Laura Grey


Word Assassin


~Basic Info~

Name: Laura Elizabeth Grey

Age (12-30): 24

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: 

Height: 5'10

Weight: 147lbs


Hair Color: Maple syrup colored

Eye Color: Dark brown 

Skin Color: Peach and splotchy

Laura has the the body shape of a pole, often with a track suit hung on it. She doesn't have much weight to speak of, or any voluptuous curves. Her hair is a mess because she has more immediate priorities like the demonic threat, it's naturally straight and flat. Wire framed glasses usually sit on her pointed nose. Laura appears at first glace like a nervous, peculiar person. Which is somewhat the case. Her emotions are broadcast loudly especially in her forehead and thin eyebrows. She's not anyone's standard of beauty, but could be called striking at certain times. 


Angelic Traits: Loyal, Brave, Compassionate

Devilish Traits: Cunning, Obsessive, Secretive 

Laura is terrified of the demonic threat, but her feelings about helping people are stronger. Her psyche is incredibly formidable. When a problem presents itself, Laura deconstructs it with her mind. Her methodical approach can delve into OCD territory, making a simple issue into a more complex one. A trait which can often lead her into thinking in repetitive circles. She's a little eccentric and out there, but outwardly friendly. All in all, Laura is on humanity's side in the fight and is preoccupied with bettering their chances. She doesn't particularly like the idea of angels, but finds them much preferable to demons. 


Previous Home (Can be anywhere in the world): Churchill, Nevada 

Previous Occupation: English Major, Art History Minor/ Freelance Portrait Artist 

Why did you visit Vatican City/Why did you volunteer?:

Laura visited the Vatican as a tourist. She has a fascination with the history and art. When the city cut itself off from the rest of the world, Laura was trapped. She made the trip alone and didn't have anyone to rely on. If someone could shelter her from the demonic threat, Laura reasoned, it'd be the church. She volunteered because it served multiple purposes: 1. Laura could learn to defend herself  2. She would have access to information unavailable to others 3. She could eliminate demons and help others. It helps that Laura has a healthy degree of hatred toward the demons. 
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