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One x One Lay Me Down {Private}


Autumn Avri Rose




She is brilliant and fluent in six languages, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Russian, Chinese, and Persian. She is a skilled artist who can remake almost any forgery. She is fiery and indepent, not scared of anything. She wants to be rich and free. Most of the time she's happy always smiling seeing the positive in situations, never giving up. She can be unrelenting and loyal to a fault. She cares deeply for her lover and that's the only thing she cares for in this word, with both her parents being dead, he's all she's got.









Name: Christopher

Nicknames: Chris (only allows Autumn to call him that)

Age: 26

Gender: male

Appearance: Handsome with stubble that defines his features. Christopher's eyes are a deep green to compliment his dark brown hair that almost borders on black. He always wears a pristine white shirt with a black tie, a jet black suit with jet black trousers to go with it. He always wears his overcoat and a light and dark blue scarf.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Screenshot_2015-10-02-18-07-00-1.png.e627ef34d40fb6c1ef4db9464b3badc5.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79241" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Screenshot_2015-10-02-18-07-00-1.png.e627ef34d40fb6c1ef4db9464b3badc5.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Very flirtatious, but since he has been with her, he only flirts with her, no one else like he used to. However, sometimes in order to sell a painting to a woman or to get what he wants, he will flirt to get his own way. He knows that he is good at his business and therefore can be cocky at times. Chris cares deeply for Autumn, loving everything about her.


  • Money and lots of it.
  • Food, especially good quality.
  • Reading
  • And of course, his beloved scarf.

Background: He has been in the art business for almost 6 years now. Of course, this is not the type of art business you are thinking of. No, he plans, prepares and participates in heists: stolen paintings to stealing paintings; buying them off the black market to selling them on the black market; making fake paintings to replacing real with the fake. You name it, he does it. He always used to work alone. That was until he met this woman- beautiful, alluring and of course great at heists in the same field as him. Autumn is all he has as his parents kicked him out the house when he was 16. Can you guess what it was for? Petty thievery (multiple times) and then selling stolen items like necklaces and rings. Chris even stole and sold his Mother's priceless diamond necklace and sold it to a highest bidder. And yes, he was originally from a wealthy family...



  • Screenshot_2015-10-02-18-07-00-1.png
    112.2 KB · Views: 14
Well we could start towards the end of the heist. That way we can see what the heist was, what went wrong and how they got away.
Ok so we are doing an art heist correct? I'm thinking where they could go wrong is someone got them on video and that got them identified. Because obviously they would plan everything out wisely avoiding cameras and such to not get caught, but one bystander is all it takes.
Yes correct, we are doing the art heist. ^-^

And yes I think thats a good idea because it is of low probability that a bystander would film it and they wouldn't account for that.

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