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Lay Me Down {Private}


Senior Member


Well this is how it starts Two lovers in the dark

On the run, from the one That they called Sheriff Spark

Six guns by their side and Bullets around the waist

Two shots to the sky Sing the sound for the chase

The safe was nearly empty and They were nearly free

But were seen by the Good eye of the mean Billie Green

And he screamed at the top of his lungs They're on the run

It's the two wild siders Grab your horses and your guns

I said I wish that

We could stay here,

But I fear our time has come

We could ride out in the darkness

Chasing the rising sun

We gotta pack out bags this instant,

We're heading south-bound to the next town

And if we all arrive there so safely,

Baby you can

Lay me down...

Lay me down...

Lay me down...

Lay me down...

Well it's the story of the two

Always on the move.

They got nothing left to lose

'Cept their guns and their wounds

Now they're crossing borders

Sheriffs posse on their tail

They'd rather die together

Than be stuck up in a cell.

They drank up all the whiskey and They partied every night

Like it could be the last The bounty said shoot on sight.

So they chased the endless summer Though it came with the pride.

They wouldn't stop running till They found a paradise.

But the sheriff finally found them with his eyes seeing red.

So the lovers had to shoot him down And fill em full of lead

They were finally free To find a place to lay their head

And when they finally did he looked at her and then he said.

I said I think that we can stay here,

Cause I feel our time has come.

And we can walk down to the ocean,

And sit with the rising sun.

So unpack your bags this instant,

No more running from town to town

And now that we've arrive so safely,

Baby you can

Lay me down...

Lay me down...

Lay me down...

Lay me down...

Well you're my green-eyed girl And I've been running around with you.

It's the afternoon and we got nothing left to do.

So wipe the dirt off, eh Take shirt off,

And we should go hit the cantina, We got work off.

I said it's hot outside Let me go swimming in your eyes.

We've been running for a while

Why don't you lay it on and make smile.

I could never ask for nothing better than this.

It's just tequila and the beach, thats why its salty when we kiss.

I said I think that we can stay here,

Cause I feel our time has come.

And we can walk down to the ocean,

And sit with the rising sun.

So unpack your bags this instant,

No more running from town to town

And now that we've arrive so safely,

Baby you can

Lay me down...

Lay me down...

Lay me down...

Lay me down... Lay me down...

Autumn Avri started the morning the same as she did everyday, but today wasn't an everyday at all. Today her and her fiancé would be pulling off one in a series of art heist they were responsible. Everything had been planned out perfectly as usual, no room for error, and very specific timing. She wore some dressy pants with a white button up blouse, her normal heist attire. Her shoes were simple short black heeled boots that were perfect for escaping.

There was a mischievous smirk on her face as she looked up at the clock. 8:24 read the white wall clock, 8:30 was their cue to start not a minute before not a minute after. She looked across the room to wear her fiancé was waiting in his position. She nodded her head at him and began moving herself into her position. This was by far going to be their biggest pay day and she couldn't wait to shop.

Today they were after a very small platinum and gold statue of an elephant. Market price was $830,000 and they already had their buyer lined up waiting for them. She could hardly contain her excitement the adrenaline giving her a special kindve high she preferred to anything in the world. The clock ticked closer, 8:27. She was right next to the elephant now. Her black wig was wavy covering the right side of her face, her left side she carefully kept positioned away from every camera.

8:29, in one minute the power would go out, from their she would switch out the elephant with a perfect replica she had constucted of much less vaulable material. After she would meet her fiancé and hand him the sculpture so she could be checked upon exiting. He however was disguised as a security and would be able to walk right out the back. Too bad they didn't count on the one bystander video recording it all.

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8:24, 6 minutes until their heist turns into action. 6 minutes was a long time in his mind. You could do a lot with that amount of time. For instance, checking to see whether there are any small flawes with the plan; or perhaps overide the systems to allow safe passage to the item of desire; maybe even fix up the disguise. But in his case, it was something different. Chris moved to his position as soon as she nodded. He was dressed as a security officer, not something he got to do everyday. But of course, he still wore his scarf, hidden away by being tucked out from view.

At 8:27, he stood outside of the double doors which lead to the elephant. Autumn would be there right now, waiting for the clock to tick to 8:30. His security presence would make others overlook what was really going on inside the room. Not only that, but escape was key. With his 'authority', he would just walk straight out of the building with no one suspecting anything. A bag would be in his hand, containing the platinum and gold elephant statue, a true work of art, but also a true priceless artifact. One that would send them to high heavens in riches, or hell depending on which way you look at it...

8:29- He looked at the watch on his wrist. It was nearly time, a minute and it would be blackout time. How? Well, he overided their systems of course. Not quite with hacking, but with a small chip embedded in the circuit. At exactly 8:30, it would blow the circuit, causing a window of opportunity for Autumn to obtain and then conceal the small elephant statue.

Chris continued to look at his watch. 10, 9, 8- Autumn should be ready now. 7, 6, 5- he was in place and ready to take action. 4, 3, 2- everything had gone to plan, their riches were now in their grasp. 1, 0- the lights were out, the overide had worked and now there was a blackout. Chris looked away from his watch, not moving an inch. It was all up to Autumn now...
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The lights blacked out and Autumn wuickly went to work. She unlatched the glass case and removed the elephant wuickly replacing the statues then latching it closed. She put the elephant inside her purse and walked over to the double doors she was to meet him on the other side of. She pushed her way through and slipped the elephant into his pocket and quickly began following the evacuation out of the building.

A few minutes later and she was out of there Autumn Avri had made it past security and down the street the their getaway car. She got inside and quickly removed the wig and began unbuttoning the blouse, this revealed a dress. She slid the pants off and through the clothes out the window along with the wig before speeding off to where she was supposed to meet Chris.

Once in the spot she parked the car and waited tapping her foot nervously. This was always the most nervewracking part. Waiting for her lover to return, she woj,d just die if anything every happened to him. She smiled relieved as she saw him approaching the car. Everything had gone perfect, they would even suspect for a couple months. Or so they thought. Unbeknownst to Autumn a bystander happened to be shooting a video when the lights went out. He Happened to notice what she was doing and turned the camera on her then on the switch she did with Chris.
Chris approached the car, smiling alluringly as he did. He opened the car door and sat inside. Chris always knew that she hated the waiting game but they were experts at what they do. Getting caught wasn't an option, after all they never had. He started taking off his disguise: the security protection vest; the name tag; the pair of shades. He then pulled out his scarf which was tucked behind the security vest. Chris hated not wearing his scarf, of even having it non visible like it was today. But it had to be done, to retrieve any priceless item, a certain level of sophistication had to be conveyed.

Chris then took the priceless elephant statue out of his pocket, to then only put it in a briefcase. This was the safest way to transport it without the risk of breaking it. It looked like a normal, innocent briefcase on the outside, but it was carefully padded and specially molded to hold the statue safetly.

After piling it up on his lap, he leaned forward to reach her. Christopher pressed his lips to hers, stealing a quick kiss. Then he pulled away, waiting for her to drive off so he could dump his disguise out of the window.
Autumn smiled evilly watching him, there it was priceless and beautiful. Everything they had spent the past three months planing for. And it was theirs. She kissed him back happily then sped away taking the long wat back to their hotel being sure no one followed.

They arrived and she valeted the car her and Chris walking in arm in arm. Here they were checked in under false identities. Here they were Mr. And Mrs. Watkins. She smiled greeting the staff as they made their way to the elevators. She remained silent until they were safely in their room three floors from the top.

Once inside she flopped down on the bed and kicked off her boots. She then pulled her dress off over her head leaving her topless in just her black batman panties. She smiled at her lovely fiance.

"Can I see it?" She questioned eagerly her Irish accent thick on her words. She beamed up at him another heist successfully pulled off. At this point it was less about the money, they no longer needed that, they were rich, it was completely about the rush. That adrenaline heart pumping electricity that tingled all through out her body. She was addicted to it, just like she was addicted to him.
Chris just couldn't help but stare at her for a moment, admiring how truly beautiful she was. A smirk played on his face as he did. "You should lay like that more often." He commented flirtatiously before he took off his scarf and hung it up on the hat stand along with his overcoat. Then while unbuttoning his shirt, he walked over to the briefcase.

He threw his shirt on the floor, after all he had enough money not to care what happens to them. Chris then held the briefcase in hand, walking over to Autumn. He then set the briefcase on the bed, right next to her so she could see every detail. Christopher then clicked the briefcase open, holding up the lid to reveal the glory of the priceless elephant statue. He smiled evily as he did so, waiting for her reaction.
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She squealed in pure excitement, how utterly perfect was this. It was beautiful. She let her fingers trace the intricate design before looking up at Chris completely in love. "I fuckin love you babe." She said before tackling him to the sheets in a kiss, careful to not knock over their priceless stolen item. "I can't wait to get paid for this." She said before turning over and switching over the tv.

She knew there was no way they'd been caught but still, she couldn't help but check local news after every heist. She was smiling watching the reported until suddenly she saw a freeze frame of her face beside Chris, along with a headline reading have you seen these thieves? She let out a high pitched squealed and hit chris rather hard in the chest. How could this have happened?!

She watched the story intently practically hanging off the end of the bed unable to get enough information. Did they know their names? Did they know their alias'? We're they coming here? She couldn't believe this. Suddenly the scene changed and showed the video of her taking the elephant and passing it off to Chris. Their completely smothe plan apparently had some fault. Some idiot video taped the whole thing. She fell back on the bed and closed her eyes. "Please roll me a blunt now."
Chris just simply froze as he watched the news. Everything had gone to plan. Nothing went wrong. They had got the elephant statue. But no, something did go wrong. A civilian filmed the whole thing and captured the most important parts of their plan.

Then out of nowwhere, he felt a fist reach his stomach after Autumn's high pitched squeal. Chris clenched his stomach with his hands after the hard blow. Well, didn't she have a fucking good punch?

He couldn't believe what he was hearing on the tv. Everything they had worked for would be ruined if they found them. So many priceless work of arts had been stolen by them and then sold. Usually, theives would get 4 years if they stole on this level. But unlike them, they had stolen so many priceless items, that he had actually lost count. Their money would also be taken away, so they would lose that too. But the worst thing imaginable to him was losing her. He would rather die than lose her forever. She was the only thing he had left in his life. Even if it meant dying to save her, Chris would do it. He shook that thought off as Chris didn't want to think about losing her.

Finally, he was back from completely freezing by the news. Chris then heard her asking him to get her a blunt. He sighed as he rubbed her back in a comforting way. "It will all be okay. I promise." He whispered to her comfortingly. But the truth was, he was trying to make himself believe. After a while, Chris stopped rubbing her back and slipped himself off the bed. He walked over to a table which had everything he needed laid out. Chris took one tabacco paper and some of the cannabis they had. He then carefully placed it within the paper. Chris' hands were shaking from the shock of the news. He was trying to be steady so he didn't waste anything and he then began to roll it with his shaking hands. Chris finally managed it but it wasn't the best he had done. His hands were shaking too much to roll one for himself so he just walked over to her to give Autumn it. Chris placed a hand on her back before handing it to her. "Here you go darlin'." Chris whispered softly before handing it to her and then a box of matches. He was shaking to much to light it for her, but he tried to hide it with a weak smile.
Her eyes looked up at him wide and frightened. "Chris I'm scared, what are we going to do? They'll lock us up for life, I'll....I'll never see you again."the last part choked out of her followed by a few silent tears. She couldn't believe this it was horrendous. She quickly lit a match her fingers fumbling with the joint. She pressed it to her lips and inhaled deeply while holding the match to the tip. Once it was lit she put the match out into the ash tray and inhaled the sweet hot smoke.

"How could this have happens? How could we have not planned for this?" The questions kept coming as the video replayed in her mind. This was not good. It would only be a matter of time before they knew their names, lucky her families dead so she has no one to disappoint. This could not be happening. "Please Chris say I'm dreaming tell me we ate both having the same horrible nightmare." She whispered to him with closed eyes. What the hell could they do now?
Christopher placed his shaky hands on her cheeks. He wiped away her tears, this time his hands had stopped shaking ever so slightly, enough to comfort her. "Its all going to be alright. I will never let you get arrested. Ever." But he knew all too well that he could only try and prevent it. His parents would probably recognise him in the news. Out of spite, they would tell the authorities who he is and with himself already in the system, well he was in effect, already identified. The only thing he could do was protect her and try and run from the situation with his love.

Chris tried to think of what they could do now. "I know its risky, but we should stay here tonight. If we leave now, well they will realise that something is wrong. Then the police will be called out of suspicion. We leave tomorrow morning like planned." Chris explained, now waiting for her response.

She nodded to him agreeing that would be the best plan. Her heart was in her throat and she couldn't believe this had really happened. She brought the joint to het lips taking a few puffs before passing it to Chris.

She smiled weakly at him. "Please don't ever leave me." She spoke to him softly. As if the police could hear her and would bust down their door at any moment. "Chris ill die without you next to me..." She said trailing down and reaching out a shaky hand to grab his. "I need you." Her soft voice broke as she gazed into his eyes.
He took the joint from her, but before he could press it to his lips, she grabbed one of his hands. Her words left Chris in a panicky state as he didn't want her thinking like that. Chris therefore squeezed her hand for both comfort for her and for him aswell. "Listen Autumn. I will never leave you. Ever! I love you and I will do anything to keep you safe. We will get out of this situation. We can take the money we have made and flee the country if thats what it takes. But I will never, ever leave you." He replied in a stern yet comforting tone.

Chris then placed the joint between his lips as he had finished speaking for now. He inhaled the sweet smoke and then took it away from his lips, now holding it in his free hand. "Always remember Autumn, that I love you." Chris said sweetly.
She looked at him nervously. His words on repeat in her mind. She couldn't imagine her life without him shed probably kill herself. This man was her world and all she had left. All she cared about.

She watched as he smoked before pulling him down to the bed and maneuvering so she was against his chest in his arms. "I love you too " she responded firmly. It felt good him reassuring her he'd never leave. Deep down she knew this was true but she couldn't help but be doubtful.
Chris smiled at her words, he smoked it once more before placing it on the bedside table. He then wrapped his arms around her, pulling Autumn closer to his chest. "I know." Chris replied, with a smile on his lips. With that, he pressed his lips to hers, knowing that their love for eachother was unbreakable.

Chris then started to play with her hair. He twisseled part of the front of her red, autumn coloured hair in his fingers. Autumn's hair was soft between his fingers, thus making his smile real and without fault.
Autumn smiled as he kissed her, Everytime they kissed was like the first , with fireworks exploding all around her. She smiled at him feeling as if maybe everything might really be ok. "We'll be ok." She said trying to convince herself more then him. She looked at him, he was ruggedly handsome in thepat upper class kindve way. He made her heart skip a beat Everytime he touched her and she's never really felt that from anyone before. She knew without him her life would be incomplete simply meaningless.

She looked to Chris and softly touched his face tracing the outline of his jaw bone, down his collar coming to rest on his chest right above his heart. Her Fingered traced circles as she smiled contently. For a moment she actually forgot they were officially wanted. "I'll stay with you forever, until my very last breathe." She whispered before pressing her forehead to his and close her eyes.
Chris did the same and closed his eyes. He held the back her head gently with one hand, which was more for comfort than anything. "And I will be with you. Even after I take my last breath on this earth." Chris whispered to her. His other arm was now wrapped around her lower back, keeping her close to him.

She was all he cared about. Autumn was the only family he had. Well, he had family but they were...not on the best of terms. No, she was the only person who truly cared. Who loved him for who he was and not just a man from a wealthy family. That was only apart of him...
She relaxed against his chest happy for moments like this, pure blissful moments. He was incredible, everything she ever dreamed, and all she'd ever need. She got up and closed the statue of the elephant and put it into their safe, not the hotels for the night. She then walked back over to the bed and grabbed the joint relighting it. She I haled deeply before laying against Chris again.

"Tell me everything I will go ok again, and that you love me and would rather die before leaving." She whispered to him, in dire need of the reassurance. She couldn't understand how this happened. She brought the joint to her lips and inhaled again blowing out a few perfect o's. She traced patterns on his skin as he held her there. It always seemed like time stoped in these moments, just for them.
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Christopher breathed in and out deeply, catching hints of the smoke as he did. He knew that she needed comforting. After all, they had just found out that their plan was flawed and they were now being hunted by the authorities. Chris then started to circle a finger around on her back, trying to compose himself as he did.

Once he gained composure, he started to say what she wanted. "I love you Autumn Avri Rose. I love you so much that I would rather die than live without you. I would die to save you. I would die to be with you. But that won't happen because everything is going to be alright. We are going to live somewhere peaceful, where what we say goes. We will get married some day. Then we will live by eachother's side until we grow old, turn grey and eventually die. I love you Autumn Avri Rose and nothing can happen to make me change my mind." Chris finished with confidence that filled him. He just hoped that confidence would fill her too...
With every word Autumns smile grew brighter and wider, he was perfect. Every word filled her up giving her hope, and making her feel as if they might actually have a chance to survive this. She looked up at him before kissing him loving,y and passionately. Her body felt so perfect against his warm strong chest. She was in complete love.

This man and her just might bean,e to survive this I mean they were smart they were rich and they were cunning. How could some lowly FBI agents stand a chance. They didn't. Because together Chris and Autumn were unstoppable.

"They'll never get us babe, were unstoppable together." She whispered to him before slowly falling asleep. The events of the day mixed with the smoke catching up to her.
Chris smiled as he saw her slowly falling asleep, taking the remanents of the joint off of her and placing it on the bedside table. He then wrapped both of his arms around her after pulling the bedsheet over them both. Today he needed her close to him, now more than ever. Chris sighed quietly to himself before closing his eyes. All he wanted was to wake up tomorrow and not find the FBI at the door. Chris doubted that that would happen. In fact, he knew that it wouldn't. But that thought was still there, playing on his mind until he finally managed to fall asleep...
The next morning Autumn awkke, scared the memory of yesterday flooding in like a tsunami. She'd knew eventually they'd be caught and they had gotten away with so many robberies, but she just didn't think it would be now, or like this. No matter what she rather die by Chris' side then be stuck in a cell without him. Nope she couldn't even bear to think that.she shook the thought from her head before glancing at him, he looked so calm so peaceful.

She smiled as she watched his breathing chest rise and fall, carefully she peeled herself away and got up. She dressed herself and put on some combat boots before quietly exiting the room. She looked around scared for a moment before going to her car. She was glad the video had her I. Her wig and sunglasses, so going out shouldn't be too risky but still, she was frightened. She drove to an ihop and walked inside. She order cinnamon roll French toast with cinnamon brioche bread and extra extra bacon, she then ordered Chris' favorite. When the order was done she got up and retrieved it.

She drove back to their hotel, and took the food upstairs greeting the staff as normal. She entered the room and set the food down on the marble table before going to waking up her lover. "I got your favorite baby." She said to him while kissing is face with every word in various places.
He awoke with the sound of Autumn's voice and her sweet kisses. Slowly, Chris opened his eyes to see Autumn surprisingly happy. To see her happy only made him smile as all he ever wanted was for her to be so. Chris then stretched sleepily, trying to wake himself up. "Good morning beautiful." He replied before stealing a quick kiss.

Chris then sat up on the edge of the bed. Then he suddenly registered what she had said. "Did you say something about my favourite?" He questionned, raising his eyebrows. "It wouldn't by any chance be almond croissant would it?" Chris asked with a hopeful smile on his face. He sure did hope it was, then again she always knew his favourites. So, chances are it was.
She smiled happily at him her green eyes twinkling. "Come and find out." She told him motioning to the table. She pulled out all the food setting it up at the table. She sat down and opened her box inhaling deeply. This was a much needed breakfast.

She grabbed her coffee and took a deep drink happily. She set the cup down then began cutting into her cinnamon brioche French toast. The taste was perfect exactly what she needed to start their journey officially on the run. She grimaced an uneasy look passing over her face before she shook the thought from her mind.
Chris got up and walked over to the table. He came behind her, resting his arms on her neck. Chris then peered over into the box and his face lit up. It was indeed an almond croissant, his absolute favourite food for breakfast. "You really do know what I love." He said, grinning at her before planting a firm kiss on her cheek.

Chris then pulled his arms away and walked over to the chair next to Autumn and sat down. Before grabbing the almond croissant, he saw another cup of coffee. Just what he needed. So Chris took a sip of his coffee before moving onto the croissant. But when he did, the flavour of the almond filled his mouth and the flaky pastry crunched as he chewed. Christopher sighed as this was truly a heavenly breakfast.

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