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Fantasy π“›π–Šπ–Œπ–Šπ–“𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝓩𝖔𝖗𝖗𝖔 - Lore

The Engulfing Forest
  • Monsters_Forests_459087.jpg
    The Engulfing Forest
    (The Monster Forest)
    The Forest of Chaos, commonly known as the Monster forest, technically the Engulfing Forest, is a death sentence. Ridden with chaotic energy, this habitat is a breeding ground for C to S-ranked beasts. It spans the length of three cities worth of land, rendering the surrounding villages as nothing more than feeding grounds. Unlike the Chaos grounds, the Engulfing forest doesn't border Zorro, it's inside. Because of this, villages and towns away from Gento and other major cities tend to face often and abrupt invasions. This problem produced house requests. A type of mission request created by nobles to recruit slayers to a specific area for a certain amount of time. They're especially popular and how most slayers make a living. These kinds of requests typically provide food and shelter to the hired help. The risk, however, is always death. The current facts about the Engulfing Forest are listed below and are well known within the Slayer community.
    1. Traveling into the Forest alone is a fool's task.​
    2. There are three known S tiers that call the Engulfing Forest home.​
    3. It's a marathon not a sprint within the forest. Monsters outnumber you.​
    4. The deeper you go, the less trust you should have towards your senses.​
    5. Leave your will at a tavern, and one on your person.​
    6. The Engulfing Forest is so rich with chaotic energy, the plant life is susceptible to being a monster.​
    7. Never trust the water. Pray to Noah for rain. Never trust the edible plant life. Always cook with Barren's flame.​
    8. Only venture during the day, the dark makes you prey.​
    9. Past the ten-mile mark makes you a dead man.​
    10. Don't go in.​
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