• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Legend of the Seven Stars (Main RP)

  • Rules
    • No Godmoding. There will be no exceptions. Ever! My evil character is the main antagonist, and will be the strongest character for the majority of the RP. However he will be defeated (multiple times).
    • Using your powers take energy, concentration, and stamina. When we start out, just using your powers for a minute with little effect will feel like you ran for a quarter mile. This will lessen as our characters progress, though the proportions in which our powers are used will still drain us appropriately.
    • No flaming. Respect everyone in this RP. I will deal with issues, or send them to the Mods if necessary.
    • No meta/powerplaying. No one enjoys this.
    • No smut will be permitted in any form at any time. Do not take it to the PMs either. PG-13 ONLY!
    • Keep OOC in the OOC thread, unless it is a very quick question directly relating to the current page of the RP. 2 lines only.)
    • Posts need to legible. Punctuation and grammar is necessary to understand what you are saying with the correct emphasis. Everyone makes mistakes. Just please try to proof read before hitting submit.
    • Post length needs to be roughly 2 paragraphs each. More is encouraged but 2 paragraphs is the minimum.
    • Posts need to be in third person only.
    • Posts need to include your character name and their location at the top of the posts. This goes along ways towards eliminating confusion.
    • When communicating with other people, please be sure to tag them in your posts so that they get notified. This also helps for others to ensure there is no confusion on whom you are talking to.
    • Character development is required. I want to characters evolving and becoming more. I do not want to see instant romances, instant friendships or other such instant circumstances.
    • I may (probably will) alter the rules at some point when necessary. I will notify you when that happens.
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    Post Milestone Guide
  • Post Milestones
    So as I mentioned before, the way we are going to level up our characters abilities will be a group effort. Each time we manage to make a milestone, our characters powers will grow stronger. I will leave it to your discretion if you want this growth to rapid or gradual once the milestone has been met.

    Post Milestones:
    Novice: 301-800
    Adept: 801-5000
    Master: 5001+

    Now this is just a test. I will adjust it a couple times to get the right balance
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