behind when found by the Sredzym Guard. For many of them, it is too difficult to remember. They were children then, scared and hopeless, abadoned or orphaned. Many of them believe their life only started when they joined the guard, that they were reborn and cut from the very same cloth the guard's most eldest members were. They had the same fathers, the same brothers. They shared the same story, one as old and sacred as the Sredzymi wastes and the countless ghosts that haunted it.

They were soldiers without a home, without a family. Everything they've been without, they've come to have again here in the guard, and Vas'ka has been without for a very long time.

They found her feral, living amongst the ruin of a frostbitten village. The wind howled just as strongly as her and the village stood just as alone. Doors were secured, tables were set for meals left uneaten. When they strode into the village, there wasn't a person in sight. Even the barns were scarce, the livestock gone into the night. If she does remember, Vas'ka has never spoken of what took place here.

Ser Efram was tasked to look after Vas'ka until they could safely pass her on. He kept her living in the wilderness, protected her from the others' curiosity, rumors of curses and disease. They bonded closely and when it came time to hand her off to a more capable family in some distant town, she fought tooth and nail with her would-be adopters, bit and screamed till the guard took her back and Efram looked after her.

They'd no intentions on training her. She was merely cargo to some, a package they'd yet to deliver to the city. Efram promised they'd be able to help her there, but the winters were long and the Sredzymi terrain was hard to transverse safely. His promises became half-hearted wishes, dwindling as the days drew on.

Nearly a year in, he took it upon himself to train her. He told her of the guard, a militia not yet sanctioned and heavily scrutinized. He taught her how to hunt and forage and provide for the encampment. He told her stories and watched as her eyes glistened, that brilliant green bleeding into the air around her, bringing a forgotten spring to his Sredzymi winters.

She grew under his care. She took the oath. She forgot whatever terrors still haunted her dreams and pursued a long career with the guard, bringing swift justice down on those who would disturb Sredzym's cold and desolate peace. When she became an officer, she was battle-tested and tormented, their justice never enough. Through the snow flowed crimson rivers and though she no longer answered it, the wind howled horribly. She grew tired and miserable. Efram's promises were no longer as scared to her when they so often rang so hollow, his blind hope pointless to her.

When they found Kazimir, she'd been at her breaking point. Half-drunk near all the time, she recklessly put herself into situations Efram would surely beat her for, death following her every step. Efram would try to console her, but she was beyond his help. Kazimir, a boy not unlike herself all those years ago, brought her back.


It is quietly spoken and not near as valiant as what some might expect. Her claim to fame amongst the more common folk is escorting an envoy through a forest notoriously infested with Sredzymi beasts, bears as tall as trees and monsters who wear familiar faces. The militia she's enlisted in is well-known despite never being officially recognized. They are loved by some and hated by others, their tendency to be hired on as mercenaries and thugs muddying the water.


Vas'ka has left everything she's ever known to join this order. She considers that sacrifice enough.





Ser Efram Volkov

A senior officer of the Sredzym Guard and the closest person she knows. He is as her father, having took her in as a child and trained her in her most crucial skills. He is a quiet old man, worn and weepy in his older years, mournful of everything they've lost. He struggles to shoulder the responsibility of training more recruits knowing well the fate most of them meet. He's saved her life on more than one occasion, a debt she may never pay in full. He both loves and hates her for joining The Black Order, leaving them all behind but doing more for Drasira than most of them can ever dream of.


A recruit for the Sredzym Guard. She has known many brothers over the years; Kaz is one in a long list. He was taken in in similar circumstances as her and so she sees much of herself in him. Vas'ka took it upon herself to train him after he took the oath. Though he is older now and more capable, she agonizes over the thought of losing him, the guilt that would come knowing her leaving might have played its part in his passing. It is a fear that plagues her and a reason she dreads opening any letters from home.




Vas'ka is in a near constant state of motion, feet shifting and green eyes darting. She busies her hands with small tasks, jolts her leg and never sits still for too long. There's always another project and more work to do. She talks even when no one's listening, talks to fill space. It doesn't have to make sense, it just has to be. The only time she settles is when she's sleeping and that is a rare occasion, completely unintentional. She's up days at a time and crashes suddenly, not often in a bed either.

She carries parchment with her wherever she goes, jotting down inspiration and advice, a few small lines of prose she's every intention of turning into a poem and never does. If you look through the pages, it can be hard reading, her handwriting apparently only legible to herself. You'll see a drawing or two, the bend in a river to mark her way or a portrait she found striking. She keeps a quill and a small capsule of ink in her saddle bag and writes most often by firelight.


Vas'ka has trained for the hunt, the militia she worked for living months in the cold Sredzym wilderness. She is incredibly skilled at lances, or spears. She can use them on foot or when riding horseback. In close combat, she uses the shashka, a single-edged and guardless backsword best wielded in one hand.

She's resourceful, able to make use of most anything in dire situations. She can make shelter and find food in remote locations. Basic aide was pertinent as well while she lived with her troop, and she has fair knowledge of different treatments and medicine.

She's adept at riding. Zhiva, an older Kabarda horse she helped raise since they were a yearling, is one of her closest companions.


Fear keeps you living; it keeps you moving. Vas'ka seeks companionship not because she adores the attention, she fears being alone. She's spent years removed and distant. She knows how she is on her own and hates the way it makes her feel, how bad the tedium becomes. People give her purpose in life, a belonging she wouldn't have otherwise.

Vas'ka also fears inaction, an idle mind left to wander and muse about things better left alone. Confined spaces bother her a great deal, and she does not take kindly to being held back or restrained. She fears sickness and crowds of people, how suffocating that can be.

She fears being known. Having her name taken, her face worn like a mask, identity stolen and reputation broken by some malicious beast. As per custom, she wears a skull mask made from that of a goat.


She's enthralled by music and could sit for hours listening to it. She hasn't come by many instruments in her day, but has tried replicating those she's seen. Catastrophic failures she's grown too frustrated with and tossed away, whittled blocks of wood only just resembling flutes, panpipes, or a buben's hoop.

Vas'ka has always been fascinated by the aristocracy's embroidered clothes and fine silks, a want for bright fabrics and extravagant headwear. It's craftsmanship of another kind, made with nimble fingers and a careful eye. She's no occasion to wear it rightfully for, but adores it regardless.

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  • Siegr


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  • Dekken

Le Bard

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filler! ignore

filler! ignore

filler! ignore

filler! ignore

  • ''I know my way through the night to your door. You know the blood that I'm owed is all yours.''

    The cursed ones look a lot like you and me. Oh, you'll miss the shine in his eyes - may you shake hands and may you laugh and smile if you want, there is something beneath slumbering.

    Evil is unspectular and always human.


    name of the song

    name of the artist

    velivir ir mrakovina


    questioning male (they/him)


    indigenous sredzymi / nai sie

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